Guidelines for NAGT Sections
(as stated in the NAGT Constitution)Download this document as a file (Acrobat (PDF) 60kB Nov7 06).
All section officers must be elected by vote of the section membership. Required offices are President and Treasurer. Other offices, such as Vice President, Secretary, and Newsletter Editor, may be established according to individual needs of the section. [SUGGESTIONS BELOW] All terms of office are one year unless otherwise specified in the Section By-Laws. The National President of NAGT may appoint an Acting President for a section if this office has become vacant for any reason and cannot be filled through normal channels. The Acting President shall serve only until an election can be held and a new President elected.
Each Section, as one of the requirements for a Section to be considered "active" and eligible for a dues rebate, must file an Annual Report for their Section for the October/November annual meeting.
Recommended Guidelines for Sectional Officers
(adopted by NAGT Council on October 26, 1998)President
- submit annual section report to NAGT Executive Director in October/November (deadline to be established by NAGT). The report may be written by his/her designee.
- attend Annual NAGT Council Meeting (or supply alternate)
- insure that information is up-to-date on section web page
- insure that the OEST selection process is functional in section
- organize and preside at annual business meeting of section
- organize and carry out election of section officers
- maintain communication with NAGT liaison from Executive Committee
- maintain frequent contact with State Councilors [if established] to encourage their active support of the section, and encourage them to meet duties of Councilors.
- seek nominations for any special Sectional Awards.
- recruit a new Vice President to take office at the next spring meeting (that is, at the meeting at which the current Vice President becomes President)
- be sure the current Vice President receives a copy of all correspondence & reports to or from the President, so the VP is well-informed of section activities when he/she takes office.
- maintain contact with the current Conference Organizer regarding planning for the next conference.
- attend GSA Sectional meeting if possible, to represent NAGT (or supply alternate).
- recruit other officers as needed (including award coordinators, councilors, etc.).
- establish or maintain temporary or standing committees as needed.
- encourage general membership to be active in geoscience education leadership whenever possible by attending NAGT and other meetings, giving presentations, exhibits, or field trips, etc., when possible (other ideas contained in Councilor duties list).
- maintain and pass on to the Vice President when he/she becomes President any official records of the section such as current By-Laws, non-profit ID numbers, or other documents.
- is elected for a three-year term, usually renewable without limit. [this position is one in which stability is very desirable].
- will receive the mailing of Section Members from NAGT Executive Director and distributes copies to appropriate officers and committees.
- keep minutes of annual business meeting, and publish the minutes in the section newsletter and be sure a copy is placed in the section archives.
- attend to other correspondence as the occasion arises.
- keep accurate records of financial status of section.
- file an annual section financial report with NAGT Executive Director.
- turn funds, appropriate books and correspondence over to new Secretary/Treasurer when the term of office is completed.
Vice President
- stay in contact with the President on all NAGT business, to learn what is going on in the section. Support and participate in these matters as possible.
- recruit a Conference Organizer and location for the next open spring date (which should be 2 or more years ahead of the meeting at which the current President's term ends).
- send sectional news to the editor of the Journal of GeoScience Education for consideration for publication.
- prepare a section newsletter at least twice a year. Duplication and mailing of the newsletter is the editor's responsibility but may be done by others.
- stay in contact with the section President so that all relevant section developments will be included in the newsletter.
- mail copies to the National Officers for information.
- the newsletter should include, in each issue or at least once a year, as appropriate: information about awards, requests for nominations, and announcements about award winners; calendar of future events; list of section publications available for purchase; officer listings; ballots when needed; information on section meetings and other geoscience meetings; the section membership pamphlet; a membership application form. Other items in the newsletter are at the editor's discretion.
- maintain an archive of important documents and records for the section. This should include: lists of section officers, award recipients, and meeting locations; copies of newsletters; and programs & field guides for meetings.
Councilor (2 for each state is ideal)
- be active in your local state/province teachers' associations as a geoscience teacher or professor, and to represent NAGT in those organizations. Participation in regional and national organizations (such as GSA & NSTA) and their meetings is also encouraged.
- encourage membership in NAGT by the distribution of local section newsletter, membership pamphlet, and other information to geoscience teachers.
- provide, when possible, written articles to local and national journals and newsletters about NAGT activities and publications.
- at least once per year, send to the section's newsletter editor a brief report on activities within the state or province.
- offer assistance to schools in your state or province wishing to develop or expand geoscience programs.
- assist the section's executive officers in the business of the section.
- organize or assist in the organization of workshops, exhibits, or field trips, for other teachers, in-service teacher meetings & conferences, etc., whenever possible.
- seek out sources of funding for section projects and activities, including from business or industry.
- promote and seek nominations for the various awards presented by the section for excellence in teaching and for any other programs which honor teaching excellence, e.g., NSTA, Presidential Awards, GSA awards, etc.
- follow the membership lists for your state/province and encourage members to renew each year with the section, seek out new members and exhort past members to re-join NAGT.
- promote the geosciences in any manner deemed professionally appropriate as opportunities arise.