Reflections from Gary McGaughey

About the Project
I worked on an urban hydrology pilot project in Raleigh, NC with Krissy Hopkins. The project aimed to collect water quality data from small watersheds around the Triangle area with the goal of looking for correlation between water quality and sewage and septic systems. As an intern on this project I took part in data collection, working with a team to collect water samples and run field titrations. I also took part in delineating the watersheds in ArcGIS and processing the data.
Most Memorable Experience
The most memorable part of the work for me was meeting all of the scientists at the South Atlantic Water Science Center and learning about the diverse set of backgrounds that make up the center. I also enjoyed the variety of field work I got to take part in.
Career Goals
My career goals are to work as a faculty member at a research institution in the field of vertebrate paleontology.
How the program contributed
The internship exposed me to other fields that my degree can apply to and gave me experience with software that I am likely to use in the future.