NAGT Position Statements

Below you will find a list of positions that NAGT has taken on specific issues that involve the interface between science and society. These positions can be proposed by any member of NAGT and go through a rigorous process of investigation prior to being adopted by the NAGT Council.

Adopted Position Statements

  1. Teaching Evolution - 1 November, 2006
    "The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) recognizes that the scientific theory of evolution is a foundational concept of science, and therefore must also be a cornerstone of science education."
  2. Climate Change - 10 October, 2021
    "The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) recognizes: (1) that Earth's climate is changing at a rate unprecedented in human history, (2) that present warming trends are both dangerous and primarily the result of human activities, (3) that the greatest drivers of modern climate change are related to our use of energy and land, (4) that teaching climate change, energy use, and land use is a fundamental and integral part of Earth science education, and, (5) the urgency of these issues requires providing learners with skills, knowledge and vision to act immediately and effectively."
  3. Earth Sciences Education for Each K-12 Grade Band - May 2023
    "NAGT affirms the critical need for a society literate in the Earth sciences to address challenges of energy and natural resources stewardship, natural hazards preparedness and mitigation, environmental impacts of human activities (including climate change), and environmental justice and equity. In alignment with the National Research Council's K-12 Framework for Science Education, Earth sciences is an essential component of non-optional science curricula, and it should make up an equivalent percentage of the science content at each grade level. Earth sciences should be taught as required content in every K-12 grade band."
  4. The Importance of Dual Credit and Concurrent Enrollment to the Geosciences - April 2023
    Joint Statement drafted with the National Earth Science Teachers Association
    "Members of the National Association of Geoscience Teachers and National Earth Science Teachers Association advocate for strong collaborations between high schools and postsecondary institutions around concurrent and dual credit enrollment Earth and Space Science courses."
  5. The Value of Undergraduate Geoscience Courses and Programs - February 2025
    "The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) holds that geoscience skills and knowledge are indispensable for individuals and communities to address complex socioscientific issues."
  6. Responsibility to Teach Earth Sciences - February 2025
    "NAGT affirms the importance and value of academic freedom in the Earth sciences classroom. Federal and state Supreme Courts uphold that K-12 teachers may exercise the constitutional right to teach controversial subjects such as climate change and evolution. Attempts to censor or silence discussion of legitimate Earth sciences content or concepts in any educational setting are not acceptable and should be discouraged."

Other NAGT Position Statements