TED Sponsorship Policy
TED Mission Statement
Teacher Education (TED), a Division within the National Association of Geoscience Teachers, Inc. (NAGT), is committed to the recognition and critical importance of promoting and sustaining quality preparation of Earth Science teachers. Based upon science education research and best practices in geoscience teaching, TED members strive to improve teacher education in a diverse range of settings including higher education, K-12, professional development, and informal learning environments.
The mission of the Teacher Education Division (TED) is to provide:
- A forum for exchanging ideas, concerns, resources and information about geoscience teacher education
- A network for full-time and part-time/adjunct faculty to improve geoscience instruction for teachers and teacher education
- A vehicle for making recommendations to the NAGT Council and membership on activities of special interest and benefit to geoscience faculty, staff, administrators and students who work with K-12 teachers
- Curricular and pedagogic strategies that will produce successful geoscience teachers
- Collaboration and support for research in geoscience teacher education
- A focal point for communication and advocacy for teacher education within NAGT and other professional societies
The purpose of sponsorship:
- To enhance the awareness and visibility of the Teacher Education Division
- To endorse the value of the activity as it relates to the TED mission
- To support collaborations within the NAGT divisions and geoscience education community
Types of activities that may receive sponsorship
- Sessions at professional meetings
- Workshops
- Field trips
Criteria of Sponsorship
- Activity must align with the mission of NAGT and TED.
- Mission statement of NAGT
- See TED Mission statement above.
Requirements for Sponsorship
- Completion of the NAGT Session Sponsorship Request form if requesting session or workshop sponsorship
- Approval by TED Executive Committee and conveyed by the Division Secretary/Treasurer in writing
Expectations of Sponsorship
- Advertisement of your activity in TED publicity, including newsletter updates, emails to division members, and social media.
- Please note that sponsorship does not include financial and/or material support.