In the Trenches - July 2018
Making Earth Science Visible, Accessible, Engaging
Volume 8, Number 3
In This Issue
- Following the Water: Mexican Middle Schoolers Model Their Local Watershed - Tom Ekman, The Sierra School, Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico
- Visual Environmental Communication: Art-Science Collaboration in a Liberal Arts Setting - Zion Klos, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY, and Lucy Holtsnider, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- My Favorite Demonstration: The P-Wave Shadow Zone: Shedding Light on the Concept - Gregory Mead, Santa Fe College, Gainsville, FL
- Letters to the Editor: On Teaching Origins in the East Texas "Bible Belt" - Rebecca Owens, Tyler Junior College, Tyler, TX
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Following the Water: Mexican Middle Schoolers Model Their Local Watershed

Tom Ekman, The Sierra School, Todos Santos, BCS, Mexico
- In this InTeGrate course module focusing on land/water connection, students predict the amount and destination of water as it moves through a built environment and use the Model My Watershed application to evaluate the impact of human alterations to the landscape.
Visual Environmental Communication: Art-Science Collaboration in a Liberal Arts Setting

Zion Klos, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY, and Lucy Holtsnider, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
- In this SISL teaching activity, students use art to consider the effects of industrial culture on the environment and envision how to create a more positive and sustainable future by creating artwork based on images of environmental damage. The students will use these images to address the social and economic basis for environmental harms, as well as how to reclaim damaged areas and live in a more ecologically sustainable manner.
My Favorite Demonstration: The P-Wave Shadow Zone: Shedding Light on the Concept

Gregory Mead, Santa Fe College, Gainesville, FL
- Seismic Wave Races is an in-class activity designed to help students discover WHY P and S waves behave the way they do and how they are affected by their environment. It also goes into how we use seismic waves to determine the geologic structure of the earth (on a very basic level).
Letter to the Editor: Teaching Origins in the East Texas "Bible Belt"

Rebecca Owens, Tyler Junior College, Tyler, Texas
topics to students who have previously learned these are anti-Christian. This is a constant challenge for me, as I teach historical and physical geology in Tyler, Texas. A simple technique I use to encourage my conservative Christian students not to be afraid of these topics is the inclusion of a homework assignment on the history of society's acceptance or rejection
of evolution and the age of the earth. A simple technique I use to encourage my conservative Christian students not to be afraid of these topics is the inclusion of a homework assignment on the history of society's acceptance or rejection of evolution and the age of the earth. Read more...
- Evolution is a fundamental theory of modern geosciences and life sciences, yet it is one of the most controversial issues within science education. The origins of the controversy have both historical and philosophical roots. In this teaching activity, students examine dominant and alternative perspectives on what science is, what religion is, and the existence and location of boundaries between these disciplines.
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USGS/NAGT Cooperative Field Training Program- Started in 1965, the NAGT-USGS Cooperative Summer Field Training Program is the longest continuously running internship program in the earth sciences. Over the past fifty years, more than 2,300 students have participated in this program with an impressive number of these individuals becoming full-time employees of the USGS. The deadline for nominations is October 16, 2018.