Initial Publication Date: October 7, 2021

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News & Announcements
Awards & Recognition
Webinars & Workshops
For Students
Section & Division Highlights
The Career Hub

News and Announcements

Proposals and Suggestions for EER 2022 Due October, 15

We welcome your input and invite you to share your suggestions for the Rendezvous program or submit a proposal for a workshop or roundtable you want to lead. The committee will review all suggestions and work to create a balanced program that serves diverse audiences. The deadline for all suggestions and proposals is October 15, 2021. Sign up to receive timely updates as the program and deadlines become available.

NAGT at GSA 2021

NAGT is pleased to sponsor a variety of symposia and sessions at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America held in Portland, Oregon, from October 10-13, 2021. For those who will be onsite in Portland, we invite you to stop by the NAGT booth (#416).

The Annual NAGT Council and Business Meeting, typically held during GSA, will be held online this year on Sunday, October 10, from 10:00am-12:00pm PDT // 11:00am-1:00pm MDT // 12:00-2:00pm CDT // 1:00-3:00pm EDT. Details on how to connect are posted on the information page along with information on the NAGT Divisions Meetings.

Stop by Geosciences ASCEND Booth #604 at GSA

Geosciences Associated Societies Committed to Embracing and Normalizing Diversity (Geosciences ASCEND) will have a booth in the Exhibit Hall for the GSA Connects 2021 Annual Meeting in Portland, OR, 10-13 October 2021.

Please come visit us in-person at Booth #604 in the Exhibit Hall of the Oregon Convention Center during GSA Connects 2021. Visit with the program PrincipalInvestigators and take our 10-minute survey to tell us about Geosciences Culture!

Booth #604 Hours of Operation:
Sunday, 10 October 2021: 5:00 to 7:00 pm
Monday, 11 October 2021: 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
Tuesday, 12 October 2021: 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
Wednesday, 13 October 2021: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Please encourage your society/organization members, other colleagues, and friends at GSA to stop by Booth #604 to complete the survey, too!

Earth Science Week, October 10-16, 2021: Teaching About Water

Water, water everywhere! Make a list of the ways the topic of water touches your teaching. Water is one of Earth's most vital resources today and will remain so in the future. How do we teach about water? In support of the American Geosciences Institute's (AGI) Earth Science Week theme: Water Today and for the Future, NAGT created a list of activities, opportunities for students, and resources for geoscience teachers.

Learn more on AGI's information page and NAGT's activities page.

Check out the photo that NAGT member Garry Hayes shared with us in honor of the theme.

NAGT at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021

NAGT is pleased to sponsor a variety of geoscience education sessions and activities planned for the Fall 2021 AGU meeting, held in New Orleans, LA, and online from December 13-17, 2021. The meeting theme this year is Science and Society.

Learn more on the Registration Information page.

Contribute to ICON Earth and Space Science Education Commentaries

You are invited to submit key ideas on the utility of ICON (Integrated, Connected, Open, Networked) processes for improving Earth and Space Science education for three commentaries to be published in Earth and Space Science. Key ideas are sought for improving 1) the practice of geoscience education in all environments, 2) education research in all aspects of Earth and Space Science, and 3) improving diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in and through Earth and Space Science education. Key ideas may address the utility of ICON processes in the past or for the future. Submission of key ideas closes October 16. Visit the information page to learn more and submit ideas.

Update your NAGT Member Profile

We recently updated the questions in your member profile to reflect best practices and the information that supports setting and achieving our diversity goals. Please take a moment to check your profile to see if we have the correct and complete information about you. You can find the questions by clicking on Member Login on the Membership page, and then selecting "Profile" in the left navigation. It just takes a minute: update your professional and personal profile today!

America's Geoheritage Workshop II Report Now Available

We are pleased to announce that the summary of proceedings of the America's Geoheritage II workshop has been released by The National Academies, titled America's Geoheritage II: Identifying, Developing, and Preserving America's Natural Legacy. The publication is now available on the National Academies Press website. Additionally, it is linked on the workshop web page. The findings of this report include perspectives from the Fall 2020 Geoheritage Distinguished Speakers Webinar series and the January 2021 community-based Geoheritage Writing Workshop. Geoheritage supports geoscience research, education at all levels, sustainable economic development, and awareness by our civic communities about the importance and relevance of geoscience to our communal health, safety and economic well-being. This workshop was co-sponsored by NAGT, so please consider this report to be an invitation to become involved and promote Geoheritage in your own geologic, professional and personal settings. Feel free to share the proceedings widely with interested friends and colleagues.

2020 IODP School of Rock teaching activity collection

The 2020 IODP School of Rock took a virtual tour through the cutting-edge, hot off the presses 2050 Framework for Scientific Ocean Drilling that will guide the next 30 years of scientific ocean drilling research. Participants adapted and curated existing educational materials from IODP (the International Ocean Discovery Program) to develop teaching activities highlighting the discoveries of Scientific Ocean Drilling for K-12 students. Activities feature a wide range of Earth Science topics and interactive approaches for students from primary grades (K-2) through high school.

Applications open: Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty 2022

The Early Career Geoscience Faculty workshop is for faculty in their first three years of a tenure-track or equivalent position, with priority given to applicants entering their second or third years in their position. Participants must have a full-time faculty position at a two-year or four-year college or a university at the time of the workshop and must be in their first three years of full-time teaching or starting a full-time position in the Fall. See the overview page for details. Join us for a multi-day workshop in a stimulating and resource-rich environment where you will participate in sessions on topics including effective teaching strategies, course design, establishing a research program in a new setting, working with research students, balancing professional and personal responsibilities, and time management.

  • Date: June 20-24, 2022, with an optional virtual visit to NSF in Summer 2022
    University of Maryland, College Park, MD
  • Apply by March 1, 2022

Do you have good news related to your geoscience education work that you would like to share with the NAGT community? Submit to NAGT's Community Kudos!

Awards and Recognition

Winners of the 2021 NAGT, GSA, CEO-CUR, Totten, Stout, and JGE Education Division Awards will be recognized virtually during the the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting in Portland, OR, from October 10-13, 2021. Check out this year's virtual award ceremony. This year's NAGT award winners include:

Please join us in congratulating this year's award winners for their incredible efforts toward advancing Earth science education. Awards provide the community with the opportunity to recognize colleagues and students in a tangible way that communicates respect for their outstanding efforts and lets them know the work they've put into teaching substantially contributes to our organization's mission. Nomination forms are now open for next year. Nominate today!

Workshops and Webinars

The NAGT webinar series is free and we encourage you to invite your colleagues to attend. Check out the webinar schedule.

Traveling Workshop Deadline

The Traveling Workshops Program (TWP) brings national leaders in environmental, sustainability, and geoscience education to your campus, regional, or national event. The TWP focuses on opportunities to strengthen both courses and programs including attracting and supporting diverse students. It brings together expertise from numerous NSF funded projects including the On the Cutting Edge, InTeGrate, SAGE, and GeoNeeds. The TWP is a part of NAGT's On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program.

Virtual Workshop: Teaching Computation Online with MATLAB - Online October 17-19, 2021

At this 3-day faculty-led workshop, educators in Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Geoscience, Math, Physics, and allied fields will develop curriculum while sharing strategies, tools, and challenges teaching computational courses in in-person and online settings. Participants will work alongside peers and MATLAB experts to both develop and upgrade teaching content and course materials that incorporate MATLAB for computation. Workshop discussions will include strategies, tools, and best practices for building computational thinking skills in classroom and online settings. Learn more on the workshop page.

Teaching Earth Science with Interactive Maps

Presented by Dr. Tom Baker, Education Manager, Dr. Joseph Kerski, Education Manager, and Charlie Fitzpatrick, K12 Education Manager
Thursday, October 21, 2021,at 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET

Explore the spheres of the world from global to local scale through interactive maps. GIS powers professional earth scientists, and can power your students' learning, on any connected device, anytime, anywhere.

During the webinar you will:

  • Examine compelling interactive map data on natural hazards, river systems, landforms, and other topics.
  • Learn ways to gather, map, analyze, and present field data.
  • Discover how to use these tools and data sets in your own classrooms.
  • See how to acquire no-cost software license for the entire school or district.

Register by Tuesday, October 19

Measuring Sustainability? Teaching Sustainability Using GAPMinder

Led by Natalie D. Hunt, University of MN-Twin Cities
Thursday, October 28 , 2021, at 12:00 pm PT | 1:00 pm MT | 2:00 pm CT | 3:00 pm ET

Description: Sustainability is a complex term that is applied to many different contexts. How do you help your students think about what sustainability entails and how it might be measured? This webinar will engage audiences in helping students in introductory environmental science and sustainability courses frame sustainability questions and identify and compare sustainability metrics using the Gapminder tool. It will highlight ways to engage your students in defining sustainability metrics and exploring publicly available datasets using an online tool from the Sustainability Metrics module.

Helping students critically evaluate data

Led by Annette Brickley, NES-LTER Education and Outreach Coordinator, Kathy Browne, Rider University, and Gabi Smalley, Rider University
Friday, November 12, 2021, at 1:30 pm PT | 2:30 pm MT | 3:30 pm CT | 4:30 pm ET

Description: The "A-B-C" structure of all EDDIE modules is designed to build student skills towards independent evidence-based thinking and communicating. Using a long term data set from the Chesapeake Bay, the authors of the Hypoxia in Coastal Marine Ecosystems module will share how they designed and modified the "parts" to meet students' needs to think critically about data. From a decade-long time series showing annual change, students step from recognizing simpler patterns to pulling apart more complex patterns with time lag and correlations. Contextual understanding of nutrients, photosynthesis and respiration, estuarine ecosystems, and anthropogenic input all deepen the inquiry.

Engaging students in physical oceanography through data analyses

Meet the Author Event with April Watson, Lynn University and Jacqui Jenkins-Degan, Cape Fear Community College
Friday, November 19, 2021, at 11:00 am PT | 12:00 pm MT | 1:00 pm CT | 2:00 pm ET

Description: Understanding physical processes in the ocean is an important topic covered in oceanography and hazards courses. Teaching it through data analyses helps your students better understand how the ocean works. This event brings together the authors of two project EDDIE modules: Wind and Ocean Ecosystems and Bomb Cyclones-They're Explosive so that you can explore opportunities to engage your students in exploring wind data, upwelling, and storms. You will have time for discussion with one of the authors at the end of the event.

For Students

Geo-Launchpad: paid internship for community college students in Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming

Do you have an interest in geoscience but are unsure where to take your next step? Geo-Launchpad is a paid 11-week summer internship program for community college students attending college in Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming.
Geo-Launchpad runs from mid-May through July, pays a stipend of $600/week, and provides housing if needed. This program provides community college students with an introduction to research, a reliable source of summer income ($6600+ for the entire summer), geoscience and engineering knowledge and technical work, career path experience, professional development activities including science communication, resume building, and extensive networking opportunities, the opportunity to become part of a cohort of interns from all over the U.S., and experience presenting at a local and national conference (all expenses paid, including travel if needed). All this as a community college student - before you transfer to a four-year university!
Only students attending community college in CO, NM, and WY are eligible.

  • Applications open November 15, 2021 and close on February 8, 2022.
  • Learn more on the information page.

Section and Division Highlights

Teacher Education (TED) Division

Post to the TED Division Facebook Page

Members are invited to post time-critical information on the TED Division Facebook page.

Career Hub

A full-time, tenure-track position in Physical Geography in Earth Science, Utah Valley University (UVU)

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Earth Science, Mount Holyoke College

University of British Columbia: Assistant Professors (tenure-track) in Chemical Oceanography / Marine Biogeochemistry