Field Course Collection

Use the browse below to search for a field course that meets your needs. Field courses are listed in chronological order of their start date. You can narrow your results to in-person, online, or hybrid courses using the box on the right side of the page.

Students with questions or concerns, whether academic, logistical, financial, or health-related, are encouraged to contact the field program director to discuss how such concerns might be managed while in the field before committing to a course. These field programs are not vetted by NAGT.

Results 1 - 10 of 14 matches

Western Colorado University Field Geology
May 12 - Jun 20, 2025 Western offers a four-week (4 cr) Field Geology course, followed by a two-week (2 cr) Advanced Field Geology course. Located in the south-central Colorado Rockies, Gunnison is the ideal location for students to study a variety of geological terranes.

Learning Environment: In-person
Credit Hours: 1-2, 3-4

Salem State University Field Geology II
May 21 - Jun 9, 2025 Students will concentrate on mapping and cross-section construction of well-exposed structures in southwest Montana, where thrust structures involve foreland basin strata. Students will develop skills for making geologic field observations and constructing geologic maps in the field. Students will learn techniques for measuring stratigraphic sections, collecting structural data in the field, describing and recognizing rock units, constructing geologic cross sections, conducting simple structural analyses from the field data, and interpreting geologic history from both stratigraphic and structural relations examined in the field.Applications are now open: applications are encouraged and receive preferred admission.

Learning Environment: In-person
Credit Hours: 3-4

Idaho State University Geology Field Camp
May 26 - Jun 30, 2025 The ISU Field Camp is hosted at the Lost River Field Station in central Idaho. Each year six or more of our field-oriented faculty participate as instructors to expose students to a broad array of geologic disciplines and geologic diversity. Emphasis is placed on developing an individual's ability to observe, record, and interpret field relationships, utilize GIS, create hand drawn and digital geologic maps, and complete reports. Our students become confident, broadly-trained field geologists prepared either to pursue careers in the Earth Sciences or dive into research projects in graduate school. We accept students from universities outside of ISU that are looking to complete the field camp requirement for and undergraduate B.S. in geology.

Learning Environment: In-person
Credit Hours: 5-6

Oklahoma State University Field Camp
May 26 - Jun 27, 2025 There are two options for our camp. One is a "traditional" geology field camp with both traditional and modern mapping methods, geophysics, and stratigraphy. The other is an Environmental Geoscience option, which runs concurrently and focuses more on applied environmental methods such as water and soil sampling, contaminant tracing, and environmental hazard identification.

Learning Environment: In-person
Credit Hours: 5-6

Iowa State Geology Field Camp
May 27 - Jul 2, 2025 The Iowa State University Geology Field Camp provides students with experience in performing field analyses related to structure, stratigraphy, sedimentology, metamorphic processes, energy resources, and environmental science. Our initial exercises hone students' basic field skills, helping them prepare for the more career-relevant projects near the end of the course. Study areas include the Bighorn Basin, Wind River Range, and excursions to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.During this course, students will gain experience in:- Geologic mapping of strata and structure using topographic, orthoimage, and/or 3D printed base maps;- Detailed logging and interpretation of sedimentary strata exposed in outcrop;- Designing and implementing drone mapping missions;- Fundamentals of environmental site assessments;- Interpretation and correlation of wireline logs to outcrop data;- Risk assessment of energy resources and underground carbon storage;- Identification and interpretation of igneous/metamorphic rocks in outcrop;- Critical observations and evaluation of geologic data;- Managing of uncertainty/error in field settings; and- Project management and time management skills.

Learning Environment: In-person
Credit Hours: 5-6

University of Missouri Geology Field Camp
May 31 - Jul 11, 2025 The University of Missouri Geology Field Camp is a six-week, six-credit field course based out of the Branson Field Laboratory in the Wind River Range, western Wyoming. Our two-part curriculum focuses on the development of practical skills and career-readiness, beginning with foundational skills and field methods, such as lithologic description, methods in stratigraphy, and geologic mapping. In the final two weeks of the course, students practice experimental design, data collection, and analysis in advanced field methods, including groundwater and surface hydrogeology, seismic reflection and refraction, and subsurface basin analysis. This course includes a five-day field trip to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks.

Learning Environment: In-person
Credit Hours: 5-6

Indiana University Field Geology in the Rocky Mountains
Jun 9 - Jul 22, 2025 EAS X429 is our capstone course designed to prepare students to be successful in a geoscience career and/or geoscience graduate school program. This course focuses on the integration of geology, geochemistry, and geophysics to solve 4-dimensional geoscience problems. X429 includes both a 1-week thesis style project and a deep-dive into a subdiscipline concentration of your choosing. Our course is taught at the IU Geologic Field Station in southwestern Montana.

Learning Environment: In-person
Credit Hours: 5-6

Field Geology in Wyoming and Montana
Jun 21 - Jul 26, 2025 Wichita State's summer field camp is a six credit hour (6SCH) camp and will again be offered in two formats, (1) Traditional, in-person trip to the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming and Montana, and (2) Online gamified format serving student accessibility needs (travel, health, etc.) We welcome applications from students from other colleges and universities. The camp is underwritten by the Woolsey Family Fund for Geology Field Camp, which translates to a camp fee waiver (amounting to ~00) for each participating traditional, in-person student.

Learning Environment: In-person, On-line
Credit Hours: 5-6

University of South Florida: Geologic Mapping
Jun 23 - Jul 4, 2025 Students will get introductory instruction in the skills needed to construct geologic maps through field observations and data collection. Field areas for the projects in this course are located in central Idaho and include the recent Borah Peak earthquake fault scarp, glacial moraines and fluvial geomorphic features, deformed early Paleozoic passive margin and Antler Orogeny foreland basin deposits, and Eocene Challis Volcanics. Each project includes 1-3 days of mapping and a whole or part of a day finalizing the map and constructing cross sections of your field areas.

Learning Environment: In-person
Credit Hours: 1-2

Geology Field Camp
Jun 24 - Jul 26, 2025 The Wilkes University geology field camp is a five week, intensive, project focused international field camp located on the island of Newfoundland in Canada and is open to upper level geoscience students enrolled at any college or university. Newfoundland offers a unique cross section of major crustal segments that comprise the Appalachian mountain belt. The field camp curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of most undergraduate Geology B.S. programs, meet the educational standards reported by the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) and many state (including Pennsylvania) professional geologist licensure programs.

Learning Environment: In-person
Credit Hours: 5-6, Other, 3-4