2021 NAGT/USGS Cooperative Summer Field Training Program Interns

Jennifer Battista, Southern Illinois University
Mentor: Walter Mooney
Location: Menlo Park, California
Project: Studies of earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and tsunamis
Natalea Cohen, Fort Lewis College
Mentor: Michael Poland
Location: Vancouver, Washington
Project: Geodetic monitoring of volcanoes in the western United States
Ryan Foley, University of Michigan
Mentor: Michael Toomey
Location: Reston, Virginia
Project: Reconstruction of pre-historic storm events on Lake Michigan
Craig Gabrielson, Western Washington University
Mentor: Benjamin Pauk
Location: Vancouver, Washington
Project: Mt. Rainier lahar detection system and monitoring support of Cascade Range volcanoes
Rachel Jackson, George Mason University
Mentors: James O'Connor and Ralph Haugerud
Location: Pacific Northwest
Project: Mapping the Missoula floods
Charles Kershaw, Southern Illinois University
Mentor: Richard Nunn and Lindsay Powars
Location: Denver, Colorado
Project: Implementation of International Geo Sample
Number (ISGN) unique identifiers in the NSF
Ice Core Facility (NSF-ICF) collection
Dylan Kinser, Humboldt State University
Mentor: Scott Bennett
Location: Lower Colorado River
Project: GIS bedrock geologic map compilation along
the lower Colorado river
Sarah Lapinski, Oregon State University
Mentor: Sara Peek and Shaul Hurwitz
Location: Menlo Park, California
Project: Volcano-hydrothermal systems: data compilation, water and gas sampling and temperature measurements
Haley Lind, University of Utah
Mentors: Denis LeBlanc and Timothy McCobb
Location: Northborough, Massachusetts
Project: Hydrology and water quality of Cape Cod's groundwater/surface-water system
Joshua Malone, Illinois State University
Mentor: Amy Gilmer
Location: Denver, Colorado
Project: National Geochronological Database compilation project
Hunter Martin, University of Houston
Mentor: Walter Mooney
Location: Menlo Park, California
Project: Studies of earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and tsunamis
Priscilla Martinez, California State University Fullerton
Mentor: Jessica Rodysill
Location: Reston, Virginia
Project: Natural flood and drought variability in lacustrine archives
Elizabeth Ratajczyk, University of Michigan
Mentor: Lisa Stillings
Location: Reno, Nevada
Project: Chemical and isotopic characterization of geothermal waters in the USGS/DOE GeoDawn study area, Nevada
Lauren Sankovitch, Oregon State University
Mentor: Jaime Azain
Location: Lakewood, Colorado
Project: Analytical chemistry
Ashley Suarez, Lane Community College
Mentor: Kimberlie Perkins
Location: Menlo Park, California
Project: Effects of unsaturated-zone preferential flow on water resources
Jessica Wilder, University of Oregon
Mentor: Graham Lederer
Location: Reston, Virginia
Project: Deposit models for critical mineral resource assessment