Webinar: NGSS Across the Sciences Curriculum
May 11, 2017
1:00 PM Pacific | 2:00 PM Mountain | 3:00 PM Central | 4:00 PM Eastern
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Webinar Description
The Next Generation Science Standards focuses on four domains of disciplinary core ideas: the Earth and space sciences; physical sciences; life sciences; and engineering, technology and applications of science. Storylines around topics and bundles of performance expectations are created as curricular units are developed. These cut across the disciplinary core idea domains in many cases. In this webinar we will hear from three organizations working to provide resources that support comprehensive implementation of NGSS: Jo Ellen Roseman will introduce curricula developed through AAAS Project 2061; James Kessler will introduce the American Chemical Society middle school chemistry resource; and Aleeza Oshry will introduce a planning guide for implementation developed through her work at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Download the Webinar Slides (Acrobat (PDF) 6.4MB May30 17)
Dr. Jo Ellen Roseman, AAAS, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Dr. James Kessler, ACS, American Chemical Society
Dr. Aleeza Oshry, Science Education Fellow, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Webinar Resources
From Dr. Roseman
- Toward High School Biology: Understanding Growth in Living Things - This report describes an 8th grade biology curriculum developed by AAAS Project 2061.
- New Curriculum Outperforms Traditional Biology Materials, AAAS, December 2016.
- Roseman, J.E., Herrmann-Abell, C.F., and Koppal, M. (2017). Designing for the Next Generation Science Standards: Educative Curriculum Materials and Measures of Teacher Knowledge, Journal of Science Teacher Education, v 28, n 1, p 111.
- MiddleSchoolChemistry.com
- Water on Waxed Paper Video ( 3.8MB May11 17)
- Food Coloring in Water Video ( 2.4MB May11 17)
- Food Coloring in Hot and Cold Water Video ( 2.2MB May11 17)
- BIOINTERACTIVE Planning Guide (Acrobat (PDF) 1021kB May12 17)
- TEMPLATE Planning Guide (Acrobat (PDF) 894kB May12 17)
Webinar Organizers:
Susan Sullivan (CIRES, U of Colorado) susan.sullivan at colorado.edu
Aida Awad (Maine East High School, Park Ridge, IL)
Edward Robeck (American Geosciences Institute)
John McDaris (National Association of Geoscience Teachers)
With the NGSS Earth and Space Science Working Group