2021 Awardee - Raquel Bryant, Texas A&M University
Dr. Raquel Bryant has been awarded the 2021 Excellence in JEDI Award by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers

Dr. Raquel Bryant is a Geosciences Future FacultyPostdoctoral Fellow in the College of Geosciences at Texas A&M University. She is a paleoceanographer and micropaleontologist. Her work integrates paleobiological and geochemical archives to understand how the ocean and its ecosystems respond to intervals of global warmth in the geologic past. She is also interested in developing new methods to cultivate leadership skills among Geoscientists.
Bryant is a co-PI on NSF funded All-ABOARD, which creates a unique professional development experience for inter-generational teams of geoscience leaders, providing them with the tools they need to advance the JEDI goals on their home campuses. She was also the co-organizer of the GSA 2020 Pardee Symposium "The Next Generation of Geoscience Leaders: Strategies for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion." As a graduate student at UMass Amherst, Raquel was committed to graduate student advocacy and was the co-chair of the #Safeatwork Campaign and a co-founder of the BRiDGE Seminar Series.
Bryant is honored to be the inaugural recipient of the NAGT Excellence in JEDI award. She strives to inspire her colleagues and students to pursue excellence in broadening participation and advancing student success, just as they do in research.