Register now for the 10th annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous!
The Rendezvous brings together researchers and practitioners working in all aspects of undergraduate Earth education, including a mix of college faculty, graduate students, and K-12 teachers from all disciplines who are interested in improving their teaching about Earth.
Become a Sponsor Sign Up to Have Your Own Exhibit
There is still time! Submit a Late Abstract for a Poster or Share-a-Thon Presentation!
The Earth Educators' Rendezvous Contributed Program, comprised of oral presentations, posters, teaching demos, and share-a-thon presentations, offers a venue to share your work and engage in discussions with the Earth Science education community. We encourage you to share research and teaching expertise at this event, which brings together researchers and practitioners working in all aspects of Earth education. All submissions for these have an additional fee.
Submit a Poster Abstract or Share-a-Thon
By May 20, 2024
Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE) Awards
The Journal of Geoscience Education (JGE) is the premier peer-reviewed publication for geoscience education research and curriculum and instruction at the undergraduate and pre-college levels. JGE is an international forum dedicated to the publication of research concerning the pedagogy, assessment, and philosophy of teaching and learning about the geosciences. JGE awards are presented annually with nominations solicited from JGE readers, authors, and editors. These awards include the Outstanding Paper Award & the Outstanding Reviewer Award.
Nomination Deadline: Saturday, June 15, 2024
More Information on JGE Awards
Outstanding Teaching Assistant (TA) Awards
The Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award recognizes undergraduate and graduate students for their work as teaching assistants. Up to 30 awards are given annually. Both undergraduate and graduate teaching assistants are eligible for the award. Award winners receive a one-year membership in NAGT, which includes an online subscription to the Journal of Geoscience Education and our In The Trenches quarterly magazine. The undergraduate student awards are the gift of Thomas Hendrix, Grand Valley State University. Tom was the recipient of the 1994 Neil Miner award, and he also served as President of NAGT and as editor of the Journal of Geoscience Education. The graduate student awards are funded by NAGT.
Nomination Deadline: Saturday, June 15, 2024
More Information on Outstanding TA Awards
Check out the April Issue of In the Trenches
The April issue of our member journal, In the Trenches, is now available! This issue celebrates Citizen Science. You can view the issue at the link above or download a PDF copy.
Taylor & Francis Book Discount For NAGT Members!
As NAGT publishes with Taylor & Francis, members are entitled to a 30% books discount on any full-priced CRC Press or Routledge book. To acquire this discount and see other journals you have access to, visit your NAGT Member Homepage and select Journal Access. This is one of many of our membership perks!

2024 Earth Educators' Rendezvous
July 15-19, 2024, in Philadelphia, PA
Join us for the tenth annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous! This event brings together researchers and practitioners working in all aspects of undergraduate Earth education, including a mix of college faculty, graduate students, and K-12 teachers from all disciplines who are interested in improving their teaching about Earth. Our program is designed to appeal to everyone from the instructor attending their first Earth education-themed meeting, to experienced STEM education researchers, to administrators who want to better support students in their programs. Among many options, participants can learn about new teaching approaches, discover opportunities to get involved in research programs, prepare for an academic career, or discuss how to approach teaching and learning challenges in their classroom. Consider joining the Rendezvous for 2- or 3-day blocks, or for the whole week-long (5-day) event. Some workshop stipends are still available.
- Late Poster and Share-a-Thon Deadline: Monday, May 20, 2024
For more information and registration, visit the EER 2024 website.
Become a SponsorSign Up to Have Your Own Exhibit
May 14 Webinar: NAGT EER 2024
Please join us for an introduction to three of the workshops that will be hosted at EER 2024: Soil Science, Earth Science Field Explorations, and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Leaders Michelle Cauley, Jessica Swann, and Karen Kortz will provide a sneak peek into their respective workshops and will be available for questions.
Registration Deadline: Monday, May 13, 2024.
NAGT Short Courses at Upcoming GSA Section Meetings
May 15-17, 2024 Joint Cordilleran and Rocky Mountain Section Meeting in Spokane, WA
Preparing Your Students for the Jobs They Want
Teaching Quantitative Reasoning Using Data: Project EDDIE
Come see us at the booth!
May 21 Webinar: In Our VOICES (Voices Of Integrating Culture in the Earth Sciences): JGE Publications
Please join this NAGT DEI Committee-hosted webinar to hear from participants of the NSF-funded project In Our VOICES: Voices Of Integrating Culture in the Earth Sciences (VOICES). Scientists and educators will share an overview of the work, published in the Journal of Geoscience Education issue highlighting the project (Volume 71, Issue 3 (2023)). This webinar is for anyone interested in how personal identity shapes one's Earth and environmental science education experience, particularly the VOICES elements of Identity, Belonging, Place, and Security. Presenters will offer comments on lessons learned for implementation in teaching and research environments.
Registration Deadline: Monday, May 20, 2024
2024 Structural Geology and Tectonics (SGT) Forum
June 24-27, 2024, at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington
The Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum is accepting abstracts to contribute to the 7th Annual SGT Forum, a grassroots, volunteer-run, community meeting in Structural Geology and Tectonics. The SGT Forum provides a venue for investigators and educators to communicate, develop, and advance research and teaching in our discipline. This four-day Forum includes "one-at-a-time" technical sessions in the central two days, with workshops and field trips at the start and end. This year's themes include subduction zone geology, convergent and transpressional orogens, magnetic fabrics, deformation of mafic and ultramafic rocks, and teaching in the field. We welcome contributions on other topics as well, and will adjust the program to reflect the abstracts we receive. Although the Forum is aimed at professional geologists, we encourage advanced graduate students to attend. Registration opens April 22, 2024.
Abstract Submission & Registration Deadline: Friday, May 31, 2024
NAGT at GSA Connects 2024
September 22-25, 2024 Anaheim, CA
Join NAGT at GSA Connects this year in Anaheim, California. The call for abstracts is open now!
Abstract Submission Deadline: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Traveling Workshops: Bring Our Experienced Leaders to You
Rolling, through Fall 2024
Are you preparing for a program review or responding to feedback from one? Have you seen changes in the faculty in your department through new hires or retirements? Do you feel you could do a better job serving your students? We can help you!
The NAGT Traveling Workshops Program (TWP) connects you with experienced facilitators to design a two-day workshop that meets the needs of your department, program, or group. The TWP has well-tested workshop sessions on adapting to change, (re)designing your courses and curriculum, inclusive mentoring, supporting all students, and more. Learn more about the history of the Traveling Workshop Program in April's In the Trenches.
Request a Fall/Winter Workshop by June 15, 2024
Can't make the June 15 deadline? Don't worry - there will be more opportunities later this year!

EER24 Student Workshops
Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences
Monday, July 15 -Wednesday, July 17, 8:30-11:30
This workshop is designed specifically for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and others who are interested in pursuing academic careers in the geosciences. Workshop leaders from a variety of institution types and career paths will provide guidance and information that will help participants to be stronger candidates for academic positions and to succeed in academic jobs. Workshop format will include presentations, discussions, small group activities such as application materials review and elevator pitch practice, and periods of informal Q & A with co-conveners, alumni of the workshop, and fellow participants. Each participant will develop or revise a plan for the next stage in their career and will cultivate ideas that they can immediately implement.
Getting the Most Out of Your Teaching Assistant (TA) Experience
Thursday, July 18 - Friday, July 19, 8:30-11:30
In this workshop, we will help graduate students build their skills as teaching assistants (TAs) and articulate those skills in light of future careers. Participants will develop skills and confidence for facilitating data-rich learning activities, explore strategies for fostering inclusive and supportive learning environments, and recognize and communicate the important skills they develop as a TA. While the primary audience for the workshop is graduate students, senior undergraduates, post-docs, and faculty interested in providing professional development for TAs are also welcome.
See more programming for graduate students and post docs.
2024 Geoscience Field Camps: Scholarships & Offerings
Summer 2024 Geoscience Field Camp Offerings
In an effort to help students and faculty find options for Summer 2024 field camp offerings, NAGT is compiling a list of field camps of all formats. This list includes programs-whether they be online, in-person, or hybrid-that have space for additional students. Are you a field camp director with space for additional enrollment in your summer 2024 course? We invite you to add your program to the list.
Please share the field camp list with others who may be interested in participating in these programs.
2024 NAGT Pacific Northwest Section Conference
June 17-19, 2024 at Yakima Valley College, Yakima, WA
Join us in sunny Yakima, WA, to meet colleagues from around the Pacific Northwest, share teaching techniques, and explore the amazing geology of the eastern slopes of the Cascades! Our annual PNW-NAGT meeting will be held in Yakima, WA, this year, from June 17-19, 2024. Presentations and the business meeting will take place on June 17 on the Yakima Valley College campus, followed by dinner with keynote (and time to look at the exhibits) at the Yakima Valley Museum. This will be followed by two days of trips to experience the regional geology. On June 18 we will venture into fluvial sediments and fossils north of Ellensburg, toward Wenatchee. On June 19, we'll work our way along US 12 where we will see igneous and volcaniclastic rocks from multiple episodes of volcanism in the Cascades, glacial valleys, mass wasting, and much more. Estimated registration fee $150-$200 for all three days (includes field trip transportation, lunch each day, one dinner with keynote speaker). The registration link and more details will be available soon on the NAGT-PNW Section web page.
If you would like to present a talk, workshop, or poster about any current research, Pacific Northwest Geology, or teaching practices, please submit your abstract using the link below. Students are encouraged to submit abstracts as well! If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to the planning committee Suki Smaglik Zach Schierl, and Katharine Solada.
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 31, 2024
Rocky Mountain Section
Call for Officer Nominees and State Representation in the New NAGT Rocky Mountain Section
If you are looking for opportunities to gain some leadership skills and build your professional network, the newly formed Rocky Mountain Section (RMS) of NAGT will have openings for President and Vice-President this upcoming year. For more information, contact interim RMS leaders Mary Kosloski and Emily Ward.
RMS is also looking for volunteers to serve as state representatives from Colorado, Montana, western Nebraska, western North Dakota, New Mexico, western South Dakota, western Texas, Utah, Wyoming, Alberta, and Northwest Territories. The primary role of state representatives is to help advertise the Outstanding Earth Science Teacher Awards (OEST) in your networks as well as nominate and/or assist in the selection of OEST state winners. For more information, contact OEST chair of the Rocky Mountain Section: Cheryl Manning
Geoscience Education Research (GER) Division
Call for Nominations for GER Early Career, Collaboration & Growth, and Transformation Awards
The nomination process is now open! These awards recognize those who have made significant contributions to the development of and capacity for geoscience education research, including non-GER colleagues (e.g., geophysicists, educational psychologists, education researchers, etc.) who have infused the GER community with new ideas.
GER Award Nomination Deadline: June 1, 2024 (The deadline is the same for all three awards.)
Teacher Education (TED) Division
Post to the TED Division Facebook Page
Members are invited to post time-critical information on the TED Division Facebook page.
Nominate Yourself or Your Colleagues for an NAGT Committee
Help to guide the work of the organization: NAGT committees are seeking new members. For more information about each committee and to nominate yourself or a colleague, please visit NAGT's Get Involved in NAGT Leadership web page. The following committees are seeking new members:
- Professional Development:
- Programs:
- Award Committees:
- Grant and Scholarships Committees:
- Management Committees:
Nominate Yourself or a Colleague Now!

Environmental Studies Capstone Survey
Do you teach in an interdisciplinary environmental program at an institution for higher education? If so, we would greatly appreciate it if you would share information about your program with us by completing THIS SURVEY.
Given the interdisciplinary nature of Environmental Studies and Science (ESS) programs, Capstone and other culminating experiences are an important way for students to bring together diverse knowledge and skills. And yet, many of us teaching in ESS programs struggle to clearly define the objectives of such experiences and to design these experiences effectively given scarce and inconsistent resources. The purpose of this research study is to examine the range of "Capstone" models, learning objectives, resource availability, and perceived outcomes. By critically examining the connection between these variables, we hope to identify how objectives can be achieved given particular resource constraints to help ESS instructors develop informed and effective Capstone models. This survey was piloted at the 2023 Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference, and we have IRB approval through Binghamton University (IRB ID: STUDY00004682).
The more responses we can gather the better, so please help us by sharing this survey link with colleagues within and outside your institution.
Thanks for considering,
Chelsea Peters, Roanoke College
Valerie Rountree, University of Redlands
Nirav Patel, Binghamton University, SUNY
Derek Larson, The College of St. Benedict & St. John's University
Complete the Survey
By June 1, 2024
Geology Instructor Position, Department of Earth Sciences, The University of South Alabama
The University of South Alabama Earth Sciences Department invites applications for a full-time (9-month), non-tenure-track faculty Instructor position, starting August 15, 2024. We seek a broadly trained geoscientist to teach introductory Physical Geology and Earth History sections.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Science for Oxford College of Emory University
Oxford College, a two-year liberal arts college within Emory University, located 36 miles east of Atlanta, GA invites applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor position in Environmental Science beginning August 2024. The successful candidate will teach two introductory lecture courses and their accompanying laboratories each semester, or their equivalent, including Introduction to Environmental Studies, and additional introductory courses in the candidate's areas of expertise, such as Social Science and Policy, Environment and Health, Ecology and Conservation, or Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
Available Samples
Desired Specimens
- #50States50Rocks
- Precambrian chert. Stromatolites
- Deformation Microstructures
- Science Department Head/Earth Science Teacher
- Small rural school needs a classroom rock and mineral collection