2007 and Prior NAGT-USGS Interns
2007 Interns STUDENT and FIELD CAMP attended
- Jacquelyn Negri, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
- Christine Laudadio, University of New Mexico
- Stephanie Strouse, Franklin & Marshall College
- Mitchell Prante, University of California - Santa Barbara
- Jesse Kass, Brown University
- Meghan Dickoff, Amherst College
- Poonam Reddy Ramesh Babu, Michigan Technological University
- Lauren Allen, Miami University
- Bret Waldron, University of Wyoming - Laramie
- Stephanie Yurchyk, University of Rochester
- Omar Davis, Wesleyan University
- Gillian Fairchild, Washington University in St. Louis
- Drew Downs, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
- Abagail Rhode, The Pennsylvania State University
- Samuel Tuttle, Williams College
- Dan Gold, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
- Martin Messmer, Northern Illinois University
2006 Interns
- Curtis Barnes, San Francisco State University
- Kristian Bergen, Harvard University
- Michael Bolz, Oklahoma State University
- Sabrina Bradshaw, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Michael Busby, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Ryan Davis, Auburn University
- Amy Dawson, West Virginia University
- Sarah Doelger, Western Washington University
- Erik Gulbranson, University of Minnesota, Duluth
- Brittany Guzzo, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Michael Lyttge, California State University, Sacramento
- Megan McKinney, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
- Danielle Odette, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Ian Orland, Washington University in St. Louis, MO
- Jasper Oshun, Brown University
- Michael Pagel, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Luke Parsons, Brown University
- Russell Pate, University of Missouri-Rolla
- Aaron Powers, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Erica Simmons, Stanford University
- John Stoltz, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
- Joanna Troy, Tufts University
2005 Interns
- Eric Celebrezze, Bowling Green University
- Megan Chaisson, Judson Mead Geologic Field Station, Indiana University
- Joshua Dark, Wasatch Uinta Field Camp
- Joshua DeFrates, Illionois State University Rocky Mountain Field Camp
- Angie Diefenbach, Oregon State University-Central Washington University
- Jane Duxbury, LeHigh University
- Cate Fox-Lent, Judson Mead Geologic Field Station, Indiana University
- Greg Gilmore, Georgia State University
- Jeremy Gouldey, Albion College
- Trystan Herriot, UC Santa Barbara
- Crystal Hocking, Black Hills Natural Sciences Field Station
- Kathryn Maurer, Idaho State University Field Camp
- Nancy McKeown, Judson Mead Geologic Field Station, Indiana University
- Megan McMeans, University of Buffalo
- Eugene Morgan, UC Santa Cruz
- David Robinson, Brigham Young University
- Melissa Schlegel, Brigham Young University
- Neil Shannon, Western Illinois University Geology Field Camp
- Sarah Thompson, Colorado School of Mines
2004 Interns
- Sabrina Belknap, University of Toledo
- Matt Coble, Oregon State University
- Nick Geboy, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
- Dustin Graves, University of Indiana
- Kendra Hatcher, University of West Virginia
- Nick Hoffman, Western Washington University
- Stephanie Konfal, University of Indiana
- Matt Lambert, Colgate University
- Jenn New, University of Indiana
- David Pearce, University of Arkansas
- Gabe Rotberg, University of California - Santa Barbara
- Erin Scott, Georgia State University
- Tyson Fulmer, University of California - Santa Cruz
- Laura Strumness, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
- Kita Tushman, University of New Mexico
- James Eros, University of Pennsylvania
2003 Interns
- Emily Bellinger, University of Oregon
- Jenny Carpenter, Wasatch Uinta Field Camp-(U. of Iowa)
- Jessica Cochrane, Indiana University
- Reuben Johnson, Wasatch Uinta Field Camp (U.of Wi-Madison)
- Trisha Keating, Western Washington University
- Jonathan King, Lehigh University
- Jenny Riker, University of Oregon
2002 Interns
- Alfredo Ortiz, Miami University
- Carrie Moeller, Wasatch Unita Field Camp
- Charles Angernam, Miami University
- Clare Steedman, Washington University
- Joel Fassbinder, Wasatch Unita Field Camp
- Josh Nasrallah, Lehigh University
- Kyle Shipley, Eastern Illinois University
- Lauren Jankovic, Oklahoma State University
- Nick Hayden, Wasatch Unita Field Camp
- Tamara Gipprich, University of Michigan
- Trent Newkirk, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
- Virginia Elswick, West Virginia University
- Zanden Frederick, Western Washington University
2001 Interns
- Ann Altstatt, University of California - Santa Cruz
- Cody Bahlau, University of Michigan
- Rob Blakely, Wasatch-Uinta
- Allyson Bosley, Penn - YBRA
- Dan Breecker, Penn - YBRA
- Hillary Brown, Penn - YBRA
- Jason Handel, Wasatch-Uinta
- Anne Hereford, Penn - YBRA
- Brad Huffman, Lehigh University
- Tara Kneeshaw, Albion College
- Kristen Lee, Penn - YBRA
- John Mazurek, Lehigh University
- Kevin Mininger, Albion College
- Seth Newton, University of Alabama
- Jan Nielsen, Western Washington University
- Dennis Pierson, West Virginia University
- Jennifer Pollard, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
- Kendra Remley, Fort Lewis College
- Kaili Richey, Wasatch-Uinta
- David Saulter, Lehigh University
2000 Interns
- Anita Anderson, University of Missouri-Rolla
- Clara Balasko, Texas A&M
- Teresa Barber, Albion College
- Kevin Burrell, Western Washington University
- Heidi Guetschow, University of Alaska - Fairbanks
- Shawn Gregg, Colorado State University
- Ryan Hullings, Lehigh University
- Lora Kiger, Humboldt State University
- Stephan Kirby, Colorado State University
- Elizabeth Langenberg, University of New Mexico
- Jennifer Lenz, Penn - YBRA
- Kristopher McPhail, Oklahoma State University
- Jason Rempe, Kent State University
- Yogesh Shapiro, UC - Santa Cruz
- Kristen Shingleman, Western Illinois University
- Matthew Smith, University of Missouri - Columbia
- Barry Wright, Western Washington University
1999 Interns
- Adrienne Barnett, University of Texas
- Shay Beanland, S. Illinois University
- Brenda Beitler, University of California - Santa Cruz
- Amy Lynn Brock, Oklahoma State University
- Robert Brooks, University of North Carolina
- Adam Endres, Idaho State University
- Julie Friedman, University of California - Santa Cruz
- Wesley Hellevik, University of Minnesota - Duluth
- Adam Heffernan, Indiana State University
- Alyssa Kohlman, Michigan Technological University
- Karen Michelsen, Idaho State University
1998 Interns
- Thomas Becker, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
- Arnold Blanton, University of Toledo
- Jeese Bookshar, Ohio State University
- Rikka Bothun, Colorado State University
- Robert Britts, University of Florida
- Shari Christofferson, Boston University
- Jessie Crain, Southern Illnois University - Carbondale
- Christoper Eckhart, Indiana University
- Sven Edstrom, Fort Lewis College
- Peter Fahringer, Lehigh University
- Rebecca Flowers, Appalachian State University
- Corrin Gallarano, San Diego State University
- Stacie Gibbins, Oregon State University
- Christopher Johnson, University of Wisconsin
- Sarah Kenshalo, Western Washington University
- James Kessler, University of Oregon
- Brian Marlow, University of Toledo
- Kevin Norton, Ohio State University
- Geoff Pociask, University of Wisconsin
- Bradley Reid, University of Texas
- Catherine Riihimaki, University of Pennsylvania
- Kurt Steffen, Idaho State University
- Craig Tiballi, Albion College
- Angela Williams, Lehigh University
1997 Interns
- Kevin Anderson, Central MI University
- Maxwell Borella, PA State University
- Stephanie Bosze, U. Akron
- Melody Bova, University of Conneticut
- Leo Brown, Brigham Young University
- Sarah Brown, Univ. IN
- Mark Buehler, Indiana University
- Steve Carlson, Baylor University
- Luke Cates, Univ. AL
- Jay Cederberg, Colorado State University
- Jaime Curry, Univ. AL
- Gregory Danziger, University of Colorado
- Shane Detweiler, Cornell University
- Phebe Deyhim, Oklahoma State University
- Andrew Dunn, Western Washington University
- Trent Faust, Wasatch-Uinta
- Josh Feinberg, Idaho State University
- Martel Fisher III, Oregon State University
- Joshua Hamaker, Ball State University
- Eric Hargave, N. AZ University
- Andrew Hein, Western Washington University
- Kristen Hein, University of Pennslyvania
- Robert Houston, OR State University
- Brian Hunt, Univ. TX-Austin
- Yvonne Isaak, OK State University
- Eleanore Jewel, Bowling Green State University
- Kathleen Johnson, University of Miami
- Mary Kalendovsky, Colorado State University
- Brent Kelley, University of Toledo
- Ryan Mathur, Albion College
- James McCarthy, Wasatch-Uinta
- Thomas McCarthy, University of Oregon
- Emmet McGuire, Lehigh University
- Kevin Myer, Pennsylvania State University
- Carrie Odegaard, Boston University
- Lynn Padgett, Western State College
- Jody Palmer, Louisana State University
- Jonathan Payne, University of Pennsylvania
- Steven Quane, University of Colorado
- Joshua Rapp, University of Indiana
- April Ruebel, University of Indiana
- Jason Ruf, Pennslyvania State University
- John Schleicher, Idaho State University
- Michael Singleton, University of Missouri-Columbia
- Christopher Van de Ven, Wasatch-Uinta
- Shawn Willsey, Weber State University
- Michael Wyatt, Pennsylvania State University
- Brent Zaprowski, Lehigh University
1996 Interns
- Steven Bacon, Humboldt State University
- Karen Baird, University of Pennsylvania
- Emily Banks, University of Pennsylvania
- Robert Bielinkski, University of Oregon
- Susan Bilek, University of Pennsylvania
- Jaret Borell, Kansas State University
- Mark Clementz, University of Missouri - Columbia
- Fletcher Clover, Miami University
- Susan Cochran, Baylor University
- Christopher Conaway, Ohio State University
- Janette Cookman, Michigan Tech University
- Carey Costello, University of Missouri - Columbia
- Craig Craig, Kent State University
- Patrick Doherty, University of Oklahoma
- Jennifer Dougherty, University of Missouri
- Robert Ellis, Wasatch-Uinta
- Cheryl Essenburg, Ohio State University
- Jeffrey Esterle, University of Kentucky
- Cassandra Fenton, Lehigh University
- John Galetzka, University of Oregon
- Gregory Graham, Lehigh University
- Douglas Hailum, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
- Alina Haruthunian, Indiana University
- Tamara Hodge, Brigham Young University
- Ryan Hoffman, Colgate University
- Mike Huang, University of Pennsylvania
- James Jacobson, Western Illinois University
- Elizabeth Johnson, Northern Arizona University
- Joel Johnson, Wasatch-Uinta
- Egan Jones, University of Texas - Austin
- Cheryl Klohe, Bowling Green State University
- Kira Lawrence, Albion College
- Michael Lear, Indiana University
- Adam Locke, Pennsylvania State University
- Thomas Long, S. Utah University
- Lisa McBee, California State - Long Beach
- Brent Means, Boston University
- Robert Meyer, University of California - Santa Cruz
- Marlo Mikolas, W. Virginia University
- Scott Mize, University of Florida
- Jessica Murray, Indiana University
- Damian O'Grady, University of Pennsylvania
- Shelly Orth, Idaho State University
- Sara Pratt, University of Pennsylvania
- Carolyn Randolph, University of California - Santa Cruz
- Johannah Rogers, Indiana University
- Michelle Roth, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
- Robert Sava, University of Akron
- Katherine Scharer, University of Washington
- Lori Schuh, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
- Dwight Schuster, Boston University
- Michael Sinor, University of California - Santa Cruz
- Eric Sivers, Lehigh University
- Dean South, S. Utah University
- Glen Spinelli, Pennsylvania State University
- Kierston Swanson, Western Washington University
- Amanda Szot, Albion College
- Jennifer Tarsoly, University of Oregon
- Rebecca Thomas, University of Pennsylvania
- Jennifer Tobias, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
- Samantha Tokash, University of California - Berkeley
- Christopher Watt, Humboldt State University
- Kristin Weaver, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
- Karl Wegmann, Indiana University
- Amy Welty, Fort Lewis College
- Michael Winkler, University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
1995 Interns
- Amy Allabastro, Wasatch-Uinta
- Shawn Austad, Lehigh
- Micah Bennett, Wright State
- Daniel Butler, Ft. Lewis C.
- Dyanna Czeck, Wasatch-Uinta
- William Ferguson, Hamilton
- Brooke Fiedorowicz, U.WI-Oshkosh
- Joseph Frampton, Indiana
- Julie Francis, LA State U.
- Mark Gunn, U.AR
- Timothy Hackworth, Lehigh
- Geoffrey Hales, Hulboldt State
- Trent Harrison, Boston U. (N. Appal.)
- Lynn Hettinger, Colgate
- Jonathon Kaye, Albion
- Matthew Krop, U. of AK-Fairbanks
- Alan Lloyd, ID State U.
- Brian McGeehan, Penn State U.
- Heather Petcovic, Indiana U.
- D.M. Petrecca, Lehigh
- Mary Picard, Wasatch-Uinta
- Jennifer Piontek, U WI-Oshkosh
- Kenneth Reid, Western WA U
- Lori Robinson, UT State U.
- Justin Stockwell, Indiana U.
- Kendall Taft, Huron, SD
- Stephan Tillinghast, Wasatch-Uinta
- Russell Wiseman, U. of TN
1994 Interns
- William Ackland, Oregon State University
- Colden Baxter, University of Oregon - Eugene
- Leslie Brown, Louisiana State University
- Matthew Cohn, Southern Illinois University
- Tara Curtin, Colgate University
- David Davis, Louisiana State University
- Jennifer DeLurio, Pennsylvania State University
- Barton Faulkner, Western State College
- Peter Gill, University of New Mexico
- Michael Hackney, Kansas State University/Wichita State University
- Mark Hanson, Texas A&M University
- Scott Hora, Wright State University
- Bruce Jackson, Wasatch-Uinta
- Russell Jaynes, Texas A&M University
- Kimberly Karns, University of Arkansas
- Christopher King, University of Arkansas
- Megan McCoy, Indiana University
- Natalie McCullough, Stanford University
- Gregory Mongano, San Diego State University
- Keenan Murray, Arizona State University
- Eric Mysona, Bowling Green State University
- Nicole Nelson, University of California - Santa Barbara
- Timothy Oden, Wright State University
- Paul Peterson, California State University - North Ridge
- Benjamin Plummer, University of Pennsylvania - YBRA
- Thomas Reppe, Black Hills Field Station
- Karen Rittenhouse, Black Hills Field Station
- Scott Rufolo, Boston University
- James Sagebiel, University of Texas - Austin
- Timothy Shanahan, Albion College
- Devin Shay, Hamilton College
- Joshua Smith, State University of New York - Buffalo
- Shirley Steinmacher, University of Pennsylvania - YBRA
- Sean Stettner, Lehigh University
- Dana Strength, Indiana University
- James Tautfest, University of California - Davis
- Jeffrey Warren, University of Arizona
- Arlo Weil, University of Oregon - Eugene
- Cynthia Werner, University of Missouri - Columbia
- John West, Jr., University of Pennsylvania - YBRA
- Melinda Wright, Arizona State University
- Jon Wunderlich, University of Nevada - Las Vegas
- Carl Zimmerman, University of Michigan
1993 Interns
- Michael Alter, LSU
- Larry Arnold II, Kansas State
- Dennis Baden, Kent State
- Rebecca Beavers, YBRA
- Bryan Bergmann, UW-Oshkosh
- Sandra Bezenek, Wasatch-Uinta
- Barrett Bole, Sul Ross
- Michael Brady, Wright State
- Robert Bultman, Wasatch-Uinta
- Robert Burger, Indiana University
- Stewart Cain, U. Alaska-Fairbanks
- Peter Cattaneo, U. Kansas
- Kris Caylor, U. Kansas
- Catherine Chatfield, Fort Lewis
- Lars Cherichetti, Indiana U.
- Ian Clark, YBRA
- John Crittenden, Humboldt State
- Michael Dailey, N. Illinois U.
- Tiege Davidson, U. Michigan
- Michael Dean, Indiana U.
- Joseph DeVivo, Lehigh
- Stan Dunagan, Lehigh
- Mary Dytrych, Arizona State
- Kevin Ellett, Indiana U.
- Scott Englert, SUNY-Buffalo
- Jill Feltovich, S. Illinois U.
- Carolyn Garrison, Ball State
- Elizabeth Gier, U. Cal-Berkeley
- Glen Grissom, Boston U.
- Tim Hall, Fort Lewis
- Miriam Hart, UNC System
- Erin Holmstad, U. of Wash.
- Jason Jacobs, Boston U.
- Paul Jacobson, W. State-Colo.
- Denny Johnson, Utah State
- Peggy Kalmar, Colorado School of Mines
- Patrick Koepele, Colgate
- Holly Langrock, Utah State
- Phillip Larson, Wasatch-Uinta
- Thomas LeRoy, Humboldt St.
- Ralph Levy, Colgate
- John Luczaj, UW-Oshkosh
- Jeffrey Mann, N. Illinois U.
- Roman Menton, U. Oregon
- Jeffrey Mlekush, U. New Mex.
- Jeff Moran, U. Oregon
- Sheila Murphy, U. Michigan
- Thomas Nylen, Wasatch-Uinta
- Susan O'Neill, UNC System
- Jennifer Pallon, YBRA
- Jeffrey Palmer, U. Nevada-Reno
- Preston Phillips Jr., UNC System
- Peter Powers, Boston U.
- Bethany Rinard, Baylor
- Jamie Robertson, U. Mich
- Deana Sanders, NE. Louisiana U.
- Michael Schoemann, SUNY-Buffalo
- Jessie Schroeder, U. Missouri
- Erik Stoksad, Indiana U.
- Angela Strain, U. Missouri-Col.
- William Taylor, Indiana U.
- Carolyn Trayler, U. Washington
- Philip Trowbridge, U. Washington
- Jason Unkefer, Ohio State
- Kevin Vanderveer, Boston University
- Blaine Watson, Wasatch-Uinta
- Kimberley White, UNC System
- Pamela Winsky, Boston U.
- Adam Wygant, U. Missouri
- Samantha York, Cal. St. -Northridge
1992 Interns
- Mark Abolins, UC-Berkeley
- Joseph Andrew, Penn State
- Gregory Baker, Lehigh
- Mary Ball, Wyoming
- Jill Baum, Idaho State
- David Braxton, Indiana
- Christopher Brown, Colgate
- William Burnett, Ft. Lewis
- Kimberly Bussey, Botson University
- Eric Caldwell, Albion
- Erik Caldwell, Albion
- Justin Casserly, Missouri-Columbia
- Timothy Clark, N.C. System-wide
- Frederic Coll, SUNY-Buffalo
- Robert Cook, Montana State
- Peter Cox, Indiana
- John Cram, Southern Utah
- Matthew Cromer, N.C. System-wide
- Jane Denny, Colgate
- Daniel DiCesare, SUNY-Buffalo
- Jennifer Distlehorst, Wasatch-Uinta
- Patricia Drake, Louisiana State
- Ronald Drake II, Kansas
- Weston Dripps, YBRA
- James Duxbury, Bowling Green
- Cathryn Dwyre, Colgate
- David Evans, Wisconsin-Oshkosh
- Kirsten Findell, YBRA
- Andrew Goodell, Missouri-Columbia
- David Greene, Missouri-Columbia
- Ross Hartleb, YBRA
- James Hicks, Ohio State
- Alan Brad Highley, Florida State
- Thomas Kalakay, Montana
- Kevin Knapp, Idaho State
- Jay Khight, Cal. St., Long Beach
- Stephen Kuehn, Idaho State
- Tanja Leggett, Penn State
- Karen Lenz, YBRA
- Gregory Leonard, Arizona
- Kathy Licht, Wisconsin-Oshkosh
- Randall Locke II, Illnois State
- James Mancino, Boston University
- Charles Mason, Colgate
- Michael Maudlin. Western Washington
- Juliet McKenna, Indiana
- Drew Milewski, Ball State
- Clayton Millard, Indiana
- Marilyn Miller, Miami University (OH)
- John Mosier, Texas at San Antonio
- Chad Nelson, Albion
- John Oswald, Humboldt State
- Sean Paulsen, Northern Illinois
- Craig Peters, UC-Berkeley
- Jeffrey Pigati, Southern Illinois
- Jamene Pinnow, UC-Santa Barbara
- Scott Pinsonnault, Hamilton College
- Nina Priestley, Wright State
- Wendolyn Quigley, Boston University
- Michael Rahnis, YBRA
- Benjamin Reed, Miami University (OH)
- Eric Reuber, Wright State
- Leslie Rosenberg, Cal. St., Northridge
- Kevin Rosso, Indiana
- James Rowe, Bowling Green
- June Skinner, San Diego State
- Josef Sobieraj, Oregon
- Mark Stacy, Indiana
- Stefanie Taunton, Kansas
- Philip Teas, Texas at Austin
- Frank Tokar Jr., Bowling Green
- David Van Domelen, Oregon
- Brian Vauter, Baylor
- Robert Weber, Kansas
- George Wiegman, N.C. System-wide
- Christopher WIlliams, Boston University
- Janie Williams, N.C. System-wide
- Thomas Woosley, Western State College of Colorado
1991 Interns
- Robert Abrams, Indiana
- Colin Basye, Colorado School of Mines
- Micheal Boatman, Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- George Booth, Princeton
- Andrew Brill, Princeton
- Mark Carter, Lehigh
- Mark Cheyne, Wasatch-Uinta
- Andrew Clark, Princeton
- Kari Cooper, Oregon
- Melissa Cowoski, Colgate
- Dale Crissman, Texas at El Paso
- Christopher Dieter, Wright State
- Craig Finley, Ohio State,/li>
- Steve Flock, Idaho State
- Jennifer Force, Wasatch-Vinta
- Jeffery Foster, Mesa State
- Aina Fox, Northern Illinois
- Kathy Fraracci, New Orleans
- Cheryl Gansecki, Princeton
- Catherine Gaskin, Montana
- James Goddard, Utah State
- Steven Goodbred, Boston University
- Amy Halleran, Indiana
- Todd Heibel, Missouri-Columbia
- David Hicks, New Mexico
- Gregory Hill, Western State of Colorado
- Marsha Hilmes, Southern Illnois
- Micheal Hoffman, Boston University
- Kerry Holland, Albion
- Robert Janosy, Ohio State
- Gabrielle Katz, Albion
- Kathi Kimble, Texas A&M
- John Kivett, Missouri-Columbia
- David Kreoning, Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Brain Laird, Oregon
- James Laney, Ball State
- Rebecca Lang, Oregon
- David Maher, Wisconsin-Oshkosh
- Gary Mast, SUNY-Buffalo
- Kyle Mayborn, California State-Bakersfield
- Magan McGinty, Miami University (OH)
- Thomas Mendes, Montana State
- Theresa Messina, Indiana
- Wendy Meyer, Colgate
- Marcus Milling, Texas A&M
- James Montgomery Jr., Montana
- Shirley Morikawa, Mondana
- Jed Mosenfelder, Princeton
- Timothy Paulsen, Wasatch-Uinta
- Steven Reigel, Wasatch-Uinta
- Peter Reiners, Indiana
- Karen Roberts, Princeton
- Amy Sapp, Chicago
- Brian Sheldon, Michigan
- Dejan Smaic, SUNY-Buffalo
- Kirk Stephens, Washington
- Peter Sturdivant, Miami University (OH)
- David Taylor, Montana State
- Frank Tepley, California State-Northridge
- David Thompson, Princeton
- Dixon Van Hofwegen, Arizona
- Angela Vasquez, Princeton
- Andrew West, Beloit
- Brian White, San Diego State
- Tracey Whitesell, Indiana
- James Wise, San Diego State
- Sarah Wittenbrink, Princeton
- Adrienne Woods, Idaho State
- Mara Yale, Albion
1990 Interns
- Kristine M Alvarez, Weber State
- John Carter Borden, Indiana
- Brenda J Buck, Indiana
- Scott A Burner, Bowling Green
- William J Bussard, Fort Lewis
- Anthony J Caldanaro Jr, Bowling Green
- Paul D Chang, UCLA
- David S Croker, UCLA
- Sally P Drews, Wasatch-Uinta Minnesota-Duluth
- Allyn J Foss, SUNY-Buffalo
- Carol R Franck, Hamilton College
- Clifford P Gill, Colgate
- Thomas P Grundy, Boston University
- Donald W Harrison, Southern Illinois
- Cheryl Hummon, Indiana
- Andrew G Klein, Boston University
- Elizabeth P Knapp, YBRA-Princeton
- Daniel J Miller, Michigan
- Douglas L Musser, Missouri-Columbia
- Geoffrey A Phelps, California-Berkeley
- Thomas J Powers, Albion
- James R Rougvie, Wasatch-Uinta Minnesota-Duluth
- Kenneth D Ruddy, Delaware
- Connie M Safreed, Ohio State
- Thomas R Sampson, Wasatch-Uinta Minnesota-Duluth
- Leon T Sawyko III, Hamilton College
- Lori D Snyder, Colorado State
- Michael A Stewart, Indiana
- Robert C Stroh, San Diego State
- Christopher H Swartz, Ohio State
- Charles F Taborm Jr, SUNY-Buffalo
- Laura M Vaugeois, California-Riverside
- Marc A Wahrer, Bowling Green
- John R Young, Northern Illinois
1989 Interns
- James D R Applegate, Cornell
- Peter A Battuello, New Mexico
- Scotty D Baumgartner, Missouri-Rolla
- Daniel R Block, Wisconsin-Eau Claire
- Curtis A Consolvo, Wisconsin-Oshkosh
- Brent A Couzens, Michigan
- Christopher A Curran, Albion
- Charles E Dunlap, YBRA-Princeton
- Debi J Farnsworth, SUNY-Buffalo
- Lorrin F Ferdinand, YBRA-Princeton
- Keith R Fetzner, Northern Illinois
- Robert B Genau, Miami (Ohio)
- Sarah B Gramlich, Idaho State
- Nelson R Ham, Waynesburg
- Kimberly A Hannula, Idaho State
- Steven R Hannula, Wisconsin-Oshkosh
- Stephen R Hoffine, Kansas
- Sandra D V Matthews, Colgate
- Charles L Melancon, California-Hayward
- Patricia A Merkley, Ball State
- Nathan B Mustoe, Brigham Young
- Matthew W Owens, Arizona
- Rosemary C Paramore, Southern Methodist
- Gordon K Parish, Michigan Tech
- Suzanne T Rupert, California Lawrence Livermore
- Kathleen A Sander, Albion
- Kevin M Schmidt, California-Berkeley
- Michael C Selling, Nevada-Reno
- Matthew M Slagel, Indiana
- Virginia K Smith, Missouri-Rolla
- Laurie E Stenberg, California-Berkeley
- Lora R Stevens, Missouri-Rolla
- Scott E Summerside, Nebraska-Lincoln
- Arthur D Wahl, Houston
- Jeffrey V Ware, Missouri-Rolla
- Douglas W White, Western State (CO)
- Kathleen S White, YBRA-Princeton
1987 Interns
- John Arambarri, Idaho
- Stacy Bohannon, Oklahoma State
- Maureen Cochrell, Washington
- Scott Corsair, Fort Hays State
- Lynn DeMay, Albion College
- Lisa Dierauf, UC-Santa Cruz
- Theresa Dunn, Nebraska-Lincoln
- Glen A. Emory, California State-Hayward
- Tracy D. Frank, Iowa State
- Martha Gerdes, Indiana
- Carl Geschwind, Arizona
- Lori Goetsch, Iowa
- David Goldsby, Indiana
- Kathryn Gregory, Indiana
- Janet Griese, NE Louisana
- Linda Ivany, Missouri-Columbia
- David Jacques, Bowling Green
- Charles Jones, Stanford
- Sarah Koerber, Memphis State
- Amy Kumershek, Wisconsin-Oshkosh
- Catherine Laky, Howard University
- Richard Luark, Idaho
- James Martin, Idaho State
- Sean McCauley, Princeton
- Scott Mcintyre, South Dakota School of Mines
- Michael Meyer, Northern Arizona
- Michael Nash, Missouri, Columbia
- David Nemetz, Beloit College
- Brigitte Neus, Colorado
- Thomas Nye, Southern Illinois
- David Paiko, Texas Tech
- Michael Penikis, Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Thomas Reed, Missouri-Rolla
- Joseph Richards, Missouri-Columbia
- Wayne Schanck, Princeton
- Erik Silvola, Minnesota-Duluth
- William Smith, Kent State
- Linda Spry, Mesa College
- Randall Stoeberl, South Dakota School Of Mines
- Robert Swenson, Montana
- Edward Tarjouman, Montana
- Sarah Tebbens, Southern Florida
- Jane Uptegrove, Indiana
- Kathleen White, Indiana
- Christopher Whitman, North Wales
- Kathleen Witthuhn, Missouri-Columbia
- Scott Zeller, Wisconsin-Madison
1986 Interns
- Ann Backstrom, Indiana
- Jonena Bamford, Idaho State
- Michael Becker, Indiana
- Douglas bergerson, Lamar University
- Brian Bodenbender, University of Arizona
- Steven Brown, Albion College
- Jennifer Carey, YBRA
- Douglas Clark, Humboldt State
- James Cleveland, Indiana
- Becky Jo Coel, Wisconsin-Oshkosh
- Martin Cohen, Bowling Green
- Charles Cubbison, YBRA
- David DeWitt, Southern Florida
- Andrew Elmer, Wichita State
- Sonya Evans, Indiana
- David Finley, Florida International
- Henry Foster, UCLA
- Michael Gefell, Cornell
- Tony Gillispie, North Carolina
- Jodie Hayob, Wasatch-Uinta
- Raymond Horner Georgia State
- Marcie Horowitz, YBRA
- Jennifer Humphrey, Iowa State
- John Huss, Cornell
- Heidemarie Johnson, Texas-San Antonio
- Cassandra Katz, New Orleans
- John Kemp, Kentucky
- Carl Kirby, Montana
- Cynthia Lange, Indiana
- Lynn Leonard, Indiana
- Beth Lettman, Texas-San Antonio
- Alan Levine, Delaware
- Paul Lowrey, Oklahoma State
- Jean Lynch, Cornell
- David Macy, Ball State
- Douglas McCarty, Montana
- Stephen McDuffie, Albion College
- Susan McGuire, Minnesota
- Stewart Merle, Alaska
- Kathleen Mullaney, Indiana
- Antoinette Murphy, Lousiana Tech
- Martin Olsen, Wisconsin-Oshkosh
- Thomas Peters, Wayne State
- James Price, Gerogia State
- Thomas Ramotowski, Albion College
- Geneva Randall, Indiana
- Joseph Reese, Indiana
- Gary Remple, Idaho
- Keith Rowan, Brooklyn College
- Gregory Santo, Arizona
- Keleigh Sasser, Corpus Christi State
- Deborah Schueller, Michigan Tech
- Laurie Skaer, UC-Santa Barbara
- William Slattery, Indiana University
- MOnte Snyder, Southwestern Missouri State
- Edward Southwick, Cal State Hayward
- Erik Spande, Iowa State
- David Tuck, North Wales
- jack turner, Fort Lewis
- Jeanne Wallberg, Idaho State
- Thomas Wilch, Indiana
- Kathleen Woida, Illinois State
1985 Interns
- Kurt Allen, Boise State
- Lisa Aronow, North Wales
- Lawrence Artman, James Madison
- Christopher Bader, Fort Hays State
- Reese Barrick, Texas Tech
- Amy Bennett, Louisiana Tech
- Karen Bergmann, Penn State
- John Berner, Cornell
- Melissa Bode, Texas Tech
- Tim Bowers, Bowling Green
- Marilyn Bradley, Houston
- Lucy Chambers, YBRA
- Mike Clayville, Idaho
- Robert Clouser, James Madison
- Terrence Connelly, Georgia State
- Robert Darling, Idaho State
- Katherine Davis, Maryland
- Susan Dawson, Miami (Ohio)
- Deborah Engebretson, Western Washington
- Barbara Feakes, Texas Tech
- Jeffrey Fresko, Texas Tech
- Craig Fish, Lehigh
- Susanna Francis, Wayne State
- Leisa Gauer, Indiana
- Jonathan Giesen, Arkansas (Monticello)
- Gretchen Gillis, North Wales
- Nancy Gorczyca, YBRA
- Eric Gyllenhaal, Indiana
- Mark Hageman, Ohio State
- Ruth Hanna, UC-Daivs
- Stephen Hartley, Lousiana tech
- Katherine Heimes, Indiana
- Michael Hiett, Memphis State
- Mary Holden, North Wales
- William Holman, Michigan Tech
- Paul Hudak, Waynesburg
- Randall Hunt, South Dakota School of Mines
- William Isbell, Montana
- Brian Jeffs, Arizona State
- Keith Johns, Indiana
- Christy Kehn, Michigan Tech
- David Kelley, Colorado State
- Kimberly Kemble, Southern Mississippi
- Brian Krzys, Boston
- Mary Lentz, Wayne State
- Donald Lewis, Cal State-Hayward
- Linden Linam, Texas-El Paso
- Kenneth MacLeod, Indiana
- Elisabeth Marr, Montana State
- Craig McCaa, Cal State-Hayward
- Thomas McKenna, Southern Mississippi
- Robert Meek, Miami (Ohio)
- Gerilynn Moline, Southern Maine
- Monica Murray, Arizona
- Anne Nathe, Cal State-Hayward
- James Nichols, Miami (Ohio)
- Rick Palm, Fort Hays State
- Frank Pazzaglia, Penn State
- Christian Petersen, San Jose State
- Jeffrey Raffensperger, Maryland
- Donna Raup, Alaska
- Kyle Reed, Boise State
- Susan Roberts, indiana
- David Ronnei, Indiana
- Phillip Royall, North Carolina State
- Judith Ruffner, Arizona
- Laura Sacks, Miami (Ohio)
- Thomas Schaffner, Miami (Ohio)
- Lisa Schrader, Michigan Tech
- Mark Schumacher, Alfred University
- Stacy Seaman, Indiana
- Thomas Siewert, Indiana
- Edward Sobel, Cornell
- Cary Taylor, Indiana
- Paul Torcoletti, Miami (Ohio)
- Charles Trupe, James Madison
- Jeffrey Unruh, UC-Davis
- Daryl Uran, Sul Ross
- Robert Versical, Indiana
- Randy Walters, Indiana
- Scott Wendling, Southern Illinois-Carbondale
- Scott Whipkey, Waynesburg
- Barbara Zemanovic, Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- John Zeigler, Lehigh
1984 Interns
- Reid Allan, Lehigh
- Sungat Altis, James Madison
- Steven Anderson, Miami (Ohio)
- Brad Archer, Arizona
- Bradley Bayne, Nevada
- John Berry, Idaho State
- Charles Bitting, Missouri
- Michael Bowman, Indiana
- Gary Burchard, New Mexico
- Annetta Burroughs, Montana
- Gregory Carroll, California
- Julia Clay, Wyoming
- Tony Cole, Montana
- Sarah Collinsworth, Colorado
- Donald Coltrin, Wyoming
- Wesley Combs, Colorado
- Sarah Culton, Eastern Washington
- Andrew Czebieniak, Penn State
- Gareth Davies, SE Colorado
- Amy DeMasi, Ball State
- Anna DiGiovanni, Utah
- Susan Duncanson, Utah
- Thomas Dwyer, South Dakota
- Nancy Elfranks, Utah
- David Ferrill, Montana
- Andrew Foerg, Michigan
- Daniel Folan, SUNY - Cortland
- Steven Fortier, Sul Ross
- Robert Fredrick, Cal State/Hayward
- Richard Furner, Texas/San Antonio
- Steve Glotfelty, Albion College
- Margaret Graefe, Wisconsin
- W. James Griswold, Mesa
- Jay Gunderson, Wisconsin
- Carl Hanson, Indiana
- Melannie Hartman, South Dakota School of Mines
- Victor Heilweil, SUNY - Buffalo
- Marc Hendrix, Indiana
- Roger Hettenhausen, Southern Illinois (YBRA)
- Lisa Hird, Michigan Tech
- Steven Holland, Miami (Ohio)
- Charles Hoskins, Toledo
- Bruce Jones, Idaho State
- George Jones, Howard
- Perry Jones, Miami (Ohio)
- Gerard Kashatus, Penn State
- Robin Kent, Montana
- Nancy Kolodny, Harvard/Yale/Cornell
- Vallerie-Ann Kulyk, NE Louisiana
- Jennie Lacobee, NE Louisiana
- Craig Lippus, Bowling Green
- Karen Loomis, U.C.L.A.
- Lorri Maloney, Indiana
- William Manley, Lehigh
- Julianne Marhoefer, Indiana
- Clinton Marshall, Houston
- Susan Mooney, Princeton/YBRA
- Amy Moser, Montana
- Eric Neubecker, Wright State
- Tina Niemi, Vanderbilt
- Leo Ostwald, Montana State
- Lance Peterson, Indiana
- Michael Pomes, Wisconsin/Milwaukee
- James Renner, Michigan Tech
- Robert Ross, Wales
- Donald Ruggery, Waynesburg
- Charles Russell, Eastern Washington
- Daniel Scheirer, Princeton/YBRA
- Roy Schlische, Nevada/Las Vegas
- Nancy Schmidt, Colgate
- Phillip Scott, Indiana
- Thomas Serenko, Miami (Ohio)
- Lorea Sharp, Louisiana Tech
- R. A. Sheets, Ohio State
- Cynthia Shroba, Illinois
- Penny Silzer, Western Illinois
- Edward Stephens, North Carolina State
- Sandra Straehl, Montana State
- Diana Thompson, Fort Hays State
- John Tweddale, Indiana
- Christopher Vierrether, SE Missouri
- Sheryl Wiet, Indiana
- Bruce Winter, Kansas State
- Wuthrich, Dennis San Jose State
- Steven Wyneken, California/Davis
- Peter Zeeb, Indiana
1983 Interns
- E.D. Arenberg, Florida
- L. Avon, Michigan
- P.M. Barlow, Connecticut
- F.W. Beaver, Miami (Ohio)
- K.A. Beidler, Boise State
- C.M. Bertka, Miami (Ohio)
- C.N. Branch, Miami (Ohio)
- K.L. Branham, Southwest Missouri
- L.S. Brueggemann, Southern Illinois
- L.L. Burnett, Albion
- M.R. Caleb, Lehigh
- D.J. Cook, Florida
- S.M. DeBari, Lehigh
- T.L. Dehen, Texas-San Antonio
- K.A. Demsey, Montana State
- M.E. Dodt, Wayne State
- T.A. Dunn, Ball State
- R.A. Francis, Ohio University
- J.E. Gales, Michigan
- C. Garland, Montana
- L.M. Gosse, Southern Illinois
- M.T. Grady, Idaho
- K.M. Griffin, Wales
- W.R. Hale, East Carolina
- J.L. Harrington, Southwest Missouri State
- G.G. Harris, Indiana
- J.D. Herman, Princeton/YBRA
- C.P. Hinze, Indiana
- R.C. Hoover, North Carolina
- S.A. Huckaby, Montana
- H.A. Hurlow, Idaho State
- G.L. Iannacone, Michigan
- S.D. Ivy, Cal State Long Beach
- R.D. Jacobs, West Virginia
- M.A. Jacobvitz, Arizona State
- R.C. Johnson, Michigan Tech
- D.S. Jones, S. Oregon State
- A.E. Jordan, South Dakota School of Mines
- D.L. Kirschner, Indiana
- L.L. Krol, Arizona State
- G. LaMontagne, Eastern Illinois
- D.W. Lea, Indiana
- L.R. Ledbetter, Memphis State
- V.A. Leidy, Stephen F. Austin
- S.W. Little, Idaho
- A.J. Lord, North Carolina State
- B.A. Low, Michigan
- E.R. Lundin, Fort Lewis
- J.N. McAuley, Texas-San Antonio
- M.G. McBride, Mesa
- J.D. McCurley, Arkansas
- P.A. McGee, Montana State
- S.E. Mason, Ohio State
- J.C. Mathews, Southwest Louisiana
- S.A. Muffler, Bowling Green
- W.S. Nagle, Princeton/YBRA
- D.K. O'Brien, Arizona State
- N. Palzcuk, Princeton/YBRA
- H. Papastergiou, Princeton/YBRA
- J .L. Peterson, Wisconsin
- T.A. Pish, Wright State
- D. Powell, Lehigh
- J.E. Ranson, South Florida
- C.R. Rebbert, Missouri
- L.K. Roberts, Indiana
- D.W. Rowe, Montana
- M.T. Rowlett, Houston
- T.L. Runge, Miami (Ohio)
- S.D. Samson, Arizona State
- D.W. Schinderle, W. New Mexico State
- R. Schuster, E. Illinois
- K.J. Shackelton, Kansas State
- F.C. Sheppard, New Orleans
- Smith, Jeffrey, Stephen F. Austin
- D. Snyder, Indiana
- C.A. Sperber, Michigan
- G.A. Stenback, Idaho
- G.B. Strayer, Wright State
- H.K. Sydow, East Carolina
- A.M. Thompson, Texas A & M
- L.C. Tomb, Arizona
- J.D. Toombs, SE Missouri State
- P.A. Turner, Boise State
- G.A. Tyers, Iowa State
- M.A. Wallinga, Albion
- P.A. Waterreus, Texas-San Antonio
- F.A. Waters, Montana State
- J.D. Webster, S. Mississippi
- D.E. Welch, Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- T. W. Whitehead, Cal State-Hayward
- C.R. Wiggs, Southwest Lousiana
- C. Wilbur, Emporia State
- S.J. Wilhelm, Miami (Ohio)
- G.C. Wilson, Albion
- M.L. Woodruff, Ohio State
- V.L. Yingling, Indiana
- R.D. Zaleha, Bowling Green
1982 Interns
- Kathleen Allyn, Indiana
- Amy Anderson, Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Barbara Bagby, Indiana
- Roger Barnaby, North Carolina
- Rita Beale, Princeton/YBRA
- Barbara Beatty, Washington State
- Kevin Bishop, Connecticut
- Diedra Bohn, Montana State
- Linda Bond, Missouri
- William Boone, Indiana
- Martin Brand, Texas A & M
- David Briar, Montana State
- James Brown, Northern Arizona
- James Brownell, Montana
- William Jerry Bryan, S. Oregon State
- Mark Christensen, Indiana
- Kenneth Conca, Arizona State
- Katherine Connors, Miami (Ohio)
- David Costolnick, Indiana
- Kurt Cox, Alabama
- Scott Cross, Alabama
- Margaret Daley, UC-Davis
- Lawrence Daniels, Princeton-YBRA
- P. Garlnad Davis, James Madison
- Mark Dekruyter, Michigan
- Michael Deliz, New Orleans
- Robert Donovan, Nebraska/Lincoln
- John Dougherty, Penn State
- Amanda Duke, Ohio State
- Kenneth Duncan, Alabama
- Sally Durrenberger, Utah
- Sara Eldredge, Indiana
- Randall Epperson, Alabama
- Mahlon Erickson, Eastern Illinois
- Bonnie Feinroth, Princeton/YBRA
- John Field, Alaska
- Michael Fleming, Bowling Green
- Tamsen Fleming, Indiana
- Edith Foale, Missouri-Rolla
- Karlene French, Indiana
- Susan Frey, Illinois
- Bonnie Fricke, Minnesota-Morris
- Arnold Gehring, Mesa
- Billy Giles, Indiana
- Larry Gilmore, Texas A & M
- Michael Gottler, S. Oregon State
- Vivian Gratton, Indiana
- Grady Grissom, Princeton/YBRA
- Kenneth Hagler, Mesa
- Scott Hammond, Wright State
- Lisa Harstad, Indiana
- Charles Hassell, Texas A & M
- Darla Heil, Montana
- Scott Holm, Florida
- Janet Hopson, Tennessee
- Lawrence Hoyt, Florida
- Mary Hrenda, West Virginia
- Anita Huedepohl, S. Mississippi
- Michael Hultgren, S.F. Austin
- Raymond Hummeldorf, Alaska
- Keith Jarrin, CCNY
- Chris Johnson, Brigham Young
- Jennifer Johnson, Bowling Green
- Richard Johnson, Wright State
- Mark Kochanski, Purdue University
- Mary Kazmarek, Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Thomas Kelty, San Jose State
- Edward Kilduff, Michigan
- Mieczyslawa Klas, S. Maine
- David Kleesattel, Bowling Green
- Cath. Kuchenreuther, Texas-San Antonio
- David Kulikowski, Eastern Illinois
- John Kundtz, Northern Arizona
- Mark Larsen, Minnesota-Duluth
- Scott Linneman, Wales
- James Little, Southern Illinois
- Richard Luker, Western Montana
- James Mason, Cal. Poly
- Kris Matson, Michigan
- Patricia Maurice, Lehigh
- Alfred McEwen, Northern Arizona
- Allen McGrew, British Isles
- Michael McKim, Bowling Green
- Michael McPherson, Mesa
- David Meadow, SUNY-Cortland
- Yvonne Meeks, Minnesota
- John Miller, West Virginia
- Elizabeth Milliron, Tennessee
- Susan Mills, Fort Hays State
- Martha Moses, Michigan
- Jackie Mutschler, Wright State
- James Nakagawa, Bowling Green
- Mark Nielson, Illinois St
- Andrew Nyblade, Miami (Ohio)
- Mary O'Connor, Indiana
- Terri Osborne, Texas
- Bruce Partain, Texas/Permian Basin
- William Patterson, Alabama
- Janet Peters, Eastern Illinois
- Elsa Peterson, Princeton/YBRA
- Bruce Phillips, Illinois
- Terrie Pleibel, Alabama
- Mark Potochnik, Bowling Green
- Amy Powell, Idaho State
- James Prospere, Texas-San Antonio
- Deanne Prusak, Indiana
- Peter Randazzo, Indiana
- Dennis Rashka, Indiana
- Wayne Ratcliff, Wright State
- Linda Reinen, Indiana
- Ted Repasky, Wright State
- Kathleen Roberts, Southwest Louisiana
- Billy Joe Russell, S.F. Austin State
- Jeffrey Ryan, Fort Lewis
- Christine Sapeta, Iowa State
- Rebecca Sayer, Indiana
- Patrick Schwind, Bowling Green
- Mike Seeber, Kansas State
- Ann Sheehan, Kansas
- Phebe Sherrod, Memphis State
- David Williams Shufelt, Idaho State
- Christine Skirius, Wisconsin/Oshkosh
- Jonathan Sporleder, Ball State
- James Stone, Kansas State
- James Sterad, Kent State
- Mark Sutherland, Indiana
- Johannes Swartz, Nevada-Las Vegas
- Mike Swing, Utah
- John Tarduno, Lehigh
- Vincent Tom, S. Oregon State
- Andrew Tomlinson, Uc Berkeley
- Jeff Treadway, Wright State
- George Truett, Miami (Ohio)
- Martitia Tuttle, Alaska-Fairbanks
- Jay Valusek, Wichita State
- Laurel Vance, Houston
- Maryke VanHeeswyk, Ohio State
- Jay Vogt, Texas A & M
- Jeffrey Warner, Miami (Ohio)
- Walter Washington, New Orleans
- Brent Waters, Alaska
- Michael Weber, Penn State
- Jon Weldon, Emory
- Patricia White, South Dakota
- Stephen Wigger, Southern Illinois
- John Willrodt, Texas
- Kevin Zonana, Texas
1981 Interns
- Ann S. Aber, Lehigh
- Robert J. Altamura, Miami (Ohio)
- Sanford Ballard, Arizona
- Elizabeth Barger, Bowling Green
- David M. Barlow, Miami (Ohio)
- James M. Barolak, Texas A & M
- Jeffrey A. Bauer, Bowling Green
- Jacqueline V. Bernier, Montana State
- Cornelia Berthold, Lehigh
- Alan Blais, Wright State
- Daniel T. Brahier, Bowling Green
- Daniel J. Bright, San Jose State
- Arlene C. Burns, South Carolina
- Johnny Carroll, Texas-El Paso
- Bruce M. Carswell, UC-Davis
- Jack Carter, Houston
- John Clinch, Texas
- Kathleen E. Cohan, Mesa
- Kenneth F. Collins, Mesa
- Douglas H. Cook, Kansas State
- Janine Cory, Indiana
- Naomi Davidson, Lehigh
- Bruce Dawson, Kansas
- Jennifer H. DeChant, Michigan
- Jeffrey G. Dejarnett, Miami (Ohio)
- Kevin Depies, Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Dean E. Detar, Texas-El Paso
- Margaret Ann Dewhirst, Kentucky
- Patrick F. Dobson, Fort Lewis
- Greg F. Durocher, Wisconsin-Eau Claire
- Hillary Dyer, Miami (Ohio)
- David F. Edmundsen, Miami (Ohio)
- Barbara Ellis, Albion
- Norlene Emerson, Indiana
- David A. Ferderer, Kent State
- Lynna Jan Ferrari, Texas-San Antonio
- Debra Ford, New Orleans
- Kathleen Gallagher, Montana State
- Mike Gartner, Wright State
- Debra Gevirtzman, UC-Davis
- David Gibson, Texas
- Deborah Goaldman, San Jose State
- Dale Goodrich, Michigan State
- Eban S. Goodstein, Idaho
- James E. Grant, S. Oregon State
- Julian C. Gray, Georgia State
- Timothy W. Grover, Indiana
- Deborah Guertin, Indiana
- Melissa M. Haines, Miami (Ohio)
- Mark Haskins, Illinois
- Barbara Hill, Oklahoma State
- Jennifer E. Hill, Indiana
- Kimberly F. Hinshaw, Indiana
- Darden G. Hood, Ball State
- Debra Horn, Oklahoma
- Clark M. Johnson, UC-Davis
- Elizabeth A. Johnson, Miami (Ohio)
- Germaine Johnson, New Orleans
- Marcia Judy, S. Oregon State
- Miriam E. Katz, Indiana
- Karan Keith, Kansas
- Richard Kelly, North Carolina
- Gail C. Kineke, Princeton/YBRA
- Cheryl l. Klobcar, Indiana
- Donna B. Koesters, Miami (Ohio)
- Linda A. Krakker, Michigan
- Carey Krajewski, Minnesota
- Sara J. Krohn, Illinois
- Mike Kuykendall, Oklahoma State
- Douglas Lambert, Bowling Green
- Lewis Land, Oklahoma
- Anne Marie Larson, Georgia State
- Paula J. Leier, Ohio
- David Levy, Kentucky
- Amy Lewis, Texas
- Kathryn R. McCarron, Kent State
- Charles McCook, Indiana
- Douglas J. McGuire, Indiana
- Eric Mason, Oklahoma State
- Kim Medina, Kansas
- Barbara Menne, Indiana
- Joanna Michie, North Carolina State
- James A. Moore, Idaho
- Deborah F. Motycka, Lehigh
- Jeffrey W. Munsey, Indiana
- Michael J. Murphy, E. Illinois
- Teresa S. Nunenkamp, Ball State
- Grant R. Olson, Illinois
- Beth R. Palmer, Idaho
- John M. Pandolfe, Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Lisanne G. Pearcy, Indiana
- Edwin J. Pond, N. Arizona
- Stephen E. Poorman, Akron
- Kim A. Randall, Ohio State
- Melanie Reed, New Orleans
- David E. Reid, North Carolina
- Donald C. Rice, Albion
- Janet l. Rigler, Cal State-Hayward
- Michael Roberts, Bowling Green
- Lori C. Robison, Arizona
- Christine Rossen, Indiana
- Ronald A. Rueb, Toledo
- Thomas F. Ruffer, Texas A & M
- Laura M. Russell, Tennessee
- Cathy Ruzycki, Mesa
- Charles l. Saunders, North Carolina
- Anne Sayers, Michigan State
- Guy Schwartz, Wright State
- Kent P. Scribner, Kansas State
- Sharla Shine, Bowling Green
- Mark S. Smith, Miami (Ohio)
- Victor Smith, Bowling Green
- Jay Snyder, New Mexico
- Susan G. Spradley, Houston
- Mark Stadum, Wright State
- James E. Stanford, Cal State-Hayward
- Richard J. Stead, Lehigh
- Paul E. Sunby, W. New Mexico
- Stephanie Tanaka, Missouri
- Laurie B. Tanenbaum, Princeton/YRBA
- Steve Taylor, Waynesburg
- Lorrie S. Tingle, Alabama
- Robert Trautz, Michigan State
- Michael G. Tunnicliff, Missouri
- Laurie J. Turner, Miami (Ohio)
- Dale A. VanDam, UC-Santa Barbara
- Ingrid J. Verhagen, Indiana
- Kevin Werle, Wright State
- James T. Wilson, N. Arizona
- Andrea Yeaton, Virgina Tech
1980 Interns
- Scott A. Adams, Alaska
- David G. Alleman, Indiana
- Walter B. Barker, Northern Arizona
- Ella F. Brooks, Tennessee
- Stephen T. Burkhard, Mesa
- Gary Calvert, West Virginia
- Cindy K. Carney, Toledo
- Mark Chivers, Oklahoma State
- Kenneth W. Clark, Montana State
- Susanmarie Clark, Princeton/YBRA
- Susan C . Cooper, Idaho
- Denise Daigre, Southwest Louisiana
- Beth A. Darby, Miami (Ohio)
- Stanley Davis, Purdue
- William J. Domoracki, Indiana
- Linda A. Drake, Princeton/YBRA
- Lisa G. Dunn, Bowling Green
- David A. Edwards, Brigham Young
- John S. Esser, Illinois
- Matthew Fein, Purdue
- Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Miami (Ohio)
- Chris Fliesher, Kansas
- Richard Franz II, Miami (Ohio)
- William G. Frechette, Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Claudia A. Firman, Cal. State - Hayward
- Janice M. Gillespie, Indiana
- Robert M. Glazier, Maryland
- Terri E. Grassmuck, Michigan
- Sharon E. Hall-King, West Virginia
- Michele A. Heath, Fort Lewis
- Laurie B. Hillebrand, Kent State
- Sally Hossenlopp, Oklahoma State
- Kevin Howard, West Virginia
- Sue Howes, Miami (Ohio)
- Ethel Jack, Kansas
- William A. Kennedy, Miami (Ohio)
- Margated A. Klute, Fort Lewis
- Andrew A. Kopania, UCLA
- Jane F. Kostenko, Kentucky
- Paul Kuvach, North Arizona
- John Kerr, Michigan State
- James Lagsdon, Oklahoma
- Margaret I. Lane, Idaho
- Rick E. Lantz, Illinois
- Barbara L. Lowry, Indiana
- Robert I. Magginetti, San Jose State
- Papu Manier, Kansas
- Peter B. McMahon, Missouri
- Kimberlee W. Millberry, Indiana
- Grant F. Miller, Humboldt State
- James E. Miller, Montana
- Gary F. Moy, San Antonio
- Robert Mueller, Northern Arizona
- Christine M. Nasehak, Cal. State - Hayward
- William P. Neumann, Wisconsin
- Daniel S. Neybert, Miami (Ohio)
- Susan M. Nourse, Indiana
- Peggy A. O'Day, UC - Davis
- Lynn M. Parks, South Dakota School of Mines
- Margie A. Patterson, UC - Davis
- John D. Petri, Indiana
- John D. Pickle, Princeton/YBRA
- Margaret L. Plaus, Albion
- Joanne L. Pinero, Indiana
- Karen R. Poeschel, Humboldt State
- Jean L. Purdy, Miami (Ohio)
- Julie F. Ratcliffe, SIU - YBRA
- Brian H. Reck, Illinois
- Carol A. Revelt, Wyoming
- David W. Roberson, Princeton/YBRA
- Phyllis Robertson, Oklahoma
- Diane M. Robinson, Southern California
- David W. Rodgers, Indiana
- Jeff Rogers, West Virginia
- Roberta L. Rudnick, Sul Ross
- Mike Scales, Michigan State
- Rayna Schirer, Emporia State
- David Schlichtemeier, Phillips
- Dale C. Schlinsog, Indiana
- Mark T. Schmidt, Kent State
- Barbara J. Schneider, Bowling Green
- Laura K. Schroer, Emporia State
- Bill Schroeter, Northern Arizona
- Susan Y. Schwartz, Indiana
- Kurt E. Seel, Montana
- Glen Simpson, Oklahoma State
- Elaine Slaughter, Michigan State
- David L. Smith, Princeton/YBRA
- Gary A. Smith, Bowling Green
- Harold A. Smith, Indiana
- Gloria D. Sprague, SF Austin
- Kenneth K. Steele, Montana State
- Gregg A. Swayze, Indiana
- Benjamin D. Sydboten, Kansas State
- Michael J. Takacs, Albion
- Janet E. Tower, North Carolina State
- Tekleab Tsegay, Oklahoma State
- Wendy C. Tucker, Indiana
- Laurel K. Vedder, Missouri
- James A. Waller, Indiana
- Elliot S. Werk, Indiana
- Karen L. Wheeler, Missouri
- Grant C. Willis, Brigham Young
- Sandra J. Wyld, Illinois
- Jeffery Zeman, SIU - YBRA
- Elise E. Zylstra, Wasatch - Uinta
1979 Interns
- Richard Alley, Ohio State
- Kate Armstrong, Indiana
- Ellen Axtmann, Indiana
- Arthur Barnes, Arizona
- Henry Bean, Western Arizona
- Tom Beard, Missouri
- Suzanne Bernhardt, New Orleans
- James Berg, Kansas
- Dennis Binkley, Oklahoma State
- Kent Bowker, Oklahoma State
- Kerry Boyko, Idaho
- Cynthia Brandt, New Orleans
- Joe Bristor, Sol Ross St.
- Chris Budai, Kansas
- Gregory Bunk, Colorado
- Margaret Burchfield, Missouri
- Stephen Collamer, Indiana
- Suzanne Costanza, Illinois
- James Cunningham, Michigan State
- Denis W. D'Amore, Boston University
- Katherine Dimitracopoulis, Iowa State
- Lorraine Dingman, SUNY - Binghamton
- Larry Dus, Indiana
- Sue A. Finstick-Smith, Montana
- Jeffrey Forbes, Indiana
- Lia Ann Fong, Indiana
- Mike Gaskins, Oklahoma State
- Margaret Golan, Indiana
- Steve C. Good, Indiana
- Glenn W. Greilich, Indiana
- Kevin P. Guilbeau, New Orleans
- Eileen Haney, Northern Arizona
- Glen R. Hart, Mesa State
- Michael D. Haufler, Indiana
- Mary Hawkins, Miami (Ohio)
- Silvia M. Heinrich, YBRA (Princeton)
- Sharon M. Hirt, Akron - Cooper
- Tom Hoisch, Indiana
- Karen J. Houck, Illinois
- Dan H. Jarrell, UC - Davis
- Elaine Kampmueller, Michigan State
- Thomas Kelly, Arizona
- Lynette Key, San Jose State
- Thomas A. King, YBRA (Princeton)
- Ingrid Klich, New Mexico Inst.
- John H. Kline, Southern Oregon
- Joe Klingshirn, Montana/Purdue
- Kathy Koskelin, Miami
- Kurt Kretvix, YBRA (Princeton)
- Barbara L. Lakey, Miami
- Paul Layer, Michigan State
- Louis LeFevre. Indiana
- Reed S. Lewis, Idaho
- Ralph Lilburn, Oklahoma State
- Gary Mannshardt, Cal State - Hayward
- Stephen J. Martel, UC - Davis
- Albert Martin, SW Louisiana
- Marilyn L. Massad, Wayne State
- Valeria Mayaud, Ball State
- Linda McCoy, Idaho State
- Tomiann McDaniel, Wright State
- Robert Meltz, Wisconsin - Oshkosh
- Steven V. Moody, Ohio State
- Llewellyn Moose, Indiana
- Carla Niemy, Arizona
- Kathryn B. Moseley, Fort Lewis
- Nancy Nutter, Kansas State
- Daniel O'Hanley, Indiana
- John P. Obermiller, Texas
- Mark E. Patzkowsky, Kansas State
- Jeffrey Payne, West Virginia
- Randy Perky, West Virginia
- Karen K. Peters, SF Austin
- Jan-Claire Phillips, Indiana
- Laurel L. Pringle, YBRA (Princeton)
- Blaine T. Reely, Arizona
- Gary D. Richter, Texas
- Linda Riddle, Montana/Purdue
- Devon E. Rose, Idaho State
- Cindy L. Rose, Baylor
- Lawrence C. Rosen, Illinois
- Eduardo A. Rubio, Arizona
- Alan R. Satterlee, Montana State
- Diana Lynn Scheidle, Wayne State
- Loren S. Schmidt, Fort Hays State
- Robert R. Seal II, Indiana
- Edmund C. Secor, Indiana
- Thomas S. Setzer, Illinois
- William Shorb, Indiana
- Evelyn Shotwell, NC State
- Mary A. Siders, Ohio State
- Roberta A. Spink, Minnesota - Duluth
- George A. Steele III, Indiana
- Richard Stolarz, Indiana
- Christopher Sun-Crow, Montana
- Jim Szecsody, Cal State - Haywrd
- Kevin Talley, Oklahoma State
- Alisa J. Taylor, New Mexico
- Stephen M. Trehu, YBRA (Princeton)
- Peter Trueblood, Indiana
- Howard Jay Turin, YBRA (Princeton)
- Warren J. Uhler, Arizona
- Karol W. Valek, Bowling Green
- Dawn Vander Zouwen, Indiana
- Cathy Van Hoorebeke, Fort Lewis
- Gordon Vaskey, Montana
- David Watson, Oklahoma State
- Patricia Ann Weisse, Lehigh
- Mark Wilson, Missouri
- Tom Wise, Memphis State
- Beth Wright, Illinois
1978 Interns
- James Abbey, Michigan State
- Steven Adams, Indiana
- David Agee, Oklahoma State
- Michael R. Baganski, Albion
- Paul J. Bartos. Wayne State
- Richard J. Batt, SUNY Buffalo
- James S. Bernhagen, Wisconsin - Oshkosh
- Ann B. Bijkerk, Lehigh
- William D. Bischoff, Miami (Ohio)
- Michael L. Blair, Oregon
- Richard L. Boone, Miami (Ohio)
- Barry R. Bowman, Souther California
- Felicia M. Boyd, Lehigh
- Cynthia A. Bradford, New Orleans
- Barbara E. Bullock, Memphis State
- Paul Buszka, Michigan State
- Phillip E. Byrd, Miami (Ohio)
- Terry D. Call, Idaho State
- Diane H. Carlson, Indiana
- Scott A. Cooley, LSU
- Richard M. Cotman, Houston
- Rosmarie Cubba, Wayne State
- James J. Culberson, Colorado School of Mines
- Joe Curiale, Oklahoma
- Mark Cutler, UCLA
- Daniel C. Davis, Fort Lewis
- Bill Devlin, CUNY Queens
- Cynthia M. DeWeese, Mesa
- Thomas E. Dill, Nebraska
- Gerald J. Djuth, Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- John E. Dowden, Miami (Ohio)
- Gonzalo Encisco, Kansas
- Rachel S. Epstein, Missouri
- James L. Eriavec, Miami (Ohio)
- Robert D. Evans, Illinois
- Michael E. Foster, Indiana
- John D. Garing, YBRA
- Karen L. Geisinger, Indiana
- Kathy A. Goetz, Indiana
- Robert H. Goldstein, Indiana
- Lynn D. Gray, California - Long Beach
- Dallas W. Greenberg, Indiana
- Mickey E. Gunter, YBRA
- Rafael Gutierrez, Arizona
- David Hager, Purdue
- Dorene J. Hari, Lehigh
- Eric Hass, Texas
- Steven Haynes, Purdue
- Kimberlee S. Heichel, Indiana
- Stacy Hocker, Oklahoma State
- Gail R. Ingram, West Virginia
- Alison H. Jones, LSU
- Mark Kamm, West Virginia
- T. Robert Kelley, Arizona
- Robert L. Kidney, Illinois - Chicago
- David Knight, Arizona
- Richard A. Kolb, Montana
- Linda S. Kost, Ball State
- Kenneth J. Ladwig, Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Julie A. Laudon, Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Annabelle I.N. Lee, Missouri
- Brian Lee, Oklahoma State
- Carol K. Lee, Albion
- Edward Leonhart, Kansas
- Candace E. Line, Ohio State
- Diana M Lipp, Idaho State
- Steven L. Losh, Colorado School of Mines
- Larry W. Maasen, Georgia
- Mark S. Manwaring, Indiana
- Brian D. Marshall, UC - Davis
- John A. McAnulty Jr., Texas
- John H. McBride, Indiana
- Elizabeth McDonald, UCLA
- Mark R. Miller, Idaho
- Janet S. Modene, Eastern Illinois
- Carolyn Murgitroyd, Oklahoma
- Christine M. Murray, Michigan
- Peter I. Nabelek, Indiana
- Edward A. Need, Colorado State
- Donald W. Northfelt, Minnesota
- Joseph Oliver, Indiana
- Joan Oppenheimer, Arizona
- George J. Ostertag, Sul Ross
- Didier F. Pennequinn, Indiana
- Richard Piquine, Texas A & M
- Anita M. Powers, Texas A & M
- Donald G. Poulton, CCNY
- Alicia A. Presti, Sul Ross
- Suzanne J. Prochow, Nebraska
- George W. Ratliff, Tulsa
- Karen Robinson, UCLA
- Edith D. Roper, Missouri
- Charles Ross, Kansas
- Nancy Ross, Indiana
- Kenneth Sands, Texas
- Jay R. Scheevel, Illinois
- Steve Scherrard, West Virginia
- Thomas S. Setzer, North Carolina State
- Sally W. Sheridan, Idaho State
- Virginia B. Sisson, Illinois (British Isles)
- Betsy Swiula, Texas A & M
- Mark R. Sorensen, Miami (Ohio)
- Daniel T. Spencer, Indiana
- Chris A. Stamm, Sul Ross
- Loreen K. Stegeman, Iowa
- Michael H. Stewart, Oregon
- Gale S. Stubbs, Miami (Ohio)
- Diane Symber, Indiana
- Valerie L. Thayer, Miami (Ohio)
- Steven N. Thompson, Washington State
- Steven R. Thompson, Indiana
- Jerry H. Veldhuis, Sul Ross
- Amy J. Visentin, Lehigh
- Peggy Visher, Indiana
- Daniel B. Wallem, Wheaton
- Frank Walles, Michigan State
- Brandon E. Welch, Lamar
- Louise R. Welter, Houston
- Cynthia L. Wiersma, Michigan
- Michael W. Welczynski, Wayne State
1977 Interns
- Martha L. Adams, Miami (Ohio)
- Phil Anno, Oklahoma
- John B. Ashby, Colorado School of Mines
- Douglas C. Beahm, VPI & SU
- Brenda Bomber, Indiana
- Cynthia J. Bray, Vermont
- James J. Butler Jr., Indiana
- Lee Catalano, Oklahoma State
- Steven A. Catlin, Michigan
- Frank Chase, West Virginia
- David Chernicky, Oklahoma
- Paul K. Christensen, Idaho State
- Austin J. Cozzens, West Texas State
- Kevln D. Crowley, YBRA
- James P. Davis, Lehigh
- Vincil C. Dean, Colorado
- Phil C. de Gruyter, Oregon State
- Anne Demitrack, YBRA
- Peter A. Emmet, UC - Davis
- Ned C. Emrick, Bowling Green
- Richard Escandon, UCLA
- Emmett Evanoff, Wyoming
- David Foster, Indiana
- Barbara Fotta, New Orleans
- Stephanie L. Frederick, Indiana
- Willlam Fryer, Michigan State
- Patrick J. Fultz, Nevada - Las Vegas
- Larry D. Gallegos, Nevada - Las Vegas
- Mark H. Gillespie, Bowling Green
- Teresa W. Greer, Missouri - Kansas City
- Robert A. Greico, Bowling Green
- Steven H. Gunderson, Indiana
- Tom Haslebecher, West Virginia
- Brian Hausback, UCLA
- Kristln S. Hjelle, Minnesota
- Kip V. Hodges, North Carolina - Charlotte
- Mary J. Hogan, Fort Lewis
- James R. Horn, Montana
- Elizabeth Horton, UCLA
- Julie A. Kirchner, Iowa
- Thomas L. Klockenbrink, Northern Arizona
- Andris Lapins, YBRA
- Robert R. Lauck, SUNY Buffalo
- Charles Lehotsky, UCLA
- David Levin, Texas
- Tim K. Lowensteln, Colgate
- Grant W. Lowey, Alaska
- Karen A. Mallette, Indiana
- Terry Marple, Oklahoma State
- Susan F. Marshall, UC - Santa Cruz
- Steven L. Martin, Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Stephanie M. Mattson, Minnesota
- Sam A. McCormick, Nebraska
- Grant A. Meyer, Idaho
- David Miesen, Michigan State
- David W. Miller, Wisconsin
- Eric H. Miller, Florida State
- Kathleen M. Minck, Indiana
- Shelly Minns, West Virginia
- Julie D. Morris, UC- Santa Cruz
- Art Mullenax, West Virginia
- Genne M. Myers, Nevada - Las Vegas
- Debra K. Nishida, Southern California
- Steven F. Olson, Minnesota
- Jeffrey Ottman, Texas
- James B. Paces, Oregon
- Donna M. Phillips, Northwestern
- Sandra L. Postel, Emory
- Sandra Pratt, Illinois
- George E. Rains, SW Missouri
- Gerda E. Reimer, Miami (Ohio)
- Sam Robertson, UCLA
- Leah L. Rogers, Illinois
- Thomas R. Rounds Jr., Wisconsin - Oshkosh
- Philip C. Saletta, Colorado School of Mines
- James G. Schmitt, Michigan
- Roberta Score, UCLA
- John Seale, Oklahoma State
- Donald K. Sickafoose, Tennesse
- Davld Slayton, Michigan State
- Michael R. Smith, Cal State - Hayward
- Terri G. Smith, Western New Mexico
- Donald L. Sprague, Indiana
- Kimberly J. Thomas, Penn State
- Clark Thompson, Illinois
- Richard T. Thompson, Oregon
- Jerome A. Waegli, Wisconsin - Oshkosh
- Heidi Wallace, Indiana
- Karen Webber, Texas
- Melanie A. Weed, Oregon
- Carl P. Weibel, Kentucky
- Brian P. Wernicke, Southern California
- Rona Whittall, Missouri - Rolla
- Audrey A. Wright, Stanford
1976 Interns
- Gerry Abrahms, UCLA
- Edvardo Alvarez, Louisiana Tech
- Eileen Anderson, Illinois
- Warren Barrash, Idaho
- Mark Barton, Indiana
- Allen Bentley, Lousiana Tech
- Daniel Ding, Missouri-Rolla
- Lisa Boe, Illinois
- Monty Braley, Lousiana Tech
- Paul Cobb, YBRA
- James Clark, Oklahoma State
- Stacy Clark, Indiana
- Charles Collins, Texas
- Michael Convery, SUNY - Stony Brook
- Daniel Daniluk, Miami (Ohio)
- Theresa Dlugos, Miami (Florida)
- Bruce Douglas, Colgate
- Peter Drobeck, Miami (Ohio)
- Jean Dupree, Colorado School of Mines
- Steve Elkins, Minnesota
- Anthony Endres, Michigan Tech
- Betty Jeanne France, Indiana
- Ronald Franke, Wisconsin - River Falls
- Linda Froemke, Wisconsin - Oshkosh
- Yvonne Gandolfo, Nevada
- Anne Gardulski, Michigan State
- Christy Gibson, Florida
- Michael Gjerde, UCLA
- Robert Graham, Iowa
- Alvin Greer, Louisiana Tech
- James Gresham, Louisiana Tech
- Allison Hall, Indiana
- Charles Hansen, Oklahoma
- Tekla Harms, Indiana
- Phllip Heppard, Indiana
- David Hoag, Minnesota
- Robert Holt, Missouri - Rolla
- Holly Huyck, Indiana
- Beatrice Johnston, Northern Arizona
- Kent Keller, YBRA
- Robert Killian, Texas
- Simeon King, Missouri - Rolla
- Marshall Koval, Missouri - Rolla
- Lee Krystinik, Texas - Arlington
- William Kyger, Louisiana Tech
- Donald Lipinski, Ohio University
- Steve Loner, Indiana
- Dana Loomis, Indiana
- Ruth Ludwin, Indiana
- Jeff MacQueen, Oklahoma
- David McCandless, Purdue
- Derek Morse, Idaho State
- Margaret Morton, Western Illinois
- Marcia Moyer, Indiana
- Bonnie Murchie, Indiana
- George Mychkovsky, Kent State
- Jay Namson, Cal State - Humboldt
- Kevin O'Reilly, Indiana
- Frederick Overson, Lousiana Tech
- Anthony Owens, Louisiana Tech
- Dusty Peters, Alabama
- Stephanie Pfirman, Colgate
- Marin Popoff, UCLA
- Jane Porter, Indiana
- Amy Rapport, Kansas
- Rich Reynolds, Cal State - Long Beach
- Roberta Rice, Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Ellen Rose, SUNY Buffalo
- Teresa Rffner, UCLA
- James Sadd, Southern California
- Patricia Santogrossi, Illinois
- Robert Sedivy, Indiana
- Wanda Sedlacek, Kansas State
- Stephen A. Shaver, North Carolina State
- Diane Sparks, Bowling Green
- Gayle Standridge, Oklahoma
- Timothy Steiner, IUPUI
- William Stone, Oklahoma State
- Teresa Suter, Purdue
- Rachel Tabachnick, Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Ann Tasillo, Waynesburg
- Linda Thurn, Ohio University
- Doris Tingle, Louisiana Tech
- Jon Vaitl, UCLA
- Chris Van Fossan, Kansas
- Charles Wacker, UCLA
- Jan Wade, Indiana State
- Kenneth Welsh, Waynesburg
- James Williams, Bowling Green
- Kurt Wiseman, Texas
- Lynn Wright, VPI & SU
- Terrell York, Colorado School of Mines
1975 Interns
- Olu B. Aderotoye, Augustana
- Robert Anderson, Kent State
- Ronald E. Anderson, CIC (Minnesota)
- Katherine E. Anson, UCLA
- Victor N. Baltera, YBRA (Princeton)
- Miriam Baltuck, Michigan
- Paul R. Bartholomew, CIC (Minnesota)
- Jennifer D. Bateman, YBRA (Princeton)
- Wendy S. Bierlein, Idaho State
- James G. Brophy, YBRA (Princeton)
- Nancy E. Brown, Oklahoma
- Karl M. Busch, Nebraska
- Joyce Y. Capron, Oregon
- Janet L. Coutu, Indiana
- Michael F. Crawford, Indiana
- Cindy L. Crawley, Nevada - Las Vegas
- Timothy C. Croll, Ohio State
- Louellen D'Angelo, Arizona
- Joe Davidson, Oklahoma State
- Deanna J. Delladio, Emporia State (Kansas)
- Amy G. Dingwell, Indiana
- Robert E. Dister, Michigan
- James R. Dixon, VPI & SU
- Brian J. Donnelly, Washington State
- Michael D. Dresen, Cal State - Hayward
- Janis S. Driver, Miami (Ohio)
- Janell D. Edman, Indiana
- Nancy L. Eichenberger, CUNY - Queens
- Christina M. Emerick, Ohio State
- Dale Engle, Oklahoma State
- Mary Engleman, Kansas
- Ross A. Ensley, Texas
- Steven P. Esling, Illinois State
- Jack D. Farnham, Jr., SF Austin
- Michael S. Fulp, Missouri
- Murry S. Gerber, Iowa State
- Anthony Giardinelli, Idaho State
- William Glover III, Indiana
- Harry A. Hagan, YBRA (Princeton)
- Clayton E. Harter, YBRA (Princeton)
- Ernest C. Hauser, Indiana
- Rachel M. Haymon, Indiana
- Grant Herring, Oklahoma State
- Wolfgang C. Heuer, Houston
- Susan J. Hodgin, Fort Lewis
- Jack E. Holton, Michigan State
- Charles P. Humphrey, Texas
- Neil E. Hurley, Southern California
- Lawrence P. Karasevich, Indiana
- Susan M. Kidwell, Nevada - Las Vegas
- Allan G. Krill, Oregon
- Charles W. A. Lynch III, Nevada - Las Vegas
- Mary M. Martin, Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Lon A. McCarley, Texas
- Conrad J. McCarthy, UCLA
- David D. McMillen, Oklahoma
- Jack W. Mefford, Indiana
- Randy A. Moore, West Virginia
- Douglas S. Mumpower, Wright State
- Paul A. Olander, Jr., SUNY - Buffalo
- Aloysius J. O'Neill, Fort Lewis
- John B. Pence, Waynesburg
- Richard Pernazza, Wayne State
- William M. Phillips, Idaho State
- Steven L. Pierce, Indiana
- Jeffrey E. Post, Idaho State
- James Puckette, Oklahoma State
- Thomas W. Sando, Indiana
- Randolph W. Scott, Penn State
- Craig A. Searls, Kansas
- Robert Shamlain, UCLA
- William W. Simpkins, Indiana
- Thomas R. Spilker, Kansas State
- Paul D. Spudus, Missouri - Rolla
- Martin T. Steinbis, Missouri
- Frances L. Stephenson, Indiana
- Justyn L. Sweany, Purdue
- James B. Tapp, Oklahoma
- Ralf E. Topper, SUNY - Stony Brook
- John D. Unks, Missouri - Rolla
- Donald K. Wassem, Southern California
- Barbara B. Wonson, Miami (Ohio)
- Vinvent P. Worland, Purdue
- Jay R. Yett, Idaho
1974 Interns
- Brian L. Andersen, Nevada - Las Vegas
- Richard D. Atwood, Berkeley
- Calvin G. Barnes, Nebraska
- Joffre H. Baron, Howard
- Robert A. Basse, Michigan
- Nathan P. Bennett, Eastern Illinois
- David L. Bish, Idaho State
- Kenneth D. Black, Miami (Ohio)
- Stephen L. Bressler, Northern Arizona
- Ellis C. Brooks, SF Austin
- Carol J. Bruton, Wright State
- Gertrude Callahan, San Francisco State
- Cindy K. Carothers, Florida
- Casey D. Danielson, Western Illinois
- Carol A. Dickerson, Missouri
- John H. Dilles, Caltech
- Elizabeth Downie, Indiana
- Douglas W. Duncan, Indiana
- Kendrick C. Fink, Stanford
- Leonard N. Ford, Jr., Indiana
- Suzanne Gavlin, CIC (Minnesota)
- Alice B. Giles, Indiana
- Jon M. Haden, West Virginia
- Gregory S. Hahn, Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- Blaine R. Hall, Wyoming
- Charlene R. Hall, VPI
- Gregory D. Harper, Nebraska
- Deborah A. Harris, Kent State
- Christine Hettlinger, Illinois
- Mark D. Howland, UCLA
- Carl E. Jacobsen, SUNY - Buffalo
- Carl K. Johnson, YBRA (Princeton)
- Joseph L. Kirschvink, Caltech
- Keith R. Lucas, Wright State
- William Markewich, Idaho
- Kitty L. Milliken, Indiana
- Malcolm C. Murray, Jr., Oklahoma
- Larry R. Nelson, Idaho State
- Stanley L. Obermeyer, Colorado School of Mines
- Michael J. O'Hara, UC - Santa Barbara
- Debra J. O'Neal, West Texas
- Terry L. Pavlis, Indiana
- Shirley J. Peterson, Indiana
- Arthur H. Schwartz, SD School of Mines
- Glenmore L. Shelton III, North Carolina
- Susan M. Stepusin, YBRA (Princeton)
- Karl M. Stubenvoll, Michigan
- Michael D. Stuhlsatz, Cal State - Long Beach
- Donna M. Summers, Idaho State
- James A. Swanek, Cal - Riverside
- Robert M. Syrjamaki, Michigan State
- John C. Tanger IV, YBRA (Princeton)
- Steven R. Taylor, Ohio University
- Linda A. Tills, Indiana
- John C. Tingey, Brigham Young
- Melonie F. Tonkin, Indiana
- Scott W. Tregaskis, Orgeon State
- Richard W. Turnbull, CCNY
- Mark K. Twichell, Northern Arizona
- Patricia E. Videtich, YBRA (Princeton)
- Steven A. Volz, Purdue
- William E. Wertz, Penn State
- Becky S. Wiggins, Wayne State
- John E. Wilson, Kent State