Workshop Program
Thursday, September 7th
1:00 pm Welcome and Icebreaker
What are Earth-related societal issues faced in this region?
1:15 pm Course Design Considerations Warm-up
Think-Pair-Share Activity on a "significant learning" experience
1:30 pm Backward Design and Learning Outcomes
- Introductory slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 4.7MB May31 19)
- Example syllabi - reflect on how course-scale goals and learning outcomes are incorporated
- Anne's syllabus for Earth Science Inquiry (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 164kB Aug31 17), a course for future elementary teachers
- Rachel's syllabus for Physical Geology (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 37kB Aug31 17), an introductory General Education Course
- Reflect on pre-readings from InTeGrate about strategies
- Share out in table groups about what you read
- Connect to course-level goals
- Consider your own course-scale goals and/or learning outcomes, begin work on action plan
- Designing measurable learning goals is a short, interactive resource that supports the InTeGrate webinar about learning goals and alignment
2:45 pm Break
3:00 pm Share out learning outcomes
3:30 pm Aligning assessments with learning outcomes
- Slides on aligning assessments with learning outcomes (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 6.2MB Sep7 17)
- Using a variety of assessments (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 194kB Oct22 15)
- Strategies for large lecture courses
- Why Active Learning? See Freeman et al., 2014 (Acrobat (PDF) 3.4MB Sep8 17) "Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics" in PNAS. (Or a shorter summary of the Freeman 2014 article by Carl Wieman (Acrobat (PDF) 607kB Sep8 17))
4:30 pm Reflection
- Add or revise course goals, learning outcomes, and assessments in action plan
- Roadcheck
5:00 pm Adjourn
Friday, September 7th
8:30 am Reflections on Day 1 and plan for Day 2
8:45 am Engaging in active learning
- Climate of Change: El Niño Case study
- Slides to go with El Niño activity (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.9MB Jul21 17)
- Teaching methods from Pedagogy in Action
- Search for activities in Teach the Earth
- ABC-CBV: Activity Before Concept, Concept Before Vocabulary
10:15 am Break
10:30 am Walk-through of InTeGrate resources and structure (a slide with a list of modules is here (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 44kB Sep8 17))
11:00 am Time to explore InTeGrate modules and courses, add to action plan
12:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Metacognition: What is it and how do I do it?
- Slides and Activity (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 71kB Sep8 17)
- Reflection on McConnell and van Der Hoeven Kraft, 2011 (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 84kB Sep8 17) paper
- Two Learners descriptions (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 19kB Sep7 17)
2:00 pm Work time on action plan, with a break as needed
- Work on design of activity or on incorporation of strategy across whole course (40 minutes)
- Check for alignment between activity and learning outcomes. Turn to your neighbor and review each others' activity-outcome alignment (10 minutes)
- Building on steps developed in previous units, compile an action plan that will support successful completion of workshop activities and implementation into a specific course, including resources for future work (20 minutes)
3:30 pm Other Resources & Strategies for Ongoing Improvement
- Small-group and full-group discussion about getting feedback from colleagues, students, and the community
- Get RTOPped!
- Being strategic about making big changes
- Become an NAGT member
- CSU system wide professional learning community with twice-monthly webinars
- CSU system wide funding for course redesign with technology (clickers!)
- CSU funding for affordable learning solutions (free/ low-cost course materials, free e-textbooks, etc.)
- Geoscience videos (made by geoscience educators for intro level courses with questions to measure student learning)
4:30 pm Wrap-up and workshop evaluation
- Complete and Save Action Plan
- Complete Workshop Evaluation
5:00 pm Adjourn
Additional course design resources
- Course design tutorial from On the Cutting Edge
- Pedagogy in Action has information about and examples of many, many different kinds of teaching techniques
- On the Cutting Edge has lots of resources about designing courses around specific topics, subject areas, or strategies
- Teaching Introductory Geoscience has lots of resources and ideas that are more specifically focused on introductory courses, including teaching large courses and motivating students
- The Teaching Goals Inventory can help you "discover" the goals of your teaching
- Overview on Research on Teaching and Learning
- Resource written for students on learning how to learn by Karl Wirth, Macalester College and Dexter Perkins, University of North Dakota
- More on research-based strategies for your teaching from the Carl Wieman Institute