In the Trenches - October 2018
Celebrating Teachers Who Inspire
Volume 8, Number 4
In This Issue
- Integrating InTeGrate: Faculty Assess Classroom Experiences - Elizabeth Nagy-Shadman, Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA; Tiffany Rivera, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT; Chris Berg, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA; Mark Abolins, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN; William Hansen, Worcester State University, Worcester, MA; Daren Nelson, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Pembroke, NC; Laura Rademacher, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA; and Mathieu Richaud, California State University, Fresno, CA
- Investigating Classroom Science: A Cure for National Skepticism of Science? - Russ Colson, Minnesota State University-Moorhead, and Mary Colson, Horizon Middle School, Moorhead, MN
- Oustanding Earth Science Techer Awards and Outstanding Teaching Assistants Awards for 2018
- NAGT, GSA, GEO-CUR, Totten, Stout, & JGE Education Division Awards for 2018
- ONLINE EXTRA: Testing Models through Personal Observation: Phases of the Moon - Russ Colson, Minnesota State University-Moorhead, and Mary Colson, Horizon Middle School, Moorhead, MN
This site provides web links that supplement the print articles as well as news and web resources. Members can follow the "Read more" links below to access full versions of the articles online. To receive the full edition of In the Trenches, join NAGT
Integrating InTeGrate: Faculty Assess Classroom Experience
ELIZABETH NAGY-SHADMAN, Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA; TIFFANY RIVERA, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT; CHRIS BERG, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, CA; MARK ABOLINS, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN; WILLIAM HANSEN, Worcester State University, Worcester, MA; DAREN NELSON, University of North Carolina at Pembroke, Pembroke, NC; LAURA RADEMACHER, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA, MATHIEU RICHAUD, California State University, Fresno, Fresno, CA.
- Detailed stories (Bruckner et al., 2017) created by participants are available online and contain preparation tips, activity duration, modifications, and student reactions to activities.
Investigative Classroom Science: A Cure for National Skepticism of Science
RUSS COLSON, Minnesota State University– Moorhead, MARY COLSON, Horizon Middle School, Moorhead, MN. Russ and Mary Colson are coauthors of the NSTA Press book, Learning to Read the Earth and Sky.
Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Awards for 2018
Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Awards (OEST) are given for "exceptional contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth sciences at the pre-college level." Any teacher or K-12 educator who covers a significant amount of Earth science content with his or her students is eligible. Ten national finalists are selected, one from each NAGT regional section. Some sections also recognize state winners. The OEST Awards program is designed to identify excellence in teaching, recognize and reward excellence in teaching, stimulate higher levels of teaching performance, establish NAGT as a strong support organization for pre-college education, and, via active statewide and sectional programs, build a solid state, regional, and national liaison with administrators of pre-college Earth science education.
Read all about the 2018 winners on the NAGT OEST Awards webpage
NAGT, GSA, GEO-CUR, Totten, Stout, & JGE Education Division Awards for 2018
NAGT Awards for 2018:
The Miner Award, given for outstanding contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth sciences, was awarded to Rachel Beane of Bowdoin College, Maine.
The Shea Award, given to honor individuals for exceptional writing or editing of Earth science materials of interest to the general public and/or teachers of Earth science, was awarded to Callan Bentley of Northern Virginia Community College.
The Christman Award, given in recognition of those who have provided distinguished service to NAGT at the national and/or section level, was awarded to David Mogk of Montana State University.
The Stout Professional Development Grants were awarded to the following:
Russel Korhs of Lord Fairfax Community College and Massanutten Regional Governor's School, Mount Jackson, VA, to fund field study in New York and to create resources to help students
Jill Weaver of Valley View Junior High, Farmersville, OH, to bring the volcanic experience into the classroom
Sara Young of Waubonsie Valley High School, Aurora, IL, to fund field study in Hawaii
Journal of Geoscience Education Awards for 2018:
The JGE Award for Outstanding Paper was awarded to David A. McConnell, Leeanna Chapman, C. Douglas Czajka, Jason P. Jones, Katherine D. Ryker, & Jennifer Wiggen for their paper "Instructional Utility and Learning Efficacy of Common Active Learning Strategies," JGE: November 2017, Vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 604-625.
The JGE Award for Outstanding Reviewer was awarded to Glenn Dolphin of the University of Calgary
Geological Society of America Awards for 2018:
The Biggs Award, GSA's award for excellence in Earth science teaching by undergraduate faculty who have been teaching full-time for 10 years of fewer, was awarded to Nicole LaDue of Northern Illinois University.
The Totten Geoscience Education Research Award, given in recognition of outstanding research emerging from the geoscience education, geocognition, or related fields, was awarded to Caitlin K. Kirby (faculty awardee) of Michigan State University.
GEO-CUR Award for 2018:
The Geo-CUR Award, given in recognition of outstanding undergraduate research mentoring, was awarded to Colin Laroque of the University of Saskatchewan.
ONLINE EXTRA: Testing Models through Personal Observation: Phases of the Moon
By Russ Colson, Minnesota State University-Moorhead, and Mary Colson, Horizon Middle School, Moorhead MN
You know the accepted model for the phases of the Moon, but do you know why you believe it? Helping students connect scientific models to underpinning observations is at least as important as teaching them to understand and explain the models. The lesson outlined in this article encourages students to think about how they can test the accepted model for phases of the Moon. This is a model first developed in antiquity and based on observations that any of us can make. This lesson can be appended to a more traditional exploration of the model for phases of the Moon. It engages students in making personal observations to test the validity of the model and in arguing on the basis of their own observations whether the model is correct. This lesson is divided into four conceptually-simple steps whose complexity can be tailored to the age and ability of the students. It can take anywhere from three to ten class periods plus a 1-month period for watching the Moon outside of class. Read More...
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