Initial Publication Date: August 29, 2024

Request a Workshop

Please review the workshop process (opens in a new window) and themes and formats (opens in a new window) before completing this request form.

Use this form to request a Traveling Workshop for your department, institution, organization, or group.

You will be notified of the status of their request within approximately 3 weeks. The management committee may contact you for clarification prior to accepting your workshop. Due to the time it takes to plan a customized workshop, please submit your request a minimum of 2 months (and preferably 3 months for longer workshops) before the desired workshop date.

If you log in before you fill out this form you'll be able to save incomplete drafts and return to this page to complete and submit them later.


If you are not logged in to an account, you will need to complete the form in one sitting. Consider composing answers to prompts in a word processor.

Expected audiences (check all that apply):

For the questions below, you may wish to compose your responses in a word processing program and copy and paste.

By completing this request, I certify that if the Department/Program/Institution/Group is selected to host a workshop, we will meet the expectations outlined for the workshop requested.

Please review the workshop process (opens in new window), including host responsibilities and fees and contracts, before submitting.