Subscriptions & Back Issue Requests
Individual Subscriptions
Become an NAGT member today to receive immediate online access to the Journal of Geoscience Education. Print copies of the Journal of Geoscience Education are available for an additional fee of US$55 for members. To become a member, or to get additional information on student, international or the many other membership categories available, please see the membership page on the NAGT website. Join NAGT today!
New members/subscribers paying before September 1st will receive all previously distributed JGE issues from that year, either in electronic or print form, depending on membership category. After September 1st, new members/subscribers will receive their first issue in February of the following calendar year.
Institutional Subscriptions
Institutional online subscriptions to the Journal of Geoscience Education are available through our publisher, Taylor & Francis. For additional information concerning institutional subscriptions to the Journal of Geoscience Education please click on this link to take you our publisher's website, Taylor & Francis Journal of Geoscience Education Subscriptions.
Claims for Unreceived Issues
NAGT will replace, at no cost, Journal of Geoscience Education back issues in certain cases where we can identify a shipping error. Currently, we are able to honor requests received within six months of the publication date (nine months for Australia and Asia). Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery (10-12 for addresses outside the United States). To submit a claim for an undelivered issue please contact the NAGT Executive Office:; 507-222-4545
Back Issue Requests
2018 to Present:
Back issue requests are available through the Taylor and Francis website by filling out this form, or you can email Taylor and Francis directly at
2017 and prior years:
Back issues of the Journal of Geoscience Education are available for US$20 in the United States and US$25 outside of the United States. Most recent issues are in stock. There is limited stock available for issues released prior to 2003 so please contact the Executive Director's office before placing your order so that we may determine stock availability.