For Education Professionals
Are you an education and outreach professional for a geoscience organization? Do you run internship programs for geoscience students? Do you create curricular materials or educational products for use in geoscience classrooms? NAGT and has many resources and programs to support Earth education professionals, cinluding connecting with other Earth education professionals like yourself.
Member benefits for education professionals
- Sponsorship for your programs and sessions
- Access to research in the Journal of Geoscience Education
- Opportunities to share your work through webinars, articles in our member magazine In The Trenches, and leading workshops
- Member discount for professional development at the annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous
- Community support for NGSS implementation and NGSS-aligned activities in Teach the Earth
- Opportunities to join communities of shared interest including geoscience education researchers and teacher educators
- Monthly newsletter to keep you in the loop of the geoscience education community
Read more about member benefits and join NAGT today!
Professional Development
Earth Educators' Rendezvous
The Earth Educators' Rendezvous is an annual 5-day meeting that includes multi-day workshops, contributed talks and posters, short workshops, round table discussions, teaching demonstrations, plenary sessions, and working groups. This is the most fun and productive meeting you will go to!
NAGT sponsors an active and varied webinar series that provides opportunities for you to learn from experts and your peers. Past webinars are archived for your use.
Geoscience Education Research
Geoscience Education Research
This set of resources about geoscience education research (GER) was developed by the community to facilitate getting involved in GER. They include a GER Toolbox, the NSF-funded community framework for GER, and many other resources to connect you to this community.
Journal of Geoscience Education
NAGT's research journal, the Journal of Geoscience Education, is an excellent venue for your own work as well as to find out more about new research. You can access the journal through your member login.
Regional Sections
Connect with others in your geographic region through the NAGT Sections. Sections may host local field trips and meetings, share resources, and advocate for local issues.
Professional Interest Divisions
NAGT Divisions help to connect members with similar professional interests including teacher education, geoscience education research, and 2-year college instructors.
NAGT at Meetings
Connect with us at meetings such as the American Geophysical Union (AGU) annual meeting, and the Geological Society of America (GSA) annual and regional meetings, including the Geoscience Educators' Reception at GSA.
Contribute to Teach the Earth
Do you have excellent activities and courses you want to share and have reviewed? You contribute activities and course descriptions to the collections in Teach the Earth.