Initial Publication Date: June 30, 2022


We welcome contributions to the news from our leaders and members.

  • Do you have an upcoming NAGT event? Submit your event to be featured on our public calendar, shared on social media, or included in our announcements on the NAGT website!
  • Do you have an announcement, event, or resource to share? Contribute news and announcements in the monthly NAGTNews about events, professional development opportunities, new resources, and other opportunities of interest to the NAGT community.
  • Did you or did someone you know win an award, or receive recognition for their work? Submit community kudos so we can celebrate those achievements with the community.
  • Do you have a great photo or image that illustrates geoscience teaching and learning? Share photos and images that show students and instructors engaged in teaching and learning in any setting, illustrate high-impact practices in the classroom and beyond, highlight the nature of geoscience education research, demonstrate the diversity of our community, and help others envision what we do.