2023 Earth Educators' Rendezvous: Hello from Pasadena!
A great week at the ninth annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous is almost over, but there is still time to participate! If you are in the area, you can still register for the Rendezvous onsite or online. NAGT members receive $100 off registration.
Also, don't forget to save the date for the 2024 Rendezvous in Philadelphia, PA, July 15-19, 2024, with local hosts Alexandra Davatzes and Tim Shipley and co-conveners Andrea Bair and Barbra Sobhani!
Dues News
Starting in 2024, dues for regular members will increase by $10 to $85 per year. Dues for K-12 educators, adjunct faculty, retired members, and students will not change. You can lock in the current rate by renewing before September 1. Renew and encourage others to join today!
NAGT at GSA 2023
NAGT is sponsoring a variety of symposia and sessions at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America held in Pittsburgh, PA, from October 15-18, 2023.
- View NAGT-sponsored sessions
- Submit your abstracts by July 25
- Register for GSA's Annual Meeting
- Not a GSA member, but interested in attending the Annual Meeting? NAGT members receive a discount! (Note, GSA members receive the best rate, so if you are a GSA member, please register as such.)
To take advantage of this discount for non-GSA members, register for the meeting, and log into your NAGT account when completing the Non-member Questionnaire. In the My Affiliations Screen (a few screens into the questionnaire), select NAGT as the GSA-Associated Society to receive your registration discount.
- Not a GSA member, but interested in attending the Annual Meeting? NAGT members receive a discount! (Note, GSA members receive the best rate, so if you are a GSA member, please register as such.)
NAGT at the AGU Fall Meeting 2023
NAGT is sponsoring a variety of geoscience education sessions and activities planned for the Fall 2023 AGU meeting, held in San Francisco, CA, and online from December 11-15, 2023. The meeting theme this year is Wide.Open.Science. Submit an abstract by August 2 for this year's meeting.
Learn more on the AGU Fall Meeting web page.
Upcoming Journal of Geoscience Education special issue
The Journal of Geoscience Education has published a special issue, In our VOICES, check out the editorial, available now, and look for the full issue on the Taylor and Francis website soon.
The Journal of Geoscience Education is always looking for submissions related to learning and teaching in geoscience and related domains.
Apply for the AGU Bridge Program as a Partner Institution by 1 October
Applications are now open to partner with the AGU Bridge Program, which works with graduate geoscience departments across the U.S. to promote equitable practices in graduate education and to recruit and retain students from historically marginalized groups.
As a Partner department in the AGU Bridge Program, you will have:
- Access to resources for improving your department's equity practices and a connection to a community of peer departments.
- Access to the AGU Bridge Program student applicant database.
- Recognition by AGU of your department's commitment to diversity and inclusion in the Earth and space sciences.
- Recommendation of your department's educational environment to prospective AGU Bridge Program students.
You are invited to apply on behalf of your graduate department on the AGU Bridge Program website. Click on the "Partner Benefits & Applications" tab to get started. The deadline for partner applications is 11:59 p.m. ET on 20 September 2023.

Congratulate our NAGT members who were elected to GSA Fellowship in 2023!
NAGT members Tom Hickson, Yvette Kuiper, Ben Laabs, Elizabeth McClellan, and Jen Wenner were among those elected to GSA Fellowship in 2023. You can read what their nominators said about them on the GSA Fellows website.
Do you have good news related to your geoscience education work that you would like to share with the NAGT community? Submit it to NAGT's Community Kudos!

Earth Educators' Rendezvous
Join us for the ninth annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous, taking place this week! The Rendezvous brings together researchers and practitioners working in all aspects of undergraduate Earth education, including a mix of college faculty, graduate students, and K-12 teachers from all disciplines who are interested in improving their teaching about Earth.
Date: July 10-14, 2023, Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA
GEO2YC Division
2YC Faculty Change Agents Publish Volume
A group of Geo2YC division members published a New Directions in Community Colleges volume titled Equity-Driven and Social Justice-Oriented Leadership. The included chapters, highlight their work on equity driven and social justice-oriented leadership in community colleges. Check out the volume for innovative inspiration on the collective power of faculty to bring about change in classrooms, through programs, and across institutions!
Nominate an Outstanding Adjunct 2YC Faculty today!
The Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award (OAFA) is an opportunity to showcase the efforts of you or one of your adjunct colleagues who is doing great work in geoscience education. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis. See the information page for more details about the award.
Geoscience Education Research (GER) Division
Division Seeks New Media Director
The NAGT-GER Division is seeking a member to fill the role of Media Director on the Division leadership team. This is a 1-year appointment beginning in October 2023.There is the possibility of extension for a 3-year term when Division elections are next held, in June 2024. If you are interested in this position or would like more information, please email NAGT-GER Division President Emily Scribner (escribn@clemson.edu).
Teacher Education (TED) Division
Post to the TED Division Facebook Page
Members are invited to post time-critical information on the TED Division Facebook page.

AGU '23 International Geoscience Education Session
Members of the International Union of Geological Sciences Commission on Geoscience Education (IUGS-COGE) and the International Geoscience Education Organization (IGEO) invite researchers to submit abstracts to the AGU 2023 Fall Meeting Scientific Session on Education titled ED029: International Geoscience Education: Formal and Informal Efforts, Organizations, and Future Directions. We invite presentations on international geoscience education and encourage in-person and remote/digital, permanent and transient, and formal and informal projects. These may include "Broader Impacts" components of National Science Foundation grant proposals or similar frameworks from other funding institutions, surveys on geoeducation, new media (e.g., blogs and podcasts) and social media projects that innovatively disseminate geoscience information to global audiences. Learn more about and submit an abstract to this session via this link. If you have questions, please contact Scott Miller at scottrimiller@gmail.com
Apply for a fixed-term (9 months) Academic Specialist-Teaching position, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences at Michigan State University
Apply to be a Physical Geography Lecturer at Auburn University
Apply to be an Assistant Professor of Geology at University Arkansas Little Rock
Apply to be an Assistant Professor of Geology at University Arkansas Little Rock
Available Samples
- Large collection of rocks, minerals and fossils from the US
- Petrology Samples
- Ophiolite, Tertiary sedimentary, misc. metamorphic
Desired Specimens
- Precambrian chert. Stromatolites.
- #50States50Rocks
- Samples of Various Rocks
- Deformation Microstructures