Webinar: NSTA Resources for NGSS in the Earth and Space Sciences
September 8, 2016

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Webinar Description
The Framework for K-12 Science Education and resultant Next Generation Science Standards are having an impact on pre-college science curricula nationwide, regardless of the adoption status of NGSS by individual state or local education agencies. The Earth & Space Science strands within these documents offer a comprehensive, longitudinal approach to Earth science curriculum development, but with them come several hurdles. The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), as the national leader in science education, has developed a range of materials that are designed to at least lower these barriers, including those that support the development of NGSS-based curricula, the professional development and preparation of teachers of science K-12, assessment specifications, and building administrative support for implementation of NGSS-based instruction. This webinar will highlight the capabilities of the NSTA NGSS portal, NSTA print and e-book publications, and the NSTA Learning Center with respect to Earth & Space Science performance expectations. Pathways for the development of new materials to enhance NGSS-ESS offerings will also be discussed.
Eric Pyle, NSTA Preservice Teacher Preparation Division Director and James Madison UniversityWebinar Organizers:
Susan Sullivan (CIRES, U of Colorado) susan.sullivan at colorado.edu
Aida Awad (Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow)
Edward Robeck (American Geosciences Institute)
John McDaris (National Association of Geoscience Teachers)
With the NGSS Earth and Space Science Working Group