For Students
NAGT offers resources and support for both undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduates completing programs in geoscience or teacher education, graduate students who anticipate academic careers, and any students who are conducting research in geoscience education are especially encouraged to become members of NAGT.
Member benefits for students
- Focused professional development opportunities for teaching assistants and future faculty
- Access to teaching strategies in our member magazine, In The Trenches, and to new research in the Journal of Geoscience Education
- A monthly newsletter to keep you in the loop, including job announcements and award deadlines
- Professional networking and community-building opportunities
- Recognition for your teaching at the national level with the Outstanding Teaching Assistant award
- Scholarships for field study and grants for professional development
Read more about member benefits and join NAGT today!
Undergraduate Field Courses and Scholarships
NAGT supports undergraduate students in finding and attending field courses, including in-person, hybrid, and online.
Looking for a field camp?
Browse a list of field camps offering in-person, hybrid, or online opportunities. Field camp directors and instructors add camps on an annual basis.
Scholarships for Field Study
These awards are available for students attending field courses at any time of year and can be applied to face-to-face, virtual, or hybrid courses. The intent of the awards is to support students' participation in intensive field courses in any aspect of geoscience.
Career Prep
NAGT hosts resources and professional development for graduate students and post-docs interested in pursuing academic careers.
Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences
As you prepare to begin your career as a geoscience faculty member, you're probably wondering how to land a job you'll enjoy, as well as what you can do now to lay the groundwork for a successful career in academia. These webpages are a gateway to resources you can use to achieve your goals.
Career Prep Workshops
These workshops are held annually, alternating between a virtual workshop in odd years and a workshop held at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous in even years. Graduate students and post-docs interested in academic careers are encouraged to attend.
Career Prep Workshop Grants
Thanks to generous donations from NAGT members and donors, a fund was established to support students attending the Preparing for an Academic Career workshop held at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous.
Leadership and Career Opportunities
NAGT/USGS Cooperative Summer Fellowship Program

Career Hub
Find geoscience education related job opening, postdoctoral positions, internships, assistantships, and undergraduate research opportunities in the NAGT Career Hub!
NAGT Leadership Opportunities
Several NAGT committees, divisions, and sections have student representatives. Find out more about committee composition and submit a nomination form to get involved!