Math for Earth Science Majors: Building Confidence, Skills, and Success
April 24, 2025
10 AM HST | 12 PM AKDT | 1 PM PDT | 2 PM MDT | 3 PM CDT | 4 PM EDT (1 hour)
Complete the registration form before April 24, 2025.
Will this webinar be recorded?
Yes. The captioned recording will be posted to this webinar page and sent to the NAGT Webinar Series Interest email list.
Eric Baer, Highline College
Rory McFadden, SERC
Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium
Struggling to help your Earth science majors build the quantitative skills they need?
Join us for this dynamic webinar designed for undergraduate instructors. Learn how the14 math and statistics modules developed byThe Math Your Earth Science Majors Need project can seamlessly integrate into your courses, reinforcing key math and stats concepts in a geoscience context. Discover ready-to-use, self-paced resources that have been shown to boost student confidence and success across a range of courses and institutions. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your students' math skills—and your teaching!
Webinar Goals
Participants will:
- Access and explore online modules
- Learn strategies for integrating quantitative skills into Earth science courses and strengthening students' experience with math in a geosciences context.
Duration: 1 hour
Format: Presentations will take place through a Zoom Meeting screen-sharing session. The webinar will be recorded.
Accessing the Webinar: Instructions for joining the webinar will be emailed to participants the day before the event. Learn more about accessing the webinar.
Questions? Please contact Ashley (they/them) at if you have any questions about this event.