- Seeking New Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE) Editor-in-Chief: Applications Due May 1
- New Issue of Journal of Geoscience Education
- JGE Moving to APA-7 Style Standards Beginning February 27
- 2020 Earth Educators' Rendezvous: Program and Registration Now Live!
- Announcing New Rendezvous Siting Committee
- Nominate Your Colleagues for NAGT Awards: Miner and Shea Award Nominations Due April 1
Upcoming Webinars and Workshops
- Webinar: Using EDDIE Modules for the First Time: What you need to know - February 21
- Webinar: Teaching About the Water Cycle by Tracking Water Resources - February 29
- Webinar: Learn to Integrate NEON Data into Your Undergraduate Classroom via Macrosystems EDDIE and Other Resources - March 4
- Webinar Series: Check Out the New Webinars from CLEAN
- Workshop: Geoscience Career Ambassador Training (GeoCAT) - June 22-26
- Workshop: Early Career - July 26-30
- February 14: For Students: Field Study Scholarships Applications
- March 2: Earth Educators' Rendezvous Abstract Submissions
- March 15: Short Course: Change Detection with SfM and GPS: Teaching Undergraduates in the Field Applications
- March 15: NAGT Leadership Nominations
- March 15: Fall Traveling Workshops Program Applications
- April 1: NAGT Miner and Shea Award Nominations
- April 6: Short Course at GSA Cordilleran: Increase the Use of Data, Math, and Societal Relevance in your Undergraduate Earth Science Courses Applications
- May 1: Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE) Editor-in-Chief Position Applications
Section and Division Highlights
NAGT Career Hub
Rock and Mineral Exchange
Seeking New Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE) Editor-in-Chief: Applications Due May 1
NAGT is seeking a new Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE). Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the search chair in advance of the application deadline with any questions. Requests for additional information, including a proposal for how the duties of the Editor-in-Chief will be incorporated into the existing workload with support from the home institution, will be made to qualified applicants by May 15. Interviews for finalists will be conducted at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous, July 13-17, 2020, in Palo Alto, California. The new Editor-in-Chief will assume responsibility for the journal December 1, 2020. Questions? Contact the search committee chair, Margaret Crowder, margaret.crowder@wku.edu. Apply by May 1.
New Issue of Journal of Geoscience Education
The February issue of the Journal of Geoscience Education (Volume 68, Issue 1) is now available. To access the journal through your membership, go to the NAGT Member Login and click on Journal Access. Want to receive alerts when new articles and issues are available online? Visit the JGE website and click on "New content alerts." Sign in with your email (or register for free if you don't have an account with Taylor & Francis) and you'll be the first to know!
JGE Moving to APA-7 Style Standards Beginning February 27
In accordance with publisher Taylor & Francis, JGE will be moving to the latest citation and reference style of the American Psychological Association. JGE has been using APA 6th Edition; APA-7 was released in October 2019. APA-7 has minor changes in citation and reference style highlighted in this document: T&F_APA-7_Update_Report.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 379kB Feb12 20). Any new submissions on or after February 27, 2020, will be expected to follow these style guidelines. JGE encourage authors to use and update their bibliographic software to include APA-7.
2020 Earth Educators' Rendezvous: Program and Registration Now Live
The sixth annual Rendezvous will be held July 13-17 at the School of Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences at Stanford University. Sign up to receive updates on deadlines, developments in the program, featured speakers, and more. Register now and also check out these important deadlines for Rendezvous 2020:
- Submit abstracts (for oral, poster, teaching demo, and Share-a-Thon sessions) by March 2
- Apply to host a working group by March 2
- Apply for travel stipends by April 6
- Apply for Activity Review Camp by May 4
- Register for the Early Bird discount by May 4
Announcing New Rendezvous Siting Committee
The Rendezvous Planning Committee is pleased to announce the launch of the new Rendezvous Siting Committee. The site selection for upcoming Rendezvous is a complicated process that is (at minimum) two years in the making; the EER Siting Committee will work throughout the year on research and outreach to obtain information on those individuals and institutions that would be viable Rendezvous hosts. Future application deadlines for hosting Rendezvous will be communicated via the NAGT Newsletter. Those who are interested in hosting EER can read about what is involved and apply to host in a future year at any time.
Nominate Your Colleagues for NAGT Awards: Miner and Shea Award Nominations Due April 1
- Neil Miner Award Letters of nomination and letters of support are due April 1, 2020
- James H. Shea Award Nominations, including a letter describing the nominee's writing and/or editing contributions and the reasons why the contributions should be judged as exceptional, are due April 1, 2020
- Additional award deadlines:
- Dorothy Lalonde Stout Professional Development Grants Nominations are due April 15, 2020
- Outstanding Earth Science Teacher (OEST) Award Check out your Section's deadline and submit your nominations via the website.
- Robert Christman Distinguished Service Award Nominations are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Webinar: Using EDDIE Modules for the First Time: What you need to know - February 21
The Using EDDIE Modules for the First Time: What you need to know webinar will be held on Friday, February 21, 2020 at 12:00 PM PT | 1:00 PM MT | 2:00 PM CT | 3:00 PM ET. This webinar discusses what you need to know when implementing an EDDIE module for the first time, including the strategies, tips, and EDDIE module adaptations generated by instructors that participated in the Project EDDIE Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN). Register by February 19, 2020.
Webinar: Teaching About the Water Cycle by Tracking Water Resources - February 29
The Teaching About the Water Cycle by Tracking Water Resources webinar will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 9:00 AM PT | 10:00 AM MT | 11:00 AM CT | 12:00 AM ET. This webinar introduces instructors to Eyes on the Hydrosphere: Tracking Water Resources teaching module from the GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI) project. During the module students not only learn to increase their data analysis skills, but gain experience in tying the measurements to societal water use and needs. Case studies are taken from the Rocky Mountains (snow dominated) and Great Plains (rain dominated) and then the module culminates in students exploring data sets and water issues from their own region. Register by February 25, 2020.
Webinar: Learn to Integrate NEON Data into Your Undergraduate Classroom via Macrosystems EDDIE and Other Resources - March 4
The Learn to Integrate NEON Data into Your Undergraduate Classroom via Macrosystems EDDIE and Other Resources webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 8:00 AM PT | 9:00 AM MT | 10:00 AM CT | 11:00 AM ET. Participants in this webinar will learn how to integrate NEON data into their own classrooms, through Project EDDIE Macrosystems teaching modules, other NEON teaching modules, and through independent use of NEON data. Register by March 2, 2020.
Webinar Series: Check Out New Webinars from the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
Take your teaching about climate and energy to the next level with the CLEAN Webinar Series. Check out webinar information here. Upcoming webinars in the series:
- The CLEAN, NGSS, and 3-D Learning for Climate and Energy Education webinar will be held on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 3:30 PM PT | 4:30 PM MT | 5:30 PM CT | 6:30 PM ET. This webinar demonstrates how the CLEAN collection of educational resources are aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and how CLEAN supports 3-dimensional learning. Register by February 16, 2020.
- The It's Us: Humans as agents of change within Earth's climate system webinar will be held on Monday, February 24, 2020 at 3:00 PM PT | 4:00 PM MT | 5:00 PM CT | 6:00 PM ET. Help students learn about our role in altering the climate in a way that's constructive and solutions-oriented. Educational materials from CLEAN collection can help you navigate this essential topic. Register by February 22, 2020.
- The UC Berkeley Understanding Global Change Project and CLEAN webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 3:00 PM PT | 4:00 PM MT | 5:00 PM CT | 6:00 PM ET. In this webinar, you will learn about the Understanding Global Change (UGC) Project tools for teaching about climate and energy using CLEAN resources; the UGC Project at the University of California Museum of Paleontology at UC Berkeley developed a suite of online and interactive learning materials that support educators and students to explore the Earth as an interconnected, dynamic system. The UGC resources, co-designed with classroom teachers and leaders in climate education, are integrated with research-based teaching practices that utilize modeling of phenomena to make learning visible, and support the investigation of local and global actions that reduce human impacts on global environments. Register by March 2, 2020.
Workshop: Geoscience Career Ambassador Training (GeoCAT) - June 22-26
The Geoscience Career Ambassador Training (GeoCAT) Workshop will be held June 22-26, 2020, at Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. This workshop will focus on introducing and familiarizing educators with geoscience careers in an effort to increase interest and enrollment of diverse student populations in geosciences across the state of Kansas. The GeoCAT workshop is an NAGT sponsored project and is also supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant ICER-1911590 GP-IMPACT: GeoCAT Workshop: Geoscience Careers Ambassador Training Workshop. For more information contact geocat@k-state.edu. Apply by April 30, 2020.
Workshop: Early Career: Teaching, Research, and Managing Your Career - July 26-30
The Early Career Workshop: Teaching, Research, and Managing Your Career will be held July 26-30, 2020 (with an optional visit to NSF on July 31) at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD. This annual workshop is designed for those in their first three years of a tenure-track or equivalent faculty position. The workshop is part the On the Cutting Edge professional development program for current and future geoscience faculty, and is sponsored by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers with funding provided by NAGT, and a grant from the National Science Foundation - Division of Undergraduate Education and other contributing sponsors. Apply by March 23, 2020.
February 14: For Students: Field Study Scholarships Applications
Each year, NAGT makes several $750 awards to undergraduate students to facilitate their study of field geoscience. These awards are available for students attending field-based courses at any time of year. Awardees are selected based on the importance of the field experience in meeting their educational and career goals, the quality of the field aspects of the course, and the importance of the financial award in allowing them to participate in the program. In addition, the committee endeavors to select awardees that expand the diversity of people studying geosciences in the field and a collaboration with the Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) funds two additional awards specifically for women. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher to apply. A current NAGT/AWG member must endorse your application. Apply by February 14, 2020.
March 2: Earth Educators' Rendezvous Abstract Submissions
Many of us have interests in multiple areas of Earth Science education in addition to our discipline-specific interests, and the Rendezvous is designed to allow exploration of these areas in ways not possible during conventional scientific meetings. The Contributed Program is a critical component to this end, and offers both a venue to present work and an opportunity to see what is going on in the Earth Science education community. Submit abstracts (for oral, poster, teaching demo, and Share-a-Thon sessions) by March 2, 2020.
- Additional Rendezvous deadlines include:
March 15: Short Course: Change Detection with SfM and GPS: Teaching Undergraduates in the Field Applications
The GETSI short course Change Detection with SfM and GPS: Teaching Undergraduates in the Field will be held May 17-20 at Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID. Learn practical approaches for integrating field-based change detection into undergraduate courses. The emphasis will be structure from motion (SfM) and global positioning system (GPS) for change detection but information about terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and other field applications of the methods will also be included. Apply by March 15, 2020.
March 15: NAGT Leadership Nominations
Nominations are now open for NAGT leadership. Each year, NAGT seeks to fill three important positions: a 2nd Vice President who will serve a four-year term as a member of the presidential line, and two new councilors-at-large to serve three years terms on the 11-member Executive Committee. You may nominate yourself or others. Nominees must be members of NAGT. Our open nomination process is designed to foster broad participation in NAGT's leadership and programming. Find out more and nominate by March 15, 2020.
March 15: Fall Traveling Workshop Host Applications
The NAGT Traveling Workshops Program (TWP) brings national leaders in geoscience education to your campus or regional event. Designed for departments, institutions, or groups of institutions with shared interests, TWP offers workshops on strengthening cross-campus environmental and sustainability programs as well as supporting the success of all students. Apply to host a Fall 2020 workshop by March 15, 2020.
Next application deadlines for 2020/2021: June 15, 2020 for (for Fall 2020/Winter 2021 Workshops); October 15, 2020 (for Winter/Spring 2021 Workshops); January 15, 2021 (for Summer 2021 Workshops).
April 1: NAGT Miner and Shea Award Nominations
- Neil Miner Award Letters of nomination and letters of support are due April 1, 2020
- James H. Shea Award Nominations, including a letter describing the nominee's writing and/or editing contributions and the reasons why the contributions should be judged as exceptional, are due April 1, 2020.
- Additional Award Nominations:
- Dorothy Lalonde Stout Professional Development Grants Nominations are due April 15, 2020
- Outstanding Earth Science Teacher (OEST) Award Check out your Section's deadline and submit your nominations via the website.
- Robert Christman Distinguished Service Award Nominations are accepted on an ongoing basis.
April 6: Short Course at GSA Cordilleran: Increase the Use of Data, Math, and Societal Relevance in your Undergraduate Earth Science Courses Applications
The GETSI short course Increase the Use of Data, Math, and Societal Relevance in your Undergraduate Earth Science Courses will be held Monday, May 11 from 8am - 3pm at Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut, CA. Are you looking for ways to include real data and compelling societal hooks into your Earth science courses? This short course gives you hands-on experience working with teaching modules from the free online NSF-funded GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues project (GETSI; serc.carleton.edu/getsi). Apply by April 6, 2020.
May 1: Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE) Editor-in-Chief Position Applications
NAGT seeks new Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE). Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the search chair in advance of the application deadline with any questions. Requests for additional information, including a proposal for how the duties of the Editor-in-Chief will be incorporated into the existing workload with support from the home institution, will be made to qualified applicants by May 15. Interviews for finalists will be conducted at the Earth Educators' Rendezvous, July 13-17, 2020, in Palo Alto, California. The new Editor-in-Chief will assume responsibility for the journal December 1, 2020. Questions? Contact the search committee chair, Margaret Crowder, margaret.crowder@wku.edu. Apply by May 1, 2020.
Geo2YC Division
The Spring issue of the Geo2YC Foundations news will be published in mid-March. Email Editor Suki Smaglik at sukismaglik@gmail.com with your stories, experiences, experiments, photos and awards. Submit news by February 29, 2020. The Geo2YC Division provides mini grants and travel grants that align with the goals of the Geo2YC Division. Apply by March 2, 2020
GER Division
GER Transformation and Collaborations Awards recognize those who have made significant contributions to the development of and capacity for geoscience education research, including non-GER colleagues (e.g. geophysicists, educational psychologists, education researchers, etc.) who have infused the GER community with new ideas. Find out more about both awards and make your nominations by May 15, 2020 for both the Transformation and Collaboration Awards.
NAGT-GER provides monthly updates on professional opportunities, funding, articles of note, researcher profiles, and other content of interest to our membership. Please consider contributing items of interest for inclusion in future editions of the Exchange!
Pacific Northwest Section
The Pacific Northwest (PNW) Section 2020 Annual Conference will be hosted by Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton, Oregon, from June 16-19, 2020. For more information, contact conference organizer Philip Schmitz, pschmitz@bluecc.edu.
Check out the PNW Section Winter 2020 Newsletter (Acrobat (PDF) 1.4MB Feb6 20).
Do you have good news related to your geoscience education work that you would like to share with your NAGT Community? Would you like to call attention to a paper, presentation, or resource you developed or helped develop to share with your fellow Earth educators? Submit to NAGT's Community Kudos!
Need help getting the word out about your position opening, event, or field trip? Submit your posting to the NAGT Career Hub!
Available Samples
Ophiolite, Tertiary sedimentary, misc metamorphic
Desired Specimens
Precambrian chert. Stromatolites