Initial Publication Date: December 12, 2013

NAGT Officers: Roles and Responsibilities

NAGT is, for the most part, a volunteer organization. It is officially run by the Executive Committee, but also draws upon the expertise of the NAGT Council, various Awards committees, Division and Section officers, and officers from affiliated organizations.

The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee comprises the President, first Vice-President, second Vice-President, Past President, Secretary/Treasurer, Editor of the Journal of Geoscience Education, Executive Director, and six Councilors-at-Large. The elected Second Vice-President serves consecutive one-year terms as Second Vice-President, first Vice-President, President, and Past President. The Secretary/Treasurer and Councilors-at-Large are elected for 3-year terms.

Current Association Officers » Individual Officer Roles and Responsibilities »


The Executive Committee conducts the official business of NAGT. This includes such activities as long-range planning for the organization, oversight of its publications, assisting regional sections in planning and executing their activities, managing the budget, planning and executing activities at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America and other meetings, interacting with other organizations, and many other related activities.

The NAGT Council

The Council is an advisory body made up of the national Officers and the immediate Past-President, the President from each Section and Division (or their representative), standing committee chairs, and official Representatives to other geoscience associations. The Council is advisory in function; it makes recommendations regarding policy and reviews the activities of the Association.

Standing Committees

Get involved in a committee »These committees support NAGT's programs and activities.

Award Committees

NAGT presents several awards each year for a variety of accomplishments. Each award has a supporting committee to handle nominations and determine the best recipient.

  • Robert Christman Distinguished Service Award Committee
  • Neil Miner Award Committee
  • James H. Shea Award Committee
  • Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Award Committee
  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award Committee

Grant and Scholarship Committees

  • Dottie Stout Professional Development Grants Committee
  • Gary Fuis and Stacey Andrews Scholarship Committee
  • Field Camp Scholarship Committee

Program Committees

These committees help run some of NAGT's programs:

  • Professional Development Committee
  • Advocacy Committee
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee


  • Donor Development Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Investment Committee