Webinar: Geoheritage Elements to Enrich ESS Teaching
Thursday, May 13, 2021
1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET
Erika Vye, MI Technological University
Ed Robeck, AGI
Eric Pyle, James Madison University
Missy Holzer, Great Minds PBC
Aida Awad, Education Consultant, AIU
Presentation and Resources:
- Geoheritage Elements to Enrich ESS Teaching Presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 51.6MB May14 21)
- Geoheritage Elements to Enrich ESS Teaching Webinar Chat (Text File 7kB May14 21)
- Earth Educators' Rendezvous Workshop: Preparing for Student Creation of Virtual Contexts for Exploring Geoscience Environments
Webinar Description:
The fascinating phenomena of Earth and space science takes on heightened relevance in learners' lives when presented through the frameworks of geoheritage and place-based education.
Geoheritage has a long-standing tradition worldwide as an approach to honoring the ways that human history and the geosphere interact. As geoheritage becomes an increasingly important feature of geoscience, it can also inform approaches to Earth and Space Science (ESS) instruction. This webinar will provide background and exploratory approaches to making use of geoheritage frameworks to enrich, enliven, and integrate ESS across disciplines. For example, geoheritage provides ways to enhance the relevance of locally-focused ESS instruction by making explicit connections with Earth systems and processes in other locations, such as the iconic locations often featured in ESS instructional resources.
Duration: 1 hour
Format: Presentations will take place through a Zoom Meeting screen-sharing session. The webinar will be recorded.
Accessing the Webinar: Instructions for joining the webinar will be email to participants the day before the event. Learn more about accessing the webinar.
Questions? Please contact Mitchell Bender-Awalt (mawalt@carleton.edu) if you have any questions about this event.
Webinar Organizers:
Aida Awad (NAGT)
Edward Robeck (American Geosciences Institute)
Missy Holzer (NESTA)
Mitchell Bender-Awalt (National Association of Geoscience Teachers)
With the NGSS Earth and Space Science Working Group