Sponsored Programs

Initial Publication Date: August 30, 2022

NAGT is proud to sponsor programs and activities in support of the mission of the organization. Sponsorship typically means endorsement of the program. Members may also approach the Executive Committee to request access to NAGT resources.

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NAGT-sponsored programs (most recent first)

2027 National Survey of Science, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering Education

Program PIs: Eric Banilower (Horizon Research), Daniel Heck, Kristen Malzahn, and Courtney Plumley

Belonging in Geoscience Education Workshop: Planning to Enact Cultural Change

Program PIs: Cailin Orr (Carleton College)

Transforming Departmental Culture through Faculty Agents of Change

Program PIs: Cailin Orr (Carleton College), John McDaris (Carleton College)

Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) Data Labs

Program PIs: Janice McDonnell (Rutgers), Sage Lichtenwalner (Rutgers), Anna Pfeiffer-Herbert (Stockton University), Dax Soule (Queens College, CUNY) and Denise Bristol (Hillsborough Community College)

Positive Mental Health in the Geosciences

Program PI: Jennifer Nocerino (Geological Society of America)

University of Michigan/Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections Natural History Education DemoCamp

Program PIs: Jennifer Bauer, Molly Philips, Liz Leith (University of Michigan)

Bringing Geophysics to Introductory Science Courses: Using IGUaNA Modules in Your Classroom

Program PIs: Andrew Parsekian (University of Wyoming), Sarah Kruse (University of South Florida), Klaudio Peshtani (Rutgers University - Newark), Lee Slater (Rutgers University - Newark), Danielle Sumy (EarthScope Consortium)

Business And Science: Integrated Curriculum for Sustainability (BASICS)

Program PIs: David Szymanski (Bentley University), Ellen Iverson (Carleton College), Melissa Lenczewski (Northern Illinois University), Christine Mooney (Northern Illinois University), Rick Oches (Bentley University), John Ritter (Wittenberg University), Rachel Wilson (Wittenberg University), Laura Jackson Young (Bentley University)

The Math Your Earth Science Majors Need, When They Need It: Improving Quantitative Skills in The Future Earth Science Workforce

Program PIs: Donna Charlevoix and Beth Pratt-Sitaula (UNAVCO), Eric Baer (Highline Community College), Rory McFadden (Gustavus Adolphus College)

Understanding Science

Program PIs: Anastasia Thanukos (University of California Museum of Paleontology), Lisa White (University of California Museum of Paleontology)

Science and Engineering Practices for Online Air Quality Education

Program PIs: Air and Waste Management Association K-12 Education Committee members: Elizabeth Spike (A&WMA Chair of the K12 Education Committee), Joann Held (MS Air Pollution Control), George J Schewe (CCM, QEP), Stephanie Samuels (JD, CHMM), Georges Bou-Saab (Assistant Research Scientist, Flint Webb, PE, A&WMA Fellow), Kevin Black

Strengthening Training and Research Opportunities for Next Generation (STRONG) Geoscientists: Early Career Training for Mentoring and Supervising MSI STEM majors

Program PI: Samuel Moore (University of Texas-Austin)

Survey for the GSA Culture and Ethics of Geologic Sampling

Program PIs: Marjorie A. Chan (University of Utah), David W. Mogk (Montana State University-Bozeman)

International Geodiversity Day - October 6

Program PI: Jack Matthews (Oxford University Museum of Natural History, UK)

Cascadia Region Earthquake Science Center (CRESCENT)

Program PIs: Diego Melgar (University of Oregon, PI), Amanda Thomas (University of Oregon, Co-PI), Harold Tobin (University of Washington, Co-PI), Pieter-Ewald Share (Oregon State University, Co-PI), Tim Melbourne (Central Washington University, Co-PI)

Understanding Evolution

Program PIs: Anastasia Thanukos (UC Museum of Paleontology, UC Berkeley)

Geochemical Modeling of Magma Generation

Program PIs: Lynne Elkins (University of Nebraska-Lincoln)

Education Contribution to ICON Commentary Collection

Program PIs: Cathy Manduca (SERC), Sarah Fortner (SERC), Hendratta Ali (Fort Hays State Univ.), Casey Saup (Ohio State Univ.)

Geo-Launchpad: Engaging Community College Students in Geoscience-STEM Career Pathways

Program PI: Donna Charlevoix (UNAVCO)

Every Rock Has A Story

Program PI: Ethan Baxter (Boston College)

Phanerozoic CO2 Proxy Integration Project

Program PIs: Isabel Montanez (UC Davis), Gabriel Bowen (Univ. Utah), Daniel Breecker (Univ. Texas Austin), Dana Royer (Wesleyan Univ.)

The Piedmont and Pedagogy: Observing and Measuring How Geology Works and Why it Matters

Program PIs: Lynn Marquez (Millersville University), Christopher Roemmele (West Chester University)

Teaching and Learning Geoscience in a Changed and Changing World

Program PIs: Missy Holzer (Great Minds), Christopher Roemmele (West Chester University)

GEMS Mentor Matching

Program PI: Sarah Hurley (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, The Earth Institute, Columbia University)

Sternberg Museum of Natural History Science Camps

Program PI: David Levering, M.S. (Fort Hays State University Sternberg Museum of Natural History)

Climate Change Essentials for All Educators

Program PI: Alyson Mike (Presidio Graduate School)

The Critical Zone Research Coordination Network

Project PIs: Kamini Singha (Colorado School of Mines), Pam Sullivan (Oregon State University), Nicole Gasparini (Tulane), Li Li (Penn State)
NSF# 1904527

Polar ENgagement through GUided INquiry (PENGUIN)

Project PIs: Penny Rowe (NorthWest Research Associates), Steven Neshyba (University of Puget Sound), and Lea Fortmann (University of Puget Sound)
NSF# 1712354 and 1712282

Geoscience Career Ambassador Training (GeoCAT)

Project PIs: Aida Farough, Pamela Kempton, and Jackie Spears (Kansas State University)
NSF# 1911590

On-Ramps to more effective teaching in tectonics

Project PIs: Phillip Resor (Wesleyan University), Barbara Tewksbury (Hamilton College), Jennifer Wenner (University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh)


Project PIs: Nicole LaDue (Northern Illinois University), Thomas Shipley (Temple University)
NSF# 1835950

EDDIE Earth and Ecosystems

Project PI: Catherine O'Reilly (Illinois State University)
NSF# 1821567

ADVANCE Partnership: From the Classroom to the Field: Intervention Training to Address Sexual Harassment in the Geosciences

Project PI: Erica Marin-Spiotta (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
NSF# 1725879

The CIRTL Network: 25 Research Universities Preparing a National Faculty to Advance STEM Undergraduate Learning

Project PI: Robert D. Mathieu (University of Wisconsin—Madison)
NSF# 1231286

EarthConnections: Community Pathways to Geoscience Careers

Projects PIs: Cathy Manduca (SERC), Donna Charlevoix (UNAVCO), Barbara Nagle (SEPUP), Raj Pandya (TEX) and John Taber (IRIS)
NSF# 1649367

EclipseMob - Crowdsourcing a Spatial Temporal Study of Low Frequency Propagation Effects Due to a Total Solar Eclipse

Project PIs: Jill Nelson and Laura Lukes, George Mason University
NSF# 1638685

GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI)

Project PIs: Meghan Miller, Beth Pratt-Sitaula, Donna Charlevoix (UNAVCO); Bruce Douglas (Indiana University); Becca Walker (Mt San Antonio College)
NSF# 1245025, 1612248, 1725347

Geoscience Education Research (GER) Community Synthesis and Planning

PIs: Kristen St. John, James Madison University; Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory; Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary; Karen McNeal, North Carolina State University
NSF# 1708228

Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences (GEES)

University of Plymouth

InTeGrate: Interdisciplinary Teaching of Earth for a Sustainable Future

Project Team

NNCI: The Montana Nanotechnology Facility (MONT)

Project PIs: David Dickensheets, David Mogk, Recep Avci, and Phillip Stuart(Montana State University, Bozeman)
NSF# 1542210

On the Cutting Edge: Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty

Project PIs: Heather Macdonald (College of William and Mary), Cathy Manduca (Carleton College), David Mogk (University of Montana - Bozeman), and Barbara Tewksbury (Hamilton College)
NSF# 1022844

Winner of a 2010 AAAS Science Prize for Online Resources in Education (SPORE) Prize

Supporting and Advancing Geoscience Education at Two-Year Colleges (SAGE 2YC): 2YC Faculty as Agents of Change

Project PIs: Heather Macdonald (College of William and Mary), Eric Baer (Highline Community College), Jan Hodder (University of Oregon), and Norlene Emerson (University of Wisconsin-Richland)

Teaching Computation in the Sciences Using MATLAB

Project PIs: Lisa Kempler (Mathworks), Cathy Manduca (Carleton College), Cailin Huyck Orr (Carleton College)

Teach the Earth: A SERC Portal for Geoscience Faculty

Teach the Earth is a portal to all of the geoscience teaching materials and pedagogical information that has been collected through the many projects in which the Science Education Resource Center of Carleton College has been a participant.

Building Strong Geoscience Departments

Project PIs: Cathy Manduca (Carleton College, SERC), Heather Macdonald (College of William and Mary), Geoff Feiss (College of William and Mary), Randy Richardson (University of Arizona)

The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Pathway

Project PIs: Tamara Ledley (TERC), Frank Niepold (NOAA), Susan Buhr (CIRES), Cynthia Howell (NREL), Cathy Manduca (Carleton College, SERC)

Winner of a Goldin Foundation Excellence in Education Award, the2017 NCSE Friend of the Planet award, and a2014 Webby Award

DWEL: Digital Water Education Library

Project PIs: Ed Geary (UCAR), Bryan Aivazian (Natrona School District), Tammy Sumner (University of Colorado - Boulder), and Shirley Ireton (Silver Spring, MD)

EarthCube Education End-Users Workshop

Project PIs: Kim Kastens (Education Development Center), Ruth Krumhansl (Education Development Center), Cheryl Peach (UCSD Scripps Institute of Oceanography)

EET: Earth Exploration Toolbook

Project PIs: Tamara Shapiro Ledley (Center for Science Teaching and Learning, TERC) and Cathy Manduca (Carleton College)

Winner of a 2011 AAASScience Prize for Online Resources in Education (SPORE) Prize

Earth Learning Idea

Project PIs: Chris King (Keele University), Peter Kennett (Keele University), and Elizabeth Devon (University of Bath)

Geoscience in Two-Year Colleges

Project PIs: Bob Filson (Green River Community College), Laura Guertin (Penn State Brandywine), Kaatje Kraft (Mesa Community College), Heather Macdonald (College of William and Mary)

Faculty Development to Support High Impact Activities that Transform Undergraduate Geoscience Education

Project PIs: Jill Singer (Buffalo State College) and Jeff Ryan (University of South Florida)

Instructional Approaches to Promote Access and Inclusion in the Geosciences

Project PI: Christopher Atchison (Georgia State University )

MARGINS Data in the Classroom

Project PIs: Geoff Abers (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory), Andy Goodliffe (University of Alabama), Andrew Goodwillie (Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory), Rosemary Hickey-Vargas (Florida International University), Cathy Manduca (Carleton College), Jeff Ryan (University of South Florida), Don Reed (San Jose State University)

The Math You Need, When You Need It

Project PIs: Eric Baer (Highline Community College) and Jennifer Wenner (University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh)

Project EDDIE

Project PIs: Catherine O'Rielly (Illinois State University) and Dax Soule (University of Washington)

Shaping the Future of Geoscience Education Research: Synthesizing Results and Articulating Future Directions

Project PIs: Heather Macdonald, College of William & Mary; Anthony Feig, Central Michigan University; Laura Lukes, George Mason University; Karen McNeal, North Carolina State University; Eric Riggs, Texas A & M University; Kristen St. John, James Madison University; Nicole LaDue, Northern Illinois University

Starting Point: Teaching Entry Level Geoscience

Project PIs: Cathy Manduca (Carleton College), Mary Savina (Carleton College), and Dorothy Merritts (Franklin & Marshall College)

Workshop on Atmospheric Science and Climate Literacy

Project PIs: Roberta Johnson (UCAR)

Mars For Earthlings (MFE)

Project PIs: Marjorie Chan (University of Utah)

Web-based Interactive Landform Simulation (WILSIM)

Project PI: Wei Luo, Northern Illinois University

Transforming Geoscience Preparation for K-8 Pre-Service Teachers

Project PI: Tim Flood (St. Norbert College)

Geoscience Teachers in Parks

National Park Service

Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL): Mobilizing Disciplinary Societies on Behalf of our Students ... and our Planet

Project PIs: Susan Elrod (AACU) and Cathy MIddlecamps (University of Wisconsin - Madison)