2023 Earth Educators' Rendezvous: Register by May 3 for the best rates!
Registration and abstract submissions for poster and Share-a-Thon presentations are open for the ninth annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous, taking place in Pasadena, CA, from July 10-14, 2023! NAGT members receive $100 off registration.
- Check out the program
- Early registration discount deadline is May 3 (standard registration is open through June 30)
- You can also now register for pre- and post- Rendezvous field trips and Wednesday afternoon lab tours of the Caltech Seismo Lab and the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL)
- Apply to participate in the Activity Review Camp by May 3
- Late poster or Share-a-thon presentation submission deadline is May 17
- Graduate student participants in the Preparing for an Academic Career workshop are encouraged to apply for a three hundred dollar grant to help offset costs of participating in the workshop. Apply using this formby April 17.
- Book your lodging - note the upcoming deadlines for staying in on-campus lodging or taking advantage of our hotel group rates
- Order your t-shirt (and other NAGT merch!) from the NAGT Store. Free shipping on t-shirts is available between April 29 and May 3!
- Sign up to receive updates on the 2023 EER
Last Chance to Nominate your colleagues for 2023 NAGT Awards!
Time is running out to nominate yourself or colleagues for 2023 NAGT awards! Check out the awards below and nominate by April 15.
- The Excellence in JEDI Award (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion). Nominate by April 15
- For stimulation of interest in the Earth sciences: Neil Miner Award. Nominate by April 15
- For exceptional contributions in writing or editing of Earth science materials: the James Shea Award. Nominate by April 15
- For service to the Association at the national and/or section level: the Robert Christman Distinguished Service Award. Nominations are on a rolling basis
- Dorothy LaLonde Stout Professional Development Grants to support professional growth in, or classroom teaching of Earth science, for faculty and students at two-year colleges and K12 teachers. Apply by April 15
NAGT Seeks a New Editor-in-Chief for JGE
Do you enjoy learning about research that is happening across the geoscience education community? Are you interested in broadening access to education research and elevating the work of geoscience education researchers? Do you have high standards and a willingness to support editors and authors in meeting those standards? If you answered yes to these questions, this opportunity may be for you! NAGT is seeking a new Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE), NAGT's premier peer-reviewed publication for geoscience education research, to begin serving in Fall 2023. Learn more about the position and submit your application by May 1.
Serve our Community: Join an NAGT committee
Help to guide the work of the organization: NAGT committees are seeking new members. For more information about each committee and to nominate yourself or a colleague, please visit NAGT's Get Involved in NAGT Leadership web page. The following committees are seeking new members:
- Stimulation of Interest in the Earth Sciences: Neil Miner Award Committee (seeking 2 new members)
- Excellence in Earth Science Writing and Editing: James H. Shea Award Committee (seeking 2 new members)
- Scholarships for Field Study Committee (seeking 1 new member)
- Advocacy Committee (seeking new members on an ongoing basis)
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (seeking new members on an ongoing basis)
- Webinar Planning Committee (seeking 2 new members)
- Development Committee (seeking 1 new member)
- We are also excited to announce the new Gary Fuis and Stacey Andrews Scholarship, supporting participation in the NAGT/USGS Cooperative Summer Fellowship Program - committee members are sought for this scholarship committee as well!
Nominate yourself or a colleague
New PreK-12 Professional Development Opportunities Portal
Are you looking for professional development opportunities in Earth science education? We invite you to visit the newly released PreK-12 Professional Development Opportunities portal. The portal was developed by the Next Generation Science Standards in ESS (NGSS-ESS) Working Group, which is a collaboration of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT), the National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA), and the American Geosciences Institute (AGI). The goal of this new resource is to assist ESS teachers as they search for professional development opportunities that meet their needs by making that search as efficient as possible. Experiences being offered include a field trip to the Galapagos Islands, field camps in the southwest U.S., teacher leadership academies, and a week of workshops and technical sessions at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous. These experiences are offered by a very wide range of organizations and include opportunities that offer graduate credit or CEUs and some offering stipends. Stop back frequently as new opportunities are added regularly.
Visit the portal at: https://nagt.org/nagt/k12_educators/k12_pd.html
Reminder: Provide Feedback on Proposed Bylaws Changes
NAGT members are invited to read and comment on revisions to NAGT's bylaws. The revised bylaws, which involve Standing Committees, Meetings, and Regional Sections, will be put to a vote during the May Executive Committee Meeting. Submit any feedback on the bylaws changes by May 1.
Reminder: AGI Offers Free Training in Geoscience Communications to NAGT Members for Limited Time
The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is offering free training in geoscience communications to members of AGI Member Societies (that means you!).
The online course, Practical Geocommunication, is offered by Geologize LTD, which is endorsed by leading geoscience organizations around the world. It is designed to enable geoscientists at all career stages to become more effective and powerful public ambassadors for the geosciences. During the course, participants have access to lessons, quizzes, assignments, and direct interaction with the course instructor, Dr. Haydon Mort, through forums. The training counts as nine hours of Continuing Professional Development, and a certificate is provided upon completion.
The free training opportunity opened on March 1, 2023, and is available for one year. NAGT members can access it using the instructions on this page. Please do not share this with others outside the organization, as it is a member benefit.
Submit Community Kudos

NAGT Webinar: Exploring GeoMagnetism through Citizen Science
Jae Robinson, Holly McCrory, Aamna Sirohey, (all presenters are affiliated with CIRES Education & Outreach, NOAA, and MagVar)
Date & Time: Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 2:30 pm Pacific | 3:30 pm Mountain | 4:30 pm Central | 5:30 pm Eastern
Registration deadline: Monday April 17, 2023
NGSS Webinar: Teaching Earth and Space Science with PhET Interactive Simulations
Rebecca Vieyra, PhET Associate Director of Global Initiatives
Date & Time: Thursday, April 20, 2023, 1:00 pm Pacific | 2:00 pm Mountain | 3:00 pm Central | 4:00 pm Eastern
Registration deadline: Wednesday, April 19, 2023
CLEAN Webinar: Beyond Doom & Gloom: How to Teach Climate Change Towards Empowerment with CLEAN
Alicia Christensen, CIRES Outreach Associate
Date & Time: Thursday, April 20, 2023, 3:00 pm Pacific | 4:00 pm Mountain | 5:00 pm Central | 6:00 pm Eastern (60 minutes)
Register up to event start.
NAGT Webinar: Developing evaluation systems that value diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts: an active workshop for the geosciences
Megan Elwood Madden, Alisa K. Kotash, Elinor R. Martin, Lori A. Snyder, Mashhad Fahs, Gerilyn S. Soreghan, (all presenters are affiliated with The University of Oklahoma)
Date & Time: May 2, 2023, 10:30 am Pacific | 11:30 am Mountain | 12:30 pm Central | 1:30 pm Eastern
Registration deadline: May 1, 2023
NAGT Webinar: Heads and Chairs: What you need to know about nominating students for the NAGT/USGS Cooperative Summer Fellowship Program
Kurt Burmeister, Executive Secretary, NAGT/USGS Cooperative Summer Fellowship Program, Laura Corey, Youth and Education in Science (YES) Program Analyst, U.S. Geological Survey, Anne Egger, Executive Director, NAGT, Eleanour Snow, Youth and Education in Science (YES) Program Manager, U.S. Geological Survey
Date & Time: May 10, 2023, 9 am Pacific | 10 am Mountain | 11 am Central | 12 pm Eastern
A webinar for heads and chairs to learn more about the new nomination process for the NAGT/USGS Cooperative Summer Fellowship program and how to nominate students.
Registration will be available soon.
Speaking Up Workshop
Join fellow NAGT members for a two-day interactive workshop May 18, and 19, 2023. On Thursday, May 18, participate in the interactive Speaking Up program by Powerplay and IncluxionWorks. On Friday, May 19, participants will have a debrief session with NAGT facilitation to apply these lessons and create lasting resources for NAGT members.
Participants are invited to join for Thursday only or for both sessions, though preference will be given to those who can attend both sessions. Thursday attendance is a prerequisite for participating on Friday. This workshop is only open to NAGT members. Members who assist with running NAGT professional development programs are highly encouraged to attend. Learn more and apply by April 23.
Ninth Annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous
Registration is open for the ninth annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous, taking place in Pasadena, CA, from July 10-14, 2023! NAGT members receive $100 off registration. Register by May 3 for the best rate!
2023 Workshop on IGUaNA and GETSI Modules
August 8-10, 2023, University of Wyoming (Laramie, WY)
Undergraduate instructors, including instructors at 2YC and MSI institutions, who want to use near-surface geophysics applications in their classrooms are encouraged to apply for this workshop, which includes field and classroom components. During field data collection activities, participants will gain experience in how to collect near-surface geophysics datasets and also learn how to teach effective data acquisition. In the classroom, participants will use the IGUaNA and GETSI teaching materials under the guidance of module authors. Guided discussions will emphasize how to use Introducing Geophysics for Urban and Near-surface Applications (IGUaNA) and Geodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI) materials in your courses, and how to overcome possible roadblocks and limitations. You'll come away with an implementation plan on how to incorporate these concepts into your courses. Apply for the workshop by May 1.

Summer 2023 Geoscience Field Camp Offerings
In an effort to help students and faculty find options for Summer 2023 field camp offerings, NAGT is compiling a list of field camps of all formats. This list includes programs--whether they be online, in-person, or hybrid--that have space for additional students. Please share the field camp list with others who may be interested in participating in these programs.
Deadline Extended: Apply for a Career Prep Workshop Grant by April 17
The Preparing for an Academic Career workshop, held annually at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous, is an opportunity designed for graduate students who are interested in pursuing academic careers in the geosciences. Thanks to generous donations from NAGT members and donors, this year's workshop is currently able to offer stipends of $300 each to a limited number of graduate student participants to help offset costs of participating in the workshop. Learn more about the grant and apply using this form by April 17.
Two-Year College Division
Nominate an Outstanding Adjunct 2YC Faculty today!
The Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award (OAFA) is an opportunity to showcase your or one of your adjunct colleague's efforts in doing great work in geoscience education. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis. See the information page for more details about the award. Nominate an adjunct faculty member
Apply for Faculty Development Awards
The Geo2YC Division wants to support members' efforts to promote geoscience education. Two Faculty Development awards are available to Geo2YC members: (1) Mini grants up to $500 to support an activity (workshop, field trip, etc.), which benefits faculty from multiple institutions, and (2) travel grants of $100 to help an individual attend a professional development activity. Apply by April 15
Teacher Education Division (TED)
Post to the TED Facebook Page
Members are invited to post time-critical information on the TED Facebook page.

Belonging in the Field Discussion, GeoSPACE: Building community for students in a hybrid, multi-modal field course designed for inclusion and access
Join the Belonging in Field Education Research Team for their next Belonging in the Field discussion, GeoSPACE: Building community for students in a hybrid, multi-modal field course designed for inclusion and access. This talk and Q&A will take place on April 26th at 12-1 pm Pacific Time (3-4 pm Eastern Time).
Dr. Anita Marshall and Yesenia Arroyo will share their approach to building inclusive communities with examples from GeoSPACE - an inclusive field course for students with disabilities and other marginalized identities. RSVP for the talk at the link below. We hope you will come join this important conversation! Register to attend this discussion: https://bit.ly/BFE_RSVP
Teaching Earth Materials or Petrology? Join us for a summer workshop!
Recent developments in online resources offer new paths to enhance and accelerate petrology learning. If you teach an intermediate level course in petrology, or an earth materials course that includes petrology, and would like to participate in this NSF-funded workshop on teaching petrology, you are encouraged to apply! The workshop will be held at Smith College in Northampton, MA, on 2-5 August, 2023. Participants will design and write student assignments that use online resources and then use and evaluate one or more of the new activities in their classes in the academic year following the workshop. The extensive, interactive igneous and metamorphic petrology website written by co-PI Brady will serve both as an example and as a vehicle for implementing the new activities. Expenses for travel (reasonable airfare) and lodging (two people per room) will be reimbursed for all attendees. If you have questions concerning this workshop, please feel free to contact any member of the organizing committee: John Brady, Smith College (jbrady@smith.edu); Clem Hamelin, College of William and Mary (chamelin@wm.edu); Sarah Mazza, Smith College (smazza@smith.edu); Heather Petcovic, Western Michigan University (heather.petcovic@wmich.edu). Apply by May 1.