Post to the NAGT Career Hub

Thank you for your interest in submitting a post to the NAGT Career Hub. We welcome advertisements of geoscience education related job openings, postdoctoral positions, internships, assistantships, and undergraduate research opportunities that might be of interest to the wider NAGT community. Distribution of these postings include:

  • posting the ad on the NAGT Career Hub webpage
  • distribution via the NAGT social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn
  • inclusion in the monthly NAGTNews email newsletter to all members

The cost of posting a job opening or a postdoctoral position to the Career Hub is $75 per month (multiple months can be purchased at one time). Payment must be received before these postings will be published.

It is free to post an internship, assistantship, or undergraduate research opportunity to the Career Hub.

The leadership of NAGT has the ultimate discretion as to which free postings will be publicized. All postings publicized on the Career Hub must fall into one of the five categories at the end of this form.

* required

* required

The cost of posting a job opening or a postdoctoral position to the Career Hub is $75 for one month. Payment must be received before these postings will be published.

It is free to post an internship, assistantship, and undergraduate research opportunity to the Career Hub.

The leadership of NAGT has the ultimate discretion as to which free postings will be publicized. All postings publicized on the Career Hub must fall into one of the five categories listed below.

* required

* required
* required

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