For K-12 Educators
NAGT and its sponsored projects have many resources and programs to help support Earth educators in elementary, middle, and high schools.
Member benefits for K-12 educators
- Member discounts for professional development at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous
- Community support for NGSS implementation and NGSS-aligned activities in Teach the Earth
- Grants for professional development
- Access to new strategies in our member newsletter, In The Trenches member magazine, and the Journal of Geoscience Education
- Networking, resources, and professional learning opportunities offered by our Teacher Education Division and local NAGT sections
- Opportunities for recognition via the Outstanding Earth Science Teacher and Teacher Leader awards
Read more about member benefits and join NAGT today!
Teaching resources
Teach the Earth
Teach the Earth is NAGT's portal to Earth education resources. You can explore the entire Teach the Earth site, or browse all K-12 resources.

Earth Science Week
NAGT participates in Earth Science Week, an annual program led by the American Geosciences Institute.
Visit our Earth Science Week page to find high quality, reviewed resources that are aligned with each year's theme.
CLEAN Collection
This collection of resources for teaching about climate and energy has been carefully curated and can be browsed by subject, grade level, and the NGSS. Sponsored by NAGT
In the Trenches
Our members-only journal, In the Trenches, highlights classroom-ready teaching strategies and resources.
Professional development
Earth Educators' Rendezvous

Earth science and the NGSS
Our webinar series Implementing the Next Generation Science Standards, offered in partnership with AGI and NESTA, offers strategies and opportunities for effective implementation of the NGSS and other standards based on the Framework for K-12 Science Education.
Connect with your regional section
Many of our regional sections offer field forums and/or other professional development opportunities. Connect with your section leadership to find out more.
Search and browse K-12 professional development opportunities
This resource developed by the NGSS-ESS working group allows you to search professional development opportunities offered by various organizations available for K-12 teachers across a variety of topical areas, grade levels, and formats. You can also submit new opportunities using a form.
Professional development grant: Dorothy Stout Grants
K-12 educators are eligible to apply for the Dorothy Stout Professional Development Grant, which provides up to $750 for participation in Earth science classes or workshops, attendance at professional scientific or science education meetings, participation in Earth science field trips, or purchase of Earth science materials for classroom use.
Earth Educators' Rendezvous Stipends
K-12 educators are eligible for support from the Earth Educators' Rendezvous participation fund. Information about stipends will be available on the Earth Educators' Rendezvous website for each year's meeting.
Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Award
Outstanding Earth Science Teacher (OEST) awards are given for exceptional contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth sciences at the pre-college level. Any K-12 teacher or other educator who covers a significant amount of Earth science content with their students is eligible. Learn more about the award and nomination process.