Supporting the Success of All Students
Workshop Description

The Supporting the Success of all Students Workshop has 5 flexible components that emphasize understanding your current students and community, supporting the whole student, supporting all students, and transitioning students into your program from multiple contexts, and launching them onto the next phase of their life (e.g. education, career).The workshop provides activities and resources for assessing where you are now as well as planning and implementing actions that can be taken on a range of timescales (from immediate to long range).
This workshop session offers best practices in attracting students, and under-represented minorities (URMs) in particular, in diverse educational settings, including two-year and four year-colleges and institutions, public and private institutions, to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), Minority Serving Institutions (MSI), Tribal Colleges, to successfully transition to Science fields (including geosciences) through having well-planned strategies to meet students' needs to prosper at every stage of transition.
There are options for tailoring workshop components and activities to the needs of your program or institution.
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Identify curricular challenges students face in their department and co-curricular barriers to students' success in achieving graduation and career goals;
- Create personal and program-level action plans to strengthen support for all students in the context of their institution and region
Connect Justice to Sustainability
Increase the Diversity of your Graduates