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Association Awards

Distinguished Service: Robert Christman Award
The Robert Christman Distinguished Service Award recognizes individuals who have provided long, distinguished service to the Association at the national and/or section level.
Stimulation of Interest in the Earth Sciences: Neil Miner Award
The Neil Miner Award recognizes individuals for exceptional contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth sciences.
Excellence in Earth Science Writing and Editing: James H. Shea Award
The James Shea Award recognizes individuals for exceptional contributions in the form of writing or editing of Earth science materials (broadly construed) that are of interest to the general public and/or teachers of Earth Science.
Excellence in JEDI Award
The Excellence in Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Award recognizes individuals or groups who have made significant contributions to JEDI in geoscience.
Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE) Awards
JGE awards are presented annually with nominations solicited from JGE readers, authors, and editors. For more information about the awards, click on the links below. The nomination deadline for JGE awards is June 15.
Outstanding Paper Award

Outstanding Reviewer Award
The Outstanding Reviewer Award recognizes a reviewer who (1) provides reviews of exceptional quality, (2) completes reviews more quickly than average, and/or (3) completes more reviews than average.
K-12 Educator Awards
NAGT recognizes the work of K–12 teachers through the Outstanding Earth Science Teacher (OEST) award program, established in 1971.
Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Award (OEST)
The Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Award recognizes precollege teachers who have made exceptional contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth sciences. Each NAGT section selects a section winner; sections may also have state winners. Read more about the award and the details of the timeline and nomination process.
Student Awards

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
The Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award recognizes undergraduate and graduate students for their work as teaching assistants. Up to 30 awards are given annually. The nomination deadlines for the Outstanding Teaching Assistant awards are June 15 and December 15.
Division Awards
Each of NAGT's topical divisions offers awards. Please visit the award pages to view the nomination deadlines and processes for selection.
Geo2YC: The Two-Year College Division Awards
Geo2YC's Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award (OAFA) recognizes adjunct (part-time) faculty who work to support student learning at two-year colleges.
Geoscience Education Research (GER) Division Awards
The Geoscience Education Research Division (GER) offers three awards that recognize individuals at different stages in their careers:
- The Early Career Award
- The Collaboration and Growth (Mid-Career) Award
- The Transformation (advanced career) Award
Teacher Education Division (TED) Awards
The Teacher Education Division's Earth Science Teacher Leader Award recognizes K-12 geoscience teachers who distinguish themselves through service to their professional community, distinction in their classroom, and dedication to informal geoscience opportunities or field work for their students.