Initial Publication Date: March 4, 2019

NAGT Conflict of Interest Policy for NAGT Officers, Executive Committee Members and Committee Chairs

Approved by NAGT's Executive Committee on September 17, 2010


This document outlines the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) conflict of interest policy relating to elected and appointed members of the Executive Committee, NAGT officers and committee chairs. It is not the intent of this policy to eliminate all situations that may give rise to a conflict of interest, but rather to enable Executive Committee members to recognize situations that may create a conflict of interest and therefore to ensure that such situations are properly disclosed. It is understood that by its nature the Executive Committee is composed of individuals who may be board members or hold senior staff positions with other societies that have relationships with NAGT. The members of the Executive Committee of NAGT include: the Executive Director, Journal of Geoscience Education Editor, President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Past President, Secretary/treasurer and Councilors-at-Large.

Statement of Policy

No member of the Executive Committee, officer or committee chair shall use her or his position, or the knowledge gained there from, in such a manner that a conflict between the financial interest of NAGT and his or her personal interest arises. Each Executive Committee member has a duty to place the financial interest of NAGT foremost in any dealings with NAGT and has a continuing responsibility to comply with the requirement of this policy. If an Executive Committee member has a financial interest in a proposed transaction with NAGT in the form of a significant personal financial interest in the transaction or in any organization involved in the transaction, or holds a position as trustee, director, or officer in any such organization, he or she must make full disclosure of such interest before any discussion or negotiation of such transaction and will abstain from any vote in connection with the matter.


To implement this policy, Executive Committee members will submit annual reports on the attached form and, if not previously disclosed, will make disclosures before any relevant board, committee, or officer action. These reports will be reviewed by the Secretary/treasurer, who will refer any actual or potential conflict(s) to the Executive Committee.