In the Trenches - October 2017
Exploring the Critical Zone, Earth's Outer Skin
Volume 7, Number 4
In This Issue
- Letter from the Guest Editor: Teaching About the Critical Zone - Don Haas, Paleontological Research Institution and Museum of the Earth
- Developing a New Transdisciplinary Curriculum in Critical Zone Science - Tim White, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, Pennsylvania State University
- Explore the Critical Zone with the CZO Resource Collection - Alexandra Moore, Paleontological Research Institution (PRI); Don Haas, PRI, David Lubinski, University of Colorado at Boulder; and Robert M. Ross, PRI
- Getting Students Jazzed About Critical Zone: Engaging Students in Authentic Inquiry Through Data Jam - Steven McGee, The Learning Partnership and Northwestern University; and Noelia Báez Rodríguez, the Luquillo LTER Schoolyard program, Puerto Rico
- Outstanding Earth Science Teachers Awards for 2017
- NAGT, GSA, CUR, Totten, & JGE Education Division Awards for 2017
- ONLINE EXTRA: Bringing the Outdoors In: Application of Hydrogeology Education Tools - Jennifer Z Williams, Pennsylvania State University; Sharon Dykhoff, Dominion Christian School; Jonathan Pollak, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc.; and Susan L. Brantley, Pennsylvania State University
- ONLINE EXTRA: Cultivating a Sense of Place in the Southern Piedmont Using Esri Story Maps - Katherine P. O'Neill and Jane F. Rice, Roanoke College; and Daniel deB. Richter, Duke University
- ONLINE EXTRA: Exploiting Weathering and Erosion for Authentic Argument and Problem-Based Learning Activities - Christopher Roemmele, West Chester University and Steven Smith, Purdue University
This site provides web links that supplement the print articles as well as news and web resources. Members can follow the "Read more" links below to access full versions of the articles online. To receive the full edition of In the Trenches, join NAGT
Letter from the Guest Editor: Teaching About the Critical Zone
Don Haas, Paleontological Research Institution and Museum of the Earth
Developing a New Transdisciplinary Curriculum in Critical Zone Science
Tim White, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute, Pennsylvania State University
Explore the Critical Zone with the CZO Resource Collection
Alexandra Moore, Paleontological Research Institution (PRI); Don Haas, PRI, David Lubinski, University of Colorado at Boulder; and Robert M. Ross, PRI
Getting Students Jazzed About Critical Zone: Engaging Students in Authentic Inquiry Through Data Jam
Steven McGee, The Learning Partnership and Northwestern University; and Noelia Báez Rodríguez, the Luquillo LTER Schoolyard program, Puerto Rico
Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Awards for 2017
Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Awards (OEST) are given for "exceptional contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth sciences at the pre-college level." Any teacher or K-12 educator who covers a significant amount of Earth science content with his or her students is eligible. Ten national finalists are selected, one from each NAGT regional section. Some sections also recognize state winners. The OEST Awards program is designed to identify excellence in teaching, recognize and reward excellence in teaching, stimulate higher levels of teaching performance, establish NAGT as a strong support organization for pre-college education, and, via active statewide and sectional programs, build a solid state, regional, and national liaison with administrators of pre-college Earth science education.
Read all about the 2017 winners on the NAGT OEST Awards webpage
NAGT, GSA, CUR, Totten, & JGE Education Division Awards for 2017
NAGT Awards for 2017:
The Miner Award, given for outstanding contributions to the stimulation of interest in the Earth sciences, was awarded to Katherine Ellins of the University of Texas, Austin.
The Shea Award, given to honor individuals for exceptional writing or editing of Earth science materials of interest to the general public and/or teachers of Earth science, was awarded to Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University.
The Christman Award, given in recognition of those who have provided distinguished service to NAGT at the national and/or section level, was awarded to Gene Pearson of the University of the Pacific.
The Stout Professional Development Grants were awarded to the following:
Jessica Cruz of Modesto Junior College, to fund field study in the Pacific Northwest
Janet Davis of Heartland Community College, to attend the 2017 Midwest Environmental Education Conference
Peter Ower of Wilmette Junior High School, to attend the Climate Generation Summer Institute for Climate Change Education
Journal of Geoscience Education Awards for 2017:
The JGE Award for Outstanding Paper was awarded to Kathryn A. Stoffer of the University of Florida for her paper "When a Picture Isn't Worth 1000 Words," JGE: August 2016, Vol. 64, No. 3, pp. 231-241
The JGE Award for Outstanding Reviewer was awarded to Kim Kastens of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Geological Society of America Awards for 2017:
The Briggs Award, GSA's award for excellence in Earth science teaching by undergraduate faculty who have been teaching full-time for 10 years of fewer, was awarded to Laura Lukes of George Mason University.
The Totten Geoscience Education Research Awards, given in recognition of outstanding research emerging from the geoscience education, geocognition, or related fields, was awarded to Emily Geraghty (faculty awardee) of the Rocky Mountain College and to Peggy McNeal (student awardee), a PhD candidate at Western Michigan University.
CUR Awards for 2017:
The Geo-CUR Award, given in recognition of outstanding undergraduate research mentoring, was awarded to C. Brannon Andersen of Furman University.
ONLINE EXTRA: Bringing the Outdoors In: Application of Hydrogeology Education Tools

Jennifer Z Williams, Pennsylvania State University; Sharon Dykhoff, Dominion Christian School; Jonathan Pollak, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc.; and Susan L. Brantley, Pennsylvania State University
ONLINE EXTRA: Cultivating a Sense of Place in the Southern Piedmont Using Esri Story Maps
Katherine P. O'Neill and Jane F. Rice, Roanoke College; and Daniel deB. Richter, Duke University
ONLINE EXTRA: Exploiting Weathering and Erosion for Authentic Argument and Problem-Based Learning Activities

Christopher Roemmele, West Chester University and Steven Smith, Purdue University
Web Features
Critical Zone Science InTeGrate Course»
This 15-week, seven-module course from InTeGrate, also featured on the Teach the Earth portal, introduces and examines the Critical Zone (CZ), Earth's permeable layer that extends from the top of vegetation to the bottom of the fresh groundwater zone. This course makes use of authentic and credible geoscience data such as CZO data and Ameriflux network data. It also promotes systems thinking by incorporating examples and activities that demonstrate the connection between water, air, soil, and organisms in biogeochemical processes within the CZ.
Teaching Activity: Integrated Critical Zone Project »
This teaching activity, developed by participants in an On the Cutting Edge workshop, offers a way to assemble information about geology, hydrogeology, and soils into a coherent whole in a way that may otherwise not happen in any one class. The "critical zone" concept ties the pieces together.
How to read elemental soil profiles to investigate the biogeochemical processes in Critical Zone»
In this teaching activity, developed by participants in an On the Cutting Edge workshop, students use elemental chemistry data in a soil profile to explore major biogeochemical processes that dominate in critical zone. Data will be provided, and students calculate and graph the mass transfer coefficients as a function of depth using Excel. Based on these plots, student make generalized statements about how different elements behave in this soil profile and what processes dominate, e.g., depletion by rock-water interaction, addition by dust inputs, elemental loading by human activities, etc.
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