NAGTNews - Vol 16- No 10- October 2017
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- The Journal of Geoscience Education Announces New Editor
- NAGT Activities and Workshops at GSA
- Celebrating the 2017 Outstanding Earth Science Teacher (OEST) Award Winners
- Renew your NAGT Membership for 2018
- Announcing the Newly Redesigned Teach the Earth Website
- Traveling Workshops Program Deadline—October 15
- InTeGrate Announces New Course
- STEM Teaching Tools Webinar Opportunity—Deadline October 10
- Apply to Be a Member of AGU's Education Advisory Group—Deadline October 9
- Gold GeoDES Workshop Opportunity—Deadline October 30
- Abstract Deadline for VIII Geoscied is November 30
- Chair, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Dept. - Metropolitan State University Denver
- Doctoral Assistantship in Science Education - Climate Education and Climate Literacy
1. The Journal of Geoscience Education Announces New Editor
NAGT is pleased to announce that Dr. Anne Egger of Ellensburg, Washington, has been named the next Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Geoscience Education.
After six years of exemplary service, outgoing JGE Editor Kristen St. John announced this spring that she would step down. David McConnell, Vice President of NAGT, led the search committee, who together recommended Dr. Egger following an extensive review process. Dr. Egger will assume responsibility for the journal in January, 2018.
Dr. Egger's unflagging commitment to improving Earth literacy and science education, her extensive involvement in materials development for teachers, and her keen interest in integrating the process of science into teaching make her an outstanding choice for the next Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Geoscience Education.
For more information, see the full announcement of Dr. Egger's appointment as Editor.
2. NAGT Activities and Workshops at GSA
Heading to GSA this month? Don't miss the wide range of NAGT education activities taking place at the annual meeting, including a topical session on virtual reality in geoscience education, hands-on teaching demonstrations (audience participation requested!), a look back on fifteen years of education impact from On the Cutting Edge, a town hall on geoscience education research challenges and strategies, and so much more! For the full list of NAGT-sponsored events at the annual meeting, see NAGT's GSA webpage.
Also be sure to stop by our booth (#641) in the exhibit hall to learn about recent NAGT activities and connect with other NAGT members. We hope to see you there!
Seeking Volunteers for the NAGT Booth at GSA - We are actively soliciting NAGT members to help staff the booth during the GSA meeting in Seattle. The vendors area will open at 2:00 PM on Sunday, October 22, and there are opportunities to volunteer each day until the showcase closes at 2:00 PM on Wednesday, October 25. This is a great way to meet other NAGT members from around the country and share your excitement about geoscience education. Your commitment and enthusiasm is critical to help bring new members on board. If you've never volunteered at the booth before, rest assured that it is both easy and fun! There will also be experienced NAGT officers and staff on-hand to guide and assist you as needed. If you're able to give even a little time to representing NAGT, please contact Krista Herbstrith (kherbstr at in the Executive Director's Office by Monday, October 16, and she can add you to the schedule.
3. Celebrating the 2017 Outstanding Earth Science Teacher (OEST) Award Winners
The winners of the 2017 Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Awards have been announced on the NAGT website. Please join us in congratulating this year's winners for their incredible efforts toward advancing Earth science education.
4. Renew Your NAGT Membership for 2018
It's that time of year again—fall marks the beginning of NAGT's membership renewal period! We encourage you to renew now so that you receive uninterrupted membership benefits in 2018.
NAGT is deeply thankful for everyone whose commitment to geoscience education leads them to become a member and support the work of the Association. Now is the time to start thinking about renewing your membership for 2018, which you can do easily at
Remember that you can sign-up for automatic renewals or multi-year memberships if you want to easily continue receiving membership benefits without worrying about letting them lapse. Please also consider an added donation this year—NAGT programs and activities are more innovative, far-reaching, and effective because of your support!
What makes NAGT? The answer is simple: our valued members. Whether you're interested in promoting Earth literacy, keen on joining a community of peers, passionate about teaching the sciences, or eager to learn about new teaching tools and resources, NAGT has so much to offer. Need a reminder of the great benefits of being an NAGT member? Check out the newly redesigned Member Benefits webpage.
Thank you for being a part of the NAGT community.
5. Announcing the Newly Redesigned Teach the Earth Website
With the academic year newly underway and Earth Science Week just around the corner, there's no better time to call attention to the newly designed website for Teach the Earth, a portal to thousands of Earth education resources. Through Teach the Earth, educators gain free access to over 4,000 teaching resources ranging in topic from metacognition and geoethics to mineralogy and teaching in the field. Teach the Earth also offers 4,892 classroom activities, contributions from over 9,000 educators (and counting!), as well as many other resources. Explore, contribute, and connect through Teach the Earth, a community for and by Earth Educators.
6. Traveling Workshops Program Deadline - October 15
The Traveling Workshops Program (TWP) brings national leaders in geoscience education to your campus or regional event. Designed for departments, institutions, or groups of institutions with shared interests, TWP offers workshops on strengthening cross-campus environmental and sustainability programs as well as supporting the success of all students. The TWP is a part of NAGT's integrated Workshop Program.
Application Deadlines for the 2017-2018 academic year:
- October 15 (for Spring 2018 Workshops)
- March 15 (for Fall 2018 Workshops)
7. InTeGrate Announces New Course
Modeling Earth Systems is a great fit for teaching Climatology, Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Earth Modeling, Geology/Earth Science, and Systems Thinking.
8. STEM Teaching Tools Webinar Opportunity—Deadline October 10
NAGT and the NGSS Earth and Space Science Working Group invite you to a free webinar on October 12—STEM Teaching Tools: Resources for Equitable Science Teaching and Learning. Educators implementing the vision of 3D equitable science instruction described in the Framework for k-12 Science Education face many problems of practice. The STEM Teaching Tools collection of resources—a pool of researcher- and practitioner-designed materials that continues to grow—are freely available to support educators in addressing such implementation challenges. This webinar will explore the resource collection, engage in example uses of these resources, and discuss other options for supporting educators in this critical moment of shifting instructional goals and norms.
The webinar takes place on October 12 at 3PM CT. Registration closes on October 10.
9. Apply to be a Member of AGU's Advisory Group—Deadline October 9
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is establishing an Education Advisory Group to explore the potential for the development of a sections/focus group serving AGU members interested in advancement of Earth and space science education. AGU has developed criteria and is piloting a process for proposing new sections/focus groups. Approximately 15-20 individuals are sought to take part in this work, which will begin in the fall and continue through early 2018. AGU will accept applications for this advisory group until October 9, 2017 and hopes to make selections by mid-October. To learn more, read the leadership criteria, and review the time commitment expected, read the full announcement from AGU. To apply, complete the online form.
10. GOLD GeoDES Workshop—Deadline October 30
The project Geoscience Diversity Experiential Simulations (GeoDES), funded by the National Science Foundation, is seeking volunteers to participate in a new study investigating diversity within academic leadership in the geosciences. The goal of the GeoDES project is to train selected geoscientists to challenge prejudices and prejudicial structures at their institutions so that the field of geoscience can become a more diverse and welcoming environment for scientists of all backgrounds. At a three-day workshop, taking place November 13-15, participants will learn about prejudice and about how institutions are structured (particularly geoscience departments) such that they continually reproduce inequitable conditions. The workshop incorporates an innovative, mixed-reality, virtual simulation to build participants' skills to combat bias, prejudice, and prejudicial structures.
GeoDES is seeking 30 tenured faculty members, department heads or chairs, and geoscience department/college administrators to attend the workshop and participate in follow-up activities. The 3-day workshop will take place from November 13 to November 15, 2017 at an NCAR facility in Boulder, CO. Costs for selected participants will be covered by the NSF grant, which includes travel to Boulder, lodging, and meals. Follow-up activities include a monthly virtual "check in" with discussions about how to apply what participants have learned at the 3-day workshop to their specific institution.
If you or your colleagues are interested in this professional development opportunity please email Jason Chen, Principal Investigator, at (The College of William & Mary). You can register for this opportunity at the project website.The deadline to apply is October 30, 2017.
11. Save the Date—Abstract Deadline for VIII Geoscied is November 30
The VIII Geoscied Conference, an international meeting of geoscientists concerned with education and training in Geosciences, will take place July 22-27 in Unicamp, Campinas, Brazil. The deadline for submitting abstracts is November 30, 2017. More information is available on the Geoscied website.
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Community Advertisements
Chair, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Dept. - Metropolitan State University Denver
Posted: Aug 22 2017
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at MSU Denver is looking for a tenured professor with previous leadership, administrative and teaching experience to fill the Chair position. Deadline date for application is 10/19/2017, start date August 1, 2018.
Doctoral Assistantship in Science Education - Climate Education and Climate Literacy
Posted: Jun 9 2017
4-year doctoral assistantship associated with a new, 4-year, NSF-funded project - High School Students' Climate Literacy Through Epistemology of Scientific Modeling (DRL 1720838)- at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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