For Departments
NAGT and its sponsored projects have many resources and programs to help support geoscience and interdisciplinary departments.
Member benefits for heads and chairs
- Support for your department as it evolves through the Traveling Workshops Program
- Professional development for your new faculty through the long-running Early Career workshop
- Promotion of your field course to recruit students
- Ability to recognize your students through Outstanding Teaching Assistant awards, the NAGT-USGS Cooperative Summer Fellowship, and Scholarships for Field Study
- Promotion of job opportunities in your department and university through our Career Hub
- A monthly newsletter filled with professional development and other opportunities to share with your faculty
Read more about member benefits and join NAGT today!
Planning for change
Traveling Workshops Program
Departments and programs can request a traveling workshop to bring experienced facilitators to your campus for a two-day workshop or to a multi-session virtual workshop. The workshops engage everyone in your department, program, or network in reflection and action to make your culture, curriculum, and/or courses more effective and inclusive.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Resources from Teach the Earth
Search all of the DEIJ resources in NAGT's Teach the Earth portal.
Broaden Participation in the Geosciences
These pages are a synthesis of advice based on broadening participation work done by faculty members and administrators involved in many programs sponsored by NAGT as well as partners in the discipline. There are many components that can be involved (such as demonstrating the relevance to students' lives, using active pedagogies, or developing a sense of community among students in a program). The examples of how other educators and institutions have achieved success with some key practices are particularly valuable for those engaged in broadening participation in the geosciences.
Facilitating Meetings that Foster Equity and Inclusivity
The professional life of an educator inevitably includes leading meetings and workshops as part of daily program operations, professional development, strategic planning, and so on. These webpages include resources to help you successfully facilitate a meeting or workshop with the goals of running the meeting in a way that promotes equity and inclusivity and fostering meaningful dialogue on topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the geosciences and beyond.
Resources from NAGT's DEI Committee
This set of resources was compiled by the NAGT Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and contains resources for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in your department and in your classes.
Attracting, supporting, and preparing minority students in geoscience from InTeGrate

NAGT's TWP also has a track for Supporting the Success of All Students that includes components that emphasize understanding your current students and community, supporting the whole student, transitioning students into your program from multiple contexts, and launching them onto the next phases of their life (e.g. education, career).
Resources from the ADVANCEGeo Partnership
The ADVANCEGeo Partnership is empowering (geo)scientists to transform workplace climate. This compilation includes resources that address anti-racism; creating inclusive virtual spaces; codes of conduct; creating inclusive climates; and recognizing bias, among other resources.
Careers and Workforce Preparation
Building Geoscience Workforce Skills and Awareness
This collection of resources and activities is organized to provide you with background knowledge about the geoscience workforce and desired workforce skills, and then to explore strategies for supporting students in building workforce skills and awareness.
Strengthen workforce preparation in your program from InTeGrate
This resource from InTeGrate outlines strategies for incorporating careers and workforce preparation throughout your program, and provides examples of programs that have done so.
NAGT's Career Hub
Are you actively hiring? Consider posting your job advertisement on our Career Hub, which includes promotion on our LinkedIn page as well.
NAGT/USGS Cooperative Summer Fellowship Program
Started in 1965, the NAGT/USGS Cooperative Summer Fellowship Program is the longest continuously running internship program in the Earth sciences. Since it began, more than 2400 students have participated in this program with an impressive number of these individuals becoming full-time employees of the USGS. Department chairs, program heads, and field camp directors nominate students for the program.
Teacher Preparation and K-12 Connections
Prepare Future Teachers from InTeGrate
This resource describes the relationships between geoscience departments and teacher preparation programs, and provides strategies and examples for getting involved—and reasons why you might want to do so.
NAGT Position Statement: The Importance of Dual Credit and Concurrent Enrollment to the Geosciences
This position statement recommends strong connections between secondary and post-secondary institutions to develop and offer dual-credit and concurrent enrollment in Earth science courses.
Do you have colleagues or students that deserve recognition for their achievements? Go to the NAGT Awards page to see all of our awards. The following might be of particular relevance to departments.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
NAGT recognizes outstanding teaching assistants with two award deadlines annually (December 15 and June 15). Both undergraduate and graduate teaching assistants are eligible for the award, which consists of a one year membership in NAGT, recognition on the website, and a certificate.
Excellence in JEDI Award
The Excellence in Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Award is presented annually to an individual or group who has made significant contributions to JEDI in geoscience.
Stimulation of Interest in the Earth Sciences: Neil Miner Award
This award is given every year to an individual for exceptional contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth sciences.
AGU Heads and Chairs Program
NAGT collaborates with the AGU Heads and Chairs Program to support geoscience programs on issues related to curriculum and faculty and student support.