Section Services
NAGT provides an array of services to member sections. This page provides an overview of the services. Follow the links below to find more detailed information.
The association publishes news and events happening nationally as well as at the section level. There is also NAGT E-News, an email newsletter that goes out to the full membership several times a year. If your section has a news item you want posted on the website and/or NAGT News, just go to the news upload form and tell us about it.
In addition to NAGT News, there are a number of email lists maintained by the association to communicate with specific sub-sets of the NAGT membership. Section officers can also request up to date membership lists and contact information for members in their section and can find information on that at the link above.
Sectional Organization
Active sections are entitled to financial support from the association based on the number of members that reside in the section. Requirements for this support are laid out in the NAGT Constitution and additional guidance on officers, their roles, and election procedures is also available.
Conference Presentation Materials

Web Hosting
NAGT provides free web hosting for sections. Sections can create and maintain websites that are integrated with the nat. Several of the section already make use of this service (Central, North Central). Any section interested in webspace should have a representative contact Mitchell Bender-Awalt in the Executive Director's office.
Risk Management
The NAGT Executive Director's office maintains insurance that, in most cases, covers risks associated with section sponsored field trips and meetings. Upon request the Executive Director's office can provide certificates of insurance to entities that are hosting section field trips and/or meetings. Section leaders are encouraged to contact the Executive Director's office for further details about coverage limitations and exclusions,or to request a certificate of insurance.