News & Announcements
- NAGT Announces New Executive Director
- NAGT Sponsored Projects at GSA
- NAGT Continues the Search for ITT Editor
- Celebrating the Life of Marv Kauffman
- Start the Year off Right with Course Planning Support from Teach the Earth
- Check out the New Issue of JGE
- Rendezvous 2020
- Preparing for an Academic Career Workshop at Rendezvous 2020
- Early Career Workshop 2020
- Renew Your NAGT Membership for 2020
- Celebrate Earth Science Week with AGI's Online Toolkit
- Check out "Calling: Earth" Podcasts in Partnership with the University of South Florida
Upcoming Webinars and Workshops
- Series: NAGT Announces Fall 2019 Webinar Series
- Webinar: Earth Education for a Sustainable Future: Supporting departments and programs through InTeGrate -September 17
- Webinar: Lessons Learned from InTeGrate's Materials Development Program and What Remains Undone - October 1
- Webinar: Operationalizing the Earth Science Week theme in K12: Geoscience is for everyone - October 10
- Workshop: Strengthen Your Courses, Program, or Department and Host a Traveling Workshop - Apply by October 15
- Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Submit Your Abstract for AGU's Fall 2019 Virtual Poster Showcase
- National Fossil Day Art Competition Entries
- Register for the AGU Heads and Chairs Workshop
- Nominate Candidates for American Geosciences Institute 2021 Officer Positions and 2020 Awards
- Career Hub: Ongoing
Section and Division Highlights
NAGT Career Hub
Rock and Mineral Exchange
1. NAGT Announces New Executive Director
Dr. Anne Egger, current Editor-in-Chief of NAGT's Journal of Geoscience Education and a Past President of NAGT will serve as the next Executive Director of NAGT. Dr. Egger is an Associate Professor at Central Washington University with a joint appointment in Geological Sciences and Science Education. NAGT is currently seeking an Interim Editor in Chief for JGE. Dr. Cathy Manduca, who has served as Executive Director for the past 12 years will step down November 1. She will continue her work as Director of the Science Education Resource Center (SERC). A formal announcement will be forthcoming in the following weeks.
2. NAGT Sponsored Projects at GSA
- Check out NAGT-sponsored activities, sessions, and short courses at GSA, which highlight key issues of importance to geoscience educators at all levels. When registering for the annual meeting, you can also register for one of the NAGT-sponsored short courses, which include:
- Preparing Undergraduates -- Data-Rich Introductory Teaching Modules and Connecting Content to Geoscience Careers
- Geoheritage: Concepts and Methods for Sharing Earth's Legacy for Economic, Societal, and Scientific Advancement
- Teaching Quantitative Structural Geology
- Inclusive and Effective College Science Classrooms: Engaging Students, Designing Lessons, and Integrating Diversity into Curriculum
- Stop by the NAGT booth #107 to meet officers and other NAGT members and to learn more about how you can be involved in your organization. Be sure to greet these NAGT "celebrities" at the booth on the following days/times:
- Lynsey LeMay (Rendezvous Co-Chair) - Sunday, 9/22, from 2-4pm
- Catherine Riihimaki (Advocacy Chair) - Monday, 9/23, from 10am-12pm and 2-4pm
- Anne Egger (JGE Editor) - Monday, 9/23, from 2-4pm
- Sean Fox (SERC Technical Director) - Monday, 9/23, from 2-4pm
- Karen Viskupic (Incoming President) - Monday, 9/23, from 4-6:30pm
- Sean Tvelia (Incoming Chair, Professional Development Committee) - Monday, 9/23, from 4-6:30pm
- Jen Wenner (Incoming Vice President, Teach the Earth Website Committee) - Tuesday, 9/24, from 4-6:30pm
- Vince Cronin (Editor, NAGT Lab Manual in Physical Geology, 11th Edition) - TBD
- The NAGT Annual and Council Meeting will be held Sunday, September 22, at 9:45am at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown, Room Encanto A
3. NAGT Continues the Search for ITT Editor
Are you interested in connecting and working with creative individuals from a broad range of geoscience disciplines, and bringing to light some of the newest and most interesting teaching strategies and resources? Learn more about the ITT editor search, including how to apply.
4. Celebrating the Life of Marv Kauffman
Dr. Marvin E. Kauffman passed away at the age of 85 on Thursday, August 15, 2019. Dr. Kauffman taught Geology at Franklin & Marshall for 25 years, and for more than 50 years, taught Field Geology programs at the Yellowstone-Bighorn Research Association in Red Lodge, Montana.
Dr. Kauffman played a key role in the 1965 launch of the NAGT-USGS Cooperative Summer Field Training Program. In the 1970s and early 1980s, he served as the second director of the NAGT summer field scholarship program: fundraising, publicizing, advertising, and evaluating applications. During his year as NAGT president and his subsequent position as the Executive Director of AGI, he played a critical leading role in the development and publication of the AGI-NAGT Laboratory Manual for Physical Geology in 1986.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to either of the following: Yellowstone-Bighorn Research Association (Y.B.R.A.), c/o Dennis McGinnis, P.O. Box 20598, Billings, MT 59104; or Founders Society: Marv Kauffman Field Camp Scholarship Program, c/o Dr. Chris Williams, Department of Earth & Environment, Franklin & Marshall College, P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA 17604-3003.
5. Start the Year off Right with Course Planning Support from Teach the Earth
Get a jump start on the school year with the invaluable Teach the Earth portal, your resource that is designed by and for Earth educators, featuring more than 4,500 teaching resources ranging in topics from metacognition and geoethics to mineralogy and teaching in the field. You will also find more than 4,000 teacher activities, a K12 portal, career guidance, and so much more!
6. New Issue of JGE Now Available
Start your new school year with a new issue of the Journal of Geoscience Education! JGE Volume 67, Issue 3, 2019, is now available online on Taylor & Francis and accessible to all NAGT members. Those subscribed to the print edition of the journal should expect your copies in the mail soon. The articles in this issue cover subjects such as effects of classroom "flipping" on content mastery and student confidence, the results of integrating an augmented reality sandbox challenge activity, exploring experiential opportunity impacts on undergraduate outcomes in the geosciences, and more. Access your issue and start reading here.
7. Rendezvous 2020
The sixth annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous will take place at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA, July 13-17, 2020. Be the first to learn about dates, deadlines and logistics by signing up for notifications using this Express Interest Form.
- Share your ideas for Rendezvous programming with the Rendezvous organizers by October 1, 2019. The Rendezvous committee will review all suggestions and work to create a balanced program that serves diverse audiences.
- Have or want to pursue funding for hosting Rendezvous events? Contact the Rendezvous co-chairs by September 30, and review the timeline and guidelines for proposing externally-funded programming for 2021 and beyond.
8. Preparing for an Academic Career Workshop at Rendezvous 2020
The Preparing for an Academic Career workshop will be offered again at this year's Rendezvous. This workshop is designed specifically for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and others who are interested in pursuing academic careers in the geosciences. Workshop leaders from a variety of institution types and career paths will provide guidance and information that will help participants to be stronger candidates for academic positions and to succeed in academic jobs. See the Cutting Edge website for more resources on preparing for an academic career. More information about this workshop will be announced in the following months.
9. Early Career Workshop 2020
The 2020 Workshop for Early Career Geoscience Faculty will be held July 26-30, 2020, at University of Maryland. There will be an optional visit to the National Science Foundation on July 31. The Early Career Geoscience Faculty workshop is for faculty in their first three years of a tenure-track or equivalent position, with priority given to applicants entering their second or third years in their position. This multi-day workshop offers a stimulating and resource-rich environment that features sessions on topics including effective teaching strategies, course design, establishing a research program in a new setting, working with research students, balancing professional and personal responsibilities, and time management. The application deadline is March 23, 2020.
10. Renew Your NAGT Membership for 2020
Renew now!Stay in the loop about what's happening in geoscience education, including new teaching materials, events and opportunities, and more! It's time to renew your 2020 NAGT membership and receive the following outstanding benefits:
- Print and online access to In the Trenches, a full-color quarterly magazine focused on improving geoscience education at all levels
- Discounted registration rates on NAGT professional development events, including the Earth Educators' Rendezvous
- Monthly NAGT e-newsletter, featuring articles, updates, and event opportunities in the world of Geoscience Education
- Online access to the Journal of Geoscience Education, the premier peer-reviewed publication for geoscience education research, curriculum, and instruction. Institutional access is provided through Taylor & Francis and the JGE home page. NAGT members also have access to two additional journals through our publishing partnership with Taylor & Francis: Journal of Environmental Education and the Science Activities Journal
- A voice in the development of Teach the Earth, NAGT's portal to online teaching and professional development resources for geoscience educators
- The ability to receive internships and awards through NAGT's awards
- Opportunities to volunteer in NAGT committees and offices, from advocacy to professional development
- And so much more!
11. Celebrate Earth Science Week with AGI's Online Toolkit
Each year the American Geosciences Institute celebrates Earth Science Week, with our members and partners, to acknowledge and understand Earth and our relationship with the planet through programs, information and learning resources. This year, Earth Science Week is Oct. 13-19. Peruse the online toolkit and learn about this year's theme Geoscience is for Everyone.
12. Podcasts from "Calling: Earth" in Partnership with the University of South Florida
The University of South Florida Libraries are excited to announce their second season of "Calling: Earth," a podcast in partnership with the USF School of Geosciences. Hosted by USF Libraries' faculty librarian Matt Torrence, these hour-long conversations with USF Geosciences experts take the often deeply academic world of wildlife ecology, coastal geology, geochemistry, and paleobiology to an educational level suited to any population. Season 2 trailer premiered Friday, August 9th at callingearth.lib.usf.edu. Their first season, full of eight fascinating episodes, is also archived. If you are interested in learning more, connect with us at callingearth@usf.edu.

1. NAGT Announces Comprehensive 2019-2020 Webinar Series
Join NAGT this Fall for our comprehensive webinar series that is sure to be your one-stop-shop for amplifying your geoscience instruction. The webinar series will address themes such as improving teaching and learning, addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion in Earth Education, implementing the NGSS, strengthening your department, and engaging with communities and society in Earth education. The webinars aim to provide professional development opportunities for educators to engage with pedagogy, discuss novel and innovative work in geoscience education, share classroom and professional experiences, and review new teaching materials. The NAGT webinar series is free and we encourage you to invite your colleagues to attend. Check out the Webinar schedule here.
2. "Earth Education for a Sustainable Future: Supporting departments and programs through InTeGrate" Webinar - September 17
The Earth Education for a Sustainable Future: Supporting departments and programs through InTeGrate webinar will be held on September 17, 2019, at 9:00 am PT | 10:00 am MT | 11:00 am CT | 12:00 pm ET. This webinar will introduce the set of program models that emerged from InTeGrate and share a synthesis of lessons learned from five areas: recruiting and supporting diverse learners; teaching Earth across the curriculum; building connections to strengthen K-12 teaching; supporting transitions to the workforce, transfer, and careers; and making change happen on the large scale. This webinar will characterize what we know about the impact of these programs on participants and how the lessons have been integrated into the NAGT traveling workshop program. Register by September 15, 2019.
3. "Lessons Learned from InTeGrate's Materials Development Program and What Remains Undone" Webinar - October 1
The Lessons Learned from InTeGrate's Materials Development Program and What Remains Undone' webinar will be held on October 1, 2019, at 11:00 am PT | 12:00 pm MT | 1:00 pm CT | 2:00 pm ET. In this webinar, you will hear from one of the leaders of InTeGrate's materials development program and one of the project's evaluators. They will share the strategies that led to the development of high-quality resources that align with the project's guiding principles, the evaluation strategies that looked beyond the results in one classroom, the scope of the materials produced, and lessons learned in the process. Register by September 29, 2019.
4. "Operationalizing the Earth Science Week theme in K12: Geoscience is for everyone" Webinar - October 10
The Operationalizing the Earth Science Week Theme in K12: Geoscience is for everyone webinar will be held on October 10, 2019, at 1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET. "Geoscience is for everyone" is the theme of Earth Science Week 2019. The NGSS-ESS webinar team is preparing for Earth Science Week by showcasing efforts around diversity and inclusion in the geosciences, and emphasizing K-12 connections and resources. Join us for this special webinar for a panel discussion focusing on work in the geoscience education community around this theme. Register by October 8, 2019.
5. Apply for Your Institution to Host an NAGT Traveling Workshop: Apply by October 15
The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT)'s Traveling Workshops Program (TWP) brings leaders in environmental, sustainability, and geoscience education to your campus, regional, or national event. The TWP focuses on opportunities to strengthen both courses and educational programs, including attracting and supporting diverse students. Workshop types are available in six themes:
1) Building Stronger Geoscience and Environmental Science Departments and Programs
2) Strengthening your Cross-campus Environmental and Sustainability Programs
3) Strengthening Earth Science in Teacher Education
4) Supporting the Success of All Students: Making a Brighter Future for All of Us
5) Strengthening Your Intro or Upper-Division Course
6) Making Your Course More Effective and Societally Relevant
- Workshops are facilitated by individuals from TWP's impressive roster of more than 45 leaders in their fields; you can read more about the workshop facilitators here
- The next application deadline to bring the Traveling Workshop Program to you is October 15, 2019
- For more information about the application process, please visit the program website
- Please also review information about host expectations, should your application for a Traveling Workshop Program be accepted
1. Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Submit Your Abstract for AGU's Fall 2019 Virtual Poster Showcase by October 1
The Virtual Poster Showcase (VPS) is a guided peer review process and online presentation competition for Earth and space science students. The VPS allows students to practice presenting the relevancy and value of their research data, dedicate time to focus on enhancing (if not creating) their abstract and poster, experience the peer-review process in a low-pressure environment, and connect with other like-minded students and experts from around the globe. Submit your abstract by October 1.
2. National Fossil Day Art Competition-Entries Due October 4
The National Park Service and National Fossil Day partners are sponsoring an art contest to celebrate the 10th annual National Fossil Day. National Fossil Day is scheduled for Wednesday, October 16, during Earth Science Week. Your artwork should focus on the art contest theme "Extinct Giants and Survivors of the Last Ice Age," which must include animals of the extinct megafauna and Pleistocene survivors together in one artistic piece. Entries must be received by mail by October 4.
3. Register for the AGU Heads and Chairs Workshop by November 1
The 2019 AGU Workshop for Heads and Chairs of Earth and Space Sciences Departments will be held Sunday, December 8, at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA. This one-day workshop provides an opportunity for heads and chairs of Earth and Space Science departments to discuss issues and strategies for building a strong department, meet other heads and chairs, and learn more about current issues. Register by November 1, 2019.
4. Nominate Candidates for American Geosciences Institute 2021 Officer Positions and 2020 Awards by February 2, 2020
AGI is seeking quality candidates for American Geosciences Institute 2021 officer positions and 2020 awards. Your nominations should be received by February 1, 2020, in order to be reviewed by the AGI Nominating Committee making recommendations for the 2021 officers and 2020 awards. Letters of support may be sent for each nominee and, if provided, will be included in the package sent to the 2020 Nominating Committee.
5. Career Hub: Ongoing
We welcome advertisements of geoscience education related job openings, postdoctoral positions, internships, assistantships, and undergraduate research opportunities that might be of interest to the wider NAGT community. Distribution of these postings include posting the ad on the NAGT Career Hub web page, distribution via the NAGT Facebook page, inclusion in the monthly NAGTNews email newsletter to members. The cost of posting a job opening or a postdoctoral position to the Career Hub is $75 per month (multiple months can be purchased at one time). Payment must be received before these postings will be published. It is free to post an internship, assistantship, and undergraduate research opportunity to the Career Hub. You can use this form to submit a posting for the Career Hub.
GER Division
- Know a researcher worth spotlighting, have an article worth reading, or an opportunity worth sharing? Submit to the GER Exchange using this form. Self nominations are welcomed. Check out the latest edition of the GER Exchange for even more division highlights.
Geo2YC Division
- Deadlines for future Foundations issues:
- Friday, December 8
- Friday, March 2
- Submit your stories, experiences, experiments, photos, awards, etc. to the editor sukismaglik@gmail.com any time prior to each deadline.
Do you have good news related to your geoscience education work that you would like to share with your NAGT Community? Would you like to call attention to a paper, presentation, or resource you developed or helped develop to share with your fellow Earth educators? Submit to NAGT's Community Kudos!
Assistant Lecturer/Assistant Teaching Professor Position Geoscience
The Department of Geology and Environmental Earth Science at Miami University invites applications for a full-time Assistant Lecturer or Assistant Teaching Professor position on the Oxford campus. The Assistant Lecturer/Assistant Teaching Professor will teach undergraduate courses, including foundation courses in physical and environmental geology, as well as intermediate level courses; advise undergraduate students, and provide professional service to the department and university.
Assistant or Associate Professor of Geology
The Department of Geology at Colorado College announces a tenure-track faculty position in igneous petrology/ high temperature processes, to begin in August 2020. Applicants must have completed or be scheduled to complete a Ph.D. in Petrology or a closely related field, and must be able to demonstrate depth and breadth across the disciplines of earth sciences.
Professor of Practice, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Tulane University's Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences seeks to fill a Professor of Practice position to begin in July 2020. The position is a non-tenured, full-time academic year (nine month) teaching position with renewable 3-year appointments. The responsibilities of this position include teaching courses related to the department's GIS Certificate Program, teaching courses in the applicant's area of specialization, and service to the educational mission of the department and university.
Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Sedimentary Geology or Structural Geology
The Department of Geological Sciences, California State University Long Beach (CSULB) invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor with expertise in any aspect of Sedimentary Geology or Structural Geology to start Fall 2020. A qualified candidate should be dedicated to teaching at the undergraduate and Masters levels and committed to developing an externally funded research program that will involve students.
Assistant Professor in Geoscience Education
The Department of Geological Sciences at California State University, Fullerton invites applications for a tenure-track Geoscience Education - Assistant Professorship that will begin August 2020. The successful candidate shall: (1) coordinate geoscience education courses; (2) help facilitate the integration of teacher preparation into our B.A. program; and (3) be involved in program-level assessment for our department. APPLY HERE: https://nagt.org/nagt/news/ads/231414.html