The NAGT leadership consists of an Executive Committee that includes both elected volunteer leaders and appointed leaders. The Executive Office supports the work of the Executive Committee. The Council is advisory to the Executive Committee.
Executive Committee
Become a leader of NAGT
Get involved in the work of the Association. Members can nominate themselves or someone else to become an elected officer.
Elected officers
President: Rory McFadden
SERC at Carleton College
1st Vice-President: Katherine Ryker
University of South Carolina-Columbia
2nd Vice-President: Lynsey LeMay
Virginia Peninsula Community College
Past-President: Reginald Archer
Tennessee State University
Secretary/Treasurer: Michael Phillips
Illinois Valley Community College
Alex Manda
East Carolina University
2021-2025Michael Hubenthal
EarthScope Consortium
2022-2025Nancy Chen
Harvard-Westlake School
2023-2026Cody Kirkpatrick
Indiana University-Bloomington
2023-2026Brendan Hanger
Colorado School of Mines
2024-2027Sean Tvelia
Suffolk County Community College
Appointed Officers
Executive Director: Anne Egger
Central Washington University
JGE Editor in Chief: Allison Jolley (AJ)
Director and Chair of the Board, Deep Time Institute
March 2025-December 2026
In the Trenches Editor: Redina Finch
Western Illinois University
NAGT Media Editor: Cheryl Manning
OrbWeaver Consulting
Professional Development Committee Chair: Karen Viskupic
Boise State University
NAGT Historian: Gene Pearson
University of the Pacific
Executive Office Staff
Mitchell Bender-Awalt, Project Coordinator
Rebeccah Bradley, Finance Specialist
Monica Bruckner, Website Manager
Amy Collette, Financial & Administrative Director
Brianna Douglas, Administrative Assistant
NAGT Council
The Council is made up of the Executive Committee, the presidents of NAGT Sections and Divisions, and official representatives to affiliated societies. The Council is advisory to the Executive Committee.
Learn more about NAGT Sections and Section leadership.
Learn more about NAGT Divisions and Division leadership.
Affiliated Society and Organization Liaisons
NAGT has affiliations and partnerships with other organizations and groups that have shared goals in the Earth sciences and Education. Liaisons to those and other organizations are listed below.
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - Catherine Riihimaki ('23-'26)
- American Geosciences Institute (AGI) Associated Societies - Katherine Ryker (ex officio)
- Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) - Jamie MacDonald ('23-'26)
- Geological Society of America (GSA) Associated Societies - Lynsey LeMay (ex officio)
- Geological Society of America (GSA) Education Division and Education Standing Committee - Jamie MacDonald ('23-'26)
- Geological Society of America (GSA) Meeting Joint Technical Program Committee - Katherine Ryker (ex officio)
- National Association of Black Geoscientists (NABG) - Reginald Archer ('19-'26)
Much of NAGT's work is accomplished through the work of members who volunteer their time and effort on our committees. Learn more about NAGT committees and committee leadership.