Initial Publication Date: June 14, 2024

2023 NAGT/USGS Cooperative Summer Fellowship Program Interns

CSFP Flyer Title Page

Intern: Catherine Allen
Field Camp: University of California, Santa Cruz
Mentor: Walter Mooney
Location: Menlo Park, California
Project: Earthquake, Volcano and Tsunami Hazards: Field and Office Studies

Intern: Mira Anderberg
Field Camp: Whitman College
Mentor: Sara Ernst
Location: Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Project: Enhancing Access and Engagement with USGS Coastal Change Tools

Intern: Brett Boyer
Field Camp: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Mentor: Kevin Ryan
Location: Troy, New York
Project: Assessing Organic Matter Character and Burial in Adirondack Lake Sediments

Intern: Brittany Brelle
Field Camp: California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Mentor: Elizabeth Haddon
Location: Moffett Field, California
Project: Geologic Mapping and Climate-driven Landscape Development in the Sierra Nevada and Walker Lane, California

Intern: Noah Cadwell
Field Camp: University of Missouri, Columbia
Mentor: Matthew Conlon
Location: Central Pennsylvania
Project: Assessment of Pesticides and Characterization of
Groundwaters in Pennsylvania's Appalachian Mountain Siliciclastic and Northeastern Glaciated Surficial Hydrogeologic Settings

Intern: Jordan Craft
Field Camp: Western Washington University
Mentor: Karen Lund
Location: Lakewood, Colorado
Project: Northern Rocky Mountains Transect (NRMT)

Intern: Gabrielle Davy
Field Camp: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Mentor: Elizabeth Montgomery-Brown
Location: Vancouver, Washington
Project: Geodetic Monitoring of Volcanoes in the Western United States

Intern: Sonia Eckstein
Field Camp: Dartmouth College
Mentor: Jessica Rodysill
Location: Reston, Virginia
Project: Reconstructing Tropical Caribbean Hydroclimate using Mineralogy of Evaporites in Lago Enriquillo, Dominican Republic Sediments

Intern: Zachary Ellia
Field Camp: Miami University
Mentor: Celestine Mercer
Location: Lakewood, Colorado
Project: Melt/Fluid Inclusion and Experimental Petrology Applications to Mineral Resource Investigations

Intern: Coralis Friedman Alvarez
Field Camp: University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Mentor: William Stephenson
Location: Golden, Colorado
Project: High-Resolution Geophysical Investigations of Hazardous Faults and Seismic Ground Motions—Data for Earthquake Hazard Assessments

Intern: Sara Gonzalez
Field Camp: Ohio State University
Mentor: Karen Lund
Location: Lakewood, Colorado
Project: Northern Rocky Mountains Transect (NRMT)

Intern: Rowan Gregoire
Field Camp: Dartmouth College
Mentor: Shaul Hurwitz
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Project: Compilation of Thermal Water Chemistry Data from Yellowstone

Intern: Saige Howard
Field Camp: University of Nevada, Reno
Mentor: Michael Toomey
Location: Reston, Virginia
Project: Understanding the Frequency and Intensity of Prehistoric Storm Events in the Great Lakes Region

Intern: Audrey Kettelberger
Field Camp: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Mentor: Lesleigh Anderson
Location: Denver, Colorado
Project: Past Perspectives of Water in the West

Intern: Taylor Kuligowski
Field Camp: University of Mami
Mentor: Thomas Cronin and Robert Poirier
Location: Reston, Virginia
Project: Quaternary Sea-Level Reconstructions

Intern: Benjamin Morbeck
College: University of Rochester
Mentor: Victoria Langenheim
Location: Moffett Field, California
Project: Geophysical Investigations of the Western United States

Intern: Zachary Morro
Field Camp: Montana State University
Mentor: Theresa Schwartz
Location: Denver, Colorado
Project: Sedimentary Process and Enrichment of Heavy Minerals in Upper Cretaceous Strata of the Western Interior

Intern: Leyla Namazie
Field Camp: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Mentor: Walter Mooney
Location: Menlo Park, California
Project: Earthquake, Volcano and Tsunami Hazards: Field and Office Studies

Intern: Adam Parol
Field Camp: Colorado State University
Mentor: Graham Lederer
Location: Reston, Virginia
Project: Deposit Models for Critical Mineral Resource Assessment

Intern: Margery Price
Field Camp: University of Oregon
Mentor: Blaine McCleskey
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Project: Compilation of Thermal Water Chemistry Data from Yellowstone

Intern: Michael Snook
Field Camp: University of Texas, Austin
Mentor: Stephanie James
Location: Denver, Colorado
Project: Exploring Hydrogeologic and Cryospheric Processes using Near-Surface Geophysical Methods

Intern: Madeleine Tan
Field Camp: University of Michigan
Mentor: Rich Briggs
Location: Golden, Colorado
Project: Active Fault Characterization in Colorado and Beyond

Intern: Benjamin Thomas
Field Camp: Franklin and Marshall College
Mentor: Greg Noe
Location: Reston, Virginia
Project: Wetland Influences on Stream and Watershed Ecosystem Health

Intern: Eli VanDyke
Field Camp: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Mentor: Walter Mooney
Location: Menlo Park, California
Project: Earthquake, Volcano and Tsunami Hazards: Field and Office Studies

Intern: Donovan Vitale
Field Camp: Western Michigan University
Mentor: Carole Johnson
Location: Storrs, Connecticut
Project: Hydrogeophysics

Intern: Grace Walker
Field Camp: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Mentor: Victoria Langenheim
Location: Moffett Field, California
Project: Geohpysical Investigations of the Western United States

Intern: Trevor Williams
Field Camp: University of Texas, Arlington
Mentor: Belle Philibosian
Location: Moffett Field, California
Project: Northern California Earthquake Geology

Intern: Lauren Wratchford
Field Camp: Saint Louis University
Mentor: James Vallance
Location: Cascades Volcano Observatory
Project: Postglacial Volcanism in the Cascade Range -- Explosive eruptions at Glacier Peak, Washington and Three Sisters, Oregon

Intern: Sophia Zipparo
Field Camp: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
Mentor: Karen Lund
Location: Lakewood, Colorado
Project: Northern Rocky Mountains Transect (NRMT)