Initial Publication Date: June 23, 2020

Teaching Online Introductory Geoscience Labs Webinar and Discussion

Thursday, July 23, 2020

10:00am PT | 11:00am MT | 12:00pm CT | 1:00pm ET


Adrianne Leinbach, Wake Technical Community College
Bridget James, San Francisco State University

Webinar Description

This fall, many instructors in higher education and K-12 will be teaching online or hybrid course formats, or they want to be prepared for a transition to online teaching during the academic year. If you are thinking, "How should I teach intro labs online?" This webinar is for you! This webinar and discussion provide support to instructors for teaching online introductory geoscience labs with brief presentations from a panel of experienced online instructors. The webinar will include approaches and strategies for teaching online labs, examples of activities, and best practices for engaging students. Following the panelists' presentations (20-25 minutes), participants will join smaller group discussions in breakout rooms to discuss concerns, ideas, and resources for online introductory geoscience labs (25 minutes). The webinar panelists teach at the college and university level, though resources and approaches are relevant to secondary education instructors.


Click to view or download the webinar recording (MP4 Video 486.7MB Jul23 20).