JGE seeks a new Editor-in-Chief
Do you enjoy learning about research that is happening across the geoscience education community? Are you interested in broadening access to education research and elevating the work of geoscience education researchers? Do you have high standards and a willingness to support editors and authors in meeting those standards? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might be a good fit for Editor-in-Chief of JGE.
The Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE) is a peer-reviewed publication for geoscience education research and serves as an international forum for research concerning the pedagogy, assessment, and philosophy of teaching and learning about the geosciences and related domains. JGE is a publication of the NAGT, a non-profit, member-driven organization that supports a diverse, inclusive, and thriving community of educators and education researchers to improve teaching and learning about the Earth. JGE is published four times a year in February, May, August and November, and includes articles in four categories: Curriculum & Instruction, Research, Position Papers, and Literature Reviews. More information about the journal can be found on the journal web page.
The Editor takes the lead on maintaining a high-quality peer-reviewed publication that responds to the needs and interests of NAGT, the geoscience education research communities, and the dynamic landscape of scientific publishing and communications. In addition to leading the editorial team, the Editor serves as the primary contact with the journal's publisher, Taylor & Francis, and serves in an ex officio non-voting capacity on NAGT's Executive Committee. We seek an editor who will work with us to maintain and increase the journal's impact and reach while also upholding an editorial ethos that encourages and supports new authors in their development.
Duties of the Editor-in-Chief
- Overseeing the development of each issue of JGE, including
- Working with the production editor at Taylor & Francis to meet deadlines
- Making guiding decisions about content and selecting themes for issues
- Managing the peer-review and decision process for all manuscripts submitted to JGE
- Writing or soliciting an editorial for each issue
- Developing the table of contents for each issue, assuring that the annual minimum number of papers is met
- Designing or selecting an image for the cover of each issue and working with the author(s) to secure permission to use the image
- Leading the editorial team, including
- Recruiting and appointing editors and associate editors
- Maintaining a high level of interaction and knowledge within the group of editors
- Managing the flow of manuscripts to editors and back to authors in a timely fashion
- Serving as the point person for technical questions from authors and reviewers
- Maintaining standards of review
- Checking that manuscripts follow the correct file formats, and whether supplemental materials should be available online or are only to be viewed by editors and reviewers.
- Checking page proofs for all accepted manuscripts
- Updating journal guidelines as needed through consultation with the editorial team
- Leading an annual editorial board meeting
- Serving as the editor for Commentary and Literature Review papers.
- Soliciting and fielding proposals for theme issues, including bringing in guest editors
- Leading the process to select JGE's annualOutstanding Paper and Reviewer Awards
- Serving as anex officio member of the Executive Committee to maximize the success of the journal and its support for the NAGT mission, including
- Attending face-to-face and virtual meetings of the Executive Committee and Council
- Serving as a liaison of the Executive Committee to NAGT's Geoscience Education Research Division
- Providing mid-year and annual reports to Executive Committee about the journal
- Working with the Executive Office and Treasurer to recommend the annual budget, ensure appropriate publication tools and contracts, and other business affairs.
- Promoting the journal through appropriate venues and activities, including (but not limited to):
- Selecting occasional articles that can be offered through temporary free access to recruit readership and NAGT membership in specific audiences;
- Recruiting submissions from audiences through presenting the journal at meetings such as AERA, ESERA, AGU, etc.
- Promoting readership and citation of articles in JGE
- Leading workshops and presentations to help future authors submit high-quality manuscripts
We anticipate that the successful candidate will be an active member of the geoscience education community with broad and diverse connections. They should have broad interests in geoscience education, excellent time management and organizational skills, the ability to communicate with a wide variety of people, and experience that will allow them to make decisions that will uphold the quality of the journal and the effectiveness of the publication process. The editor is responsible for upholding ethical standards for editors, and abiding by the ethics policy of NAGT. The editor should have enthusiasm for JGE and its role in the geoscience community, the ability to engage with that community, and commitment to devote the time and effort to make the journal successful.
NAGT budgets $6000 annually for compensation for the Editor-in-Chief, which can be disbursed as a stipend or as a contract with an institution. In addition, $2000 is available to the editor for travel and other discretionary expenses. The successful candidate will provide a proposal describing how the stipend and travel funds will be allocated.
To Apply
Application deadline
May 1, 2025
Application submission
Go to this online submission form to upload:
- A cover letter describing their vision for the journal, why they want to serve as Editor-in-Chief, and how they meet the qualifications;
- A CV
Applicants will be notified within three weeks of the application deadline of the status of their application. Qualified applicants will be asked to submit a a proposal for how the duties of the Editor-in-Chief will be incorporated into the existing workload (with support from the home institution, if applicable) and to schedule an interview with the search committee.
Interviews will be conducted via Zoom in late May and early June.
NAGT will negotiate a contract with the successful candidate to be approved by the Executive Committee at their meeting in July, 2025, and apprenticeship with the current Editor-in-Chief will begin between October 1 and December 1, 2025 (this time is included in the stipend period).
The new Editor-in-Chief will assume full responsibilities on December 15, 2025; the first issue under the new editor will be Issue 1 of the 2026 volume.
Questions and more information
Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the search committee chair, Katherine Ryker (krykerATseoe.sc.edu) or NAGT Executive Director Anne Egger (exdir@nagt.org) with questions.