A Field Trip to See a Cross Section of the Crust and Samples of the Mantle

Intended Audience: Undergraduate geology majors or members of a geology club.
This field experience begins in Sonoma County, a few hours north of San Francisco. It moves south along the coast and then cuts inland. The end of the trip is in the Mojave Desert, in southeastern California. Return to San Francisco takes 5 or 6 hours.
This trip is appropriate for anyone with an interest in geology. A certain amount of background knowledge makes it much more meaningful. So, it is most recommended for geology majors who have completed a standard geology curriculum through a mineralogy and petrology course. UND students that go on this trip are typically juniors and seniors, although there are sometimes a few sophomores.
The overall goal of this trip is to show students many of the things that they have heard about in their geology classes, but have not had a chance to see in the field. California has it all, and the fantastic scenery on the coast (and inland) is enough to keep everyone excited and motivated.
The trip was originally designed by making a list of some of the most highly recommended field stops in California, and then putting them in context. It was later modified as UND students and professors began to do research on crustal and mantle xenoliths. Subsequently, it was modified again to include only those places that are generally accessible during the early spring, with the possible exception of Yosemite National Park (which can be iffy in the spring).
Notes and Tips:
It is highly recommended that anyone going on this trip contact some of the geologists that have been referenced before going. Although directions are given, some of the stops and outcrops are not easily found. In other cases, private property concerns can be a problem. Finally, it is important to remember that there are lots of people in California. If you plan to go to some of these places during peak season, be prepared for traffic and delays and be sure to make campground reservations ahead of time.
Assessment and Evaluation:
Normally, not much follow up evaluation is done. The assumption is that everyone who goes on the trips will benefit from the experience.
Materials and Handouts:

All the material normally given to students is in the field trip guidebook (Acrobat (PDF) 2.7MB Apr3 06), except for a few appendices that have been published elsewhere. References are given so that material may be acquired.
References to Supplement Field Guide:
- For key information about the xenolith localities:
Wilshire et al. (1985) Mafic and Ultramafic Xenoliths from Volcanic Rocks of the Western United States. U.S.G.S. prof. Paper 1443. - For a comprehensive summary of the geology near Cazadero (Ward Cr.):
Erickson, R.C. (1995) The Geology of the Franciscan Complex in the Ward Creek-Cazadero Area, Sonoma county, California. California Geology, November-December 1995. - Seminal paper on blueschists in the Diablo Range:
Ernst, W.G. (1965) Mineral Parageneses in Franciscan Metamorphic Rocks, Panoche Pass, California. GSA Bull. 76, 879-914. - More on blueschists in the Diablo Range: NCGS Field Trip to the Franciscan Metasedimentary Section at Pacheco Pass. Reported by Richard Cardwell. Photos by Mark Detterman and Keil Albert.
- For a map and geochemical/petrolgical information on the Ring Mountain outcops: Saha, Basu, Wakabayashi, and Wortman (2005) Geochemical evidence for a subducted infant arc in Franciscan High-grade-metamorphic tectonic blocks. GSA Bulletin, v 117, 1318-1335..
- To navigate the New Idria serpentinite area:
Coleman, R.G. (1986) Field Trip Guide Book to New Idria Area, California. 14th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, July 1986. - For more details about seeing the San Andreas Fault in Hollister: http://sepwww.stanford.edu/oldsep/joe/fault_images/Hollister.html
- Finally, these three provide more information on some of the stops in this guide, and also contain many additional stops you may care to consider:
- Alt and Hyndman (2000) Roadside Geology of Northern and Central California. Mountain Press.
- Alt and Hyndman (1975) Roadside Geology of Northern California. Mountain Press
- Sharp and Glazner (1993) Geology Underfoot in Southern California. Mountain Press.