Rock and Mineral Exchange (RMX)

Many geoscience educators have limited opportunities to collect good rock and mineral samples directly from the field. Others lack the financial resources to purchase collections. At the same time, many institutions have an abundance of specimens sitting unused in laboratory drawers. This service from NAGT and MSA aims to bring these educators together so that surplus resources can be moved between institutions as a way of improving educational opportunities for some and freeing up space for others.

Here you can browse through postings related to specimens that other users are making available as well as those related to specimens being sought. Click on the title for a posting below to get to the full information. If you would like to post an available or desired specimen to the exchange, use the links to the appropriate form in the navigation menu on the right.

Available Specimens

Results 1 - 2 of 2 matches

Petrology Samples
Dr David Saja, Cleveland Museum of Natural History Description of Available Specimens How many pieces are available: Small Group of Specimens I have about a dozen samples of each of these samples ...

ophiolite, Tertiary sedimentary, misc metamorphic
Bill Dinklage, Santa Barbara City College Description of Available Specimens How many pieces are available: Small Group of Specimens We have easy access to wehrlite, harzburgite, gabbro, ...

Desired Specimens

Results 1 - 5 of 5 matches

Small rural school needs a classroom rock and mineral collection
Adam Mitchell, Hi-Plains School District R-23 Description of Desired Specimens I'm the science teacher at a small rural high school, and this year we've added Earth Science to the ...

Science Department Head/Earth Science Teacher
Lindsay Cabana, Punta Gorda Middle School Description of Desired Specimens I am trying to find samples of various rocks to do a lab for the kids to teach them the Mohs ...

Deformation Microstructures
Kirsten Menking, Vassar College kimenking AT vassar DOT edu Description of Desired Specimens I am a Quaternary paleoclimatologist who is tasked with teaching structural geology. Over the years, I have put together ...

Andrea Mangold, Holland Elementary School Description of Desired Specimens Looking to collect rock samples from each of the 50 United States, to teach introductory Earth Science and Geology to ...

Precambrian chert. Stromatolites.
Jill Schneiderman, Vassar College Description of Desired Specimens I would like stromatolite samples identified by location. I would also like chert that shows evidence of microbial life in ...

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