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Webinar: Why is "If it can't be grown, it must be mined" important in your ESS classroom?
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About NAGT
Our Work
Professional Development
Traveling Workshops Program
Implementing the NGSS
Traveling through time with the International Ocean Discovery Program Webinar
Geoscience Teaching and Learning in the Time of AI
Ocean Acidification Bridging Earth Science and Chemistry
Earth Science Week: Providing Multi-Faceted Support for NGSS-ESS Instruction
A New Take on the Water Cycle
Data Puzzle Project
Teaching Earth and Space Science with PhET Interactive Simulations
Evaluating Lessons Using the NSTA Sensemaking Tool
An NGSS Approach to Exploring our Solar System
Using the Lens of the Crosscutting Concepts to Design Effective Earth Science Learning Experiences
I had no idea assessments could actually be joyful!
Why is "If it can
Exploring the Earth System with Understanding Global Change
Beyond Interactive Maps: Building StoryMaps
Webinar: Where are we with NGSS Implementation?
Webinar: Teaching Earth Science with Interactive Maps
Webinar: Welcome Back! Making science education meaningful through designing authentic ESS learning to reach all students
Webinar: Geoheritage Elements to Enrich ESS Teaching
Webinar: Social Media, from the chat room to the classroom
Webinar: Inspiring ALL Geoscience Learners Nationwide with PBS
Webinar: Soil Biology, Chemistry, and Physics… Oh My!
Webinar: Using an American Museum of Natural History Teaching Case to Analyze and Interpret Patterns of Ice Mass Loss in Greenland and Antarctica
Passing the Sniff Test: What Matters Most When Looking at Earth and Space Science Instructional Materials
NGSS-ESS Mini-series: MORE! Remote Teaching & Learning Resources, part 2
NGSS-ESS Mini-series: Remote Teaching & Learning Resources, part 1
Webinar: Promoting Diversity in the Geosciences: Meet the Geoscience Women in STEM
Beyond earthquake locations: (MORE) Modern seismology in the NGSS classroom?
How to “NGSS-ify” the Question Formulation Technique
Teaching Students to Ask their Own Questions
IRIS NGSS Resources
NASA Resources Support Instruction of NGSS Earth System Phenomena
Operationalizing the Earth Science Week theme in K12: Geoscience is for everyone
Using the NGSS to Change Worlds
Webinar: Hands-on Learning About the Atmosphere
Webinar: Revisiting Powell
Webinar: WikiWatershed Toolkit and NGSS
Webinar: Thinking Scientifically in a Changing World
Webinar: A Secondary NGSS Weather Unit
Webinar: A Teacher
Webinar: Quickly Increasing Anthropogenic Global Warming Acceptance
Webinar: Translating the NGSS into Instruction and Classroom Assessment
Webinar: Designing Units Using NGSS Storylines
Webinar: Integrating High School Earth & Space Science into Chemistry Classes
April 2018 NGSS Webinar
Webinar: ESS in HS Physics and Physical Science
Webinar: Federal Education Resources for ESS
Webinar: STEM Teaching Tools
Webinar: Achieve Resources and Tools for NGSS Implementation
Webinar: NGSS Across the Sciences Curriculum
Webinar: NGSS Climate Education with the CLEAN Collection
Webinar: NGSS Curriculum Development
Webinar: Education for Sustainability with the NGSS
Webinar: Making Your Course Worth Their Time
Webinar: Introducing Teachers to the Next Generation Science Standards
NSTA Resources for NGSS in the Earth and Space Sciences
Webinar: Building a State Coalition for NGSS-ESS
Webinar: Supporting Elementary Teachers with the NGSS
Webinar: Classroom Assessment Strategies for NGSS Earth and Space Sciences
Webinar: Helping Educators Use Your Resources
2015 Summit
NGSS Summit Planning
Webinar: Needs and a Call to Action
Webinar: NGSS Earth and Space Science
Follow-on Webinar
Geoscience Education Research
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
NAGT at Meetings
Past Projects
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