Initial Publication Date: February 23, 2010

Procedure for Approval of Position Statements

Procedure for Approval of NAGT Position Statements

Originally approved by NAGT Executive Committee in October 2005

Revision approved by NAGT Executive Committee on July 28, 2020

Download the Procedure for Approval of NAGT Position Statements (Acrobat (PDF) 61kB Jan19 21)

1. Any member of NAGT may propose that the Council consider a position statement on behalf of NAGT.

  • That proposal need not, at this stage, include a draft statement, but should include a brief justification that provides the context for the statement and an explanation as to how this statement aligns with NAGT's mission, including a description of intended audience and scope. The proposal should also include a short list of potential panel members to author the statement, including very brief bios on each to demonstrate there is capacity to craft a statement.
  • Such a proposal may be submitted via any officer of NAGT or the NAGT Advocacy Committee, via the committee chair.

2. The NAGT Executive Committee will determine by a majority vote (either via email or at an Executive Committee meeting) that the Council consider such a statement. The President, with the concurrence of a majority of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a committee, including recommended panelists named in the proposal and/or alternate panelists named by the Executive Committee to prepare a draft statement for the next meeting of the NAGT Council.

  • An email vote suffices only if no member of the Executive Committee objects. Should there be an objection, the drafting committee will be informed and may (1) wait until the next meeting of the Executive Committee for discussion and a vote or (2) proceed with the understanding that there is an objection the proposal may not achieve a positive vote at the next Executive Committee meeting.
  • Typically, the drafting committee will consist of at least three members in good standing of NAGT of which one member will be a member of Council and one the author of the proposal (if these are not the same person).
  • If the committee does not prepare a draft proposal within six months, the President may consider appointing a new committee or ask the Executive Committee if they wish to withdraw support for this position statement.

3. Once the drafting committee has completed their work, the draft position statement will be reviewed by the Executive Committee and, if supported by a majority, sent to members via the next NAGT Newsletter no later than eight weeks prior to the next NAGT Council meeting (held in conjunction with the GSA Annual Meeting). The draft statement may also be posted on the NAGT website.

4. All NAGT members will have an opportunity to comment on the draft position statement. The comment period will close no less than three weeks prior to the next Council meeting. Comments will be collected and shared with Council members prior to the Council meeting.

5. NAGT Council will consider the draft position statement and member comments and may approve, modify, or reject by (1) a 2/3 vote of those attending the Council meeting or (2) a 2/3 electronic vote by all members of the Council unless a single member objects to electronic voting.

  • If approved, NAGT members will be so informed via the Newsletter and the position statement will be posted on the NAGT website. The Council may recommend to the Executive Committee additional modes of distribution.
  • If Council makes substantive modifications to the draft position statement before approval, it returns the modified statement to the drafting committee for comment before approval. In such cases, Council may authorize the Executive Committee to approve the revised version on its behalf if all substantive modifications are acceptable to the drafting committee.
  • If rejected by Council, the statement would have to go back to step 1 for reconsideration.

6. A position statement, once approved, can only be altered or modified for cause by a 2/3 vote of NAGT Council.

Process for Expiration and Revision of Position Statements

7. Each position statement shall include an expiration date of five (5) years, based on the recommendation of the authoring panel and similarly approved by the Executive Committee. Among other factors, the expiration data should take into consideration the timeliness of new scientific data supporting the position and the expected pace of policy change related to the topic.

8. Position statements shall be reviewed at least six (6) months prior to their expiration by an ad hoc subcommittee of the NAGT Advocacy Committee to determine if the statement should: (a) lapse, (b) be renewed with no changes, (c) be renewed with minor additions, deletions, and/or edits, or (d) be renewed with major revisions. The NAGT Advocacy Committee shall have discretion in determining what edits constitute major versus minor changes in making a recommendation to the Executive Committee.

  • If the NAGT Advocacy Committee recommends lapse, renewal, or renewal with minor edits, the Executive Committee may approve the recommendation by majority vote.
  • If the committee recommends a major revision and the Executive Committee approves, the Executive Committee shall appoint a panel to revise the statement. The panel should include 2-3 members, including one or more of the original drafters if possible, as well as new panel members recommended by the NAGT Advocacy Committee and Executive Committee.
  • After assembly of the panel, major revisions of existing position statements shall follow the same process as new positions statements, beginning with step 3 above.

Procedure for Endorsement of non-NAGT Position Statements

Approved by NAGT Executive Committee on January 7, 2022

Download the NAGT Procedure for Endorsement on non-NAGT Postion Statements (Acrobat (PDF) 92kB Jan19 22)

1) Any member of NAGT may propose that the Council consider endorsing the position statement of another organization on behalf of NAGT.

  • The proposal for endorsement shall include a copy of the said organization's existing position statement with evidence of in-effect status, as well a brief justification and rationale for endorsement that provides the context for the statement, an explanation as to how this statement aligns with NAGT's mission, and explanation of why the topic warrants endorsement of an existing position statement. The proposal may include a short list of potential panel members to evaluate the statement, including very brief bios on each to demonstrate there is capacity to evaluate the statement.
  • Such a proposal may be submitted via any officer of NAGT or any member of the NAGT Advocacy Committee, via the Advocacy Committee chair.

2) The NAGT Advocacy Committee will determine by a majority vote (either via email or at an Advocacy Committee meeting) that the Executive Committee consider such an endorsement.

3) The NAGT Executive Committee will determine by a majority vote (either via email or at an Executive Committee meeting) that the Council consider such an endorsement.

  • An email vote suffices only if no member of the Executive Committee objects. Should there be an objection, the Executive Committee will discuss and vote at the next Executive Committee meeting.
  • If deemed necessary, the President may appoint a review committee, consisting of at least three members in good standing of NAGT of which one member will be a member of Council, to review the statement prior to the next meeting of the NAGT Council.

4) If supported by a majority of the Executive Committee, the proposal for endorsement (consisting of the statement, brief justification, and rationale) will be sent to members via the next NAGT Newsletter for a four-week comment period. The proposal may also be posted on the NAGT website.

5) All NAGT members will have an opportunity to comment on the proposal for endorsement via email to the Executive Director. After comments are closed, they will be shared with the members of the NAGT Council.

6) NAGT Council will consider the proposal for endorsement and member comments and may approved by (1) a 2/3 vote of those attending the Council meeting or (2) a 2/3 electronic vote by all members of the Council.

7) If approved, NAGT members will be so informed via the Newsletter and the endorsed position statement will be posted on the NAGT website. The Council may recommend to the Executive Committee additional modes of distribution.

Process for Periodic Review of Endorsed Position Statements

8) Each endorsed statement shall be reviewed by the Advocacy Committee at least every five years to determine if endorsement should continue. Among other factors, the review should take into consideration the timeliness of new scientific data supporting the position, emergence of relevant ethical or cultural concern, and the expected pace of policy change related to the topic. The NAGT Advocacy Committee recommendation will be submitted to the Executive Committee which may approve or deny the recommendation by majority vote.

9) If updated by the sponsoring organization, an endorsed statement shall be examined by the Advocacy Committee to determine if it has been substantially changed.  If so, continued endorsement will require a 2/3 vote of NAGT Council.