Pacific Northwest Section

Welcome to the home of the Pacific Northwest Section of NAGT. The section includes the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska, as well as the Canadian Provinces of British Columbia and Yukon.
If you are not a member yet, please visit the registration section of NAGT and register online.
The newsletters of the section, past and present, can be found here.
Like us on Facebook at NAGT Pacific Northwest Section
Find the national NAGT Facebook page here.
For more information on our June 2025 Annual Meeting in Portland Oregon. More information here.
Section Officers
President: Craig Nichol
Vice President: Crystal Huscroft
Second Vice President: Jacob Selander
Secretary: Jodie Harnden
Treasurer/Website: Zach Schierl
Newsletter Editor: Todd Redding
Archivist: VACANT
Past President/Awards Coordinator: Derek Turner
Section Councilors
Alaska: Sonia Nagorski
British Columbia: Todd Redding, Saoirse MacKinnon
Oregon: Steve Carlson
Washington: VACANT
Elections & Term Lengths
Elections are held annually at the annual meeting of the section (typically in June):
- The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and Immediate Past President serve one-year terms.
- The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected for a three-year term and may be re-elected to an unlimited number of consecutive terms.
- The Editor shall be elected for a three-year term that coincides with the editing of three complete volumes of the Section newsletter. The Editor may be reelected for additional terms without limit.
- The Councilors shall be elected for not more than a three-year renewable term of office (excepting the first election of Councilors). To establish a set of Councilors with staggered terms of office, the first group will draw lots to determine who will serve 1, 2 or 3 year terms so that no more than approximately 1/3 of the body will be up for election in any one year. ln the event that a Councilor position is vacated for any reason. the President shall appoint a member in good standing to serve the remaining term of office for that position.
If you are interested in serving as an office or councilor, contact section President Craig Nichol.