Errors with the name and title of a newly elected officer have been corrected below.
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NAGT Election Results
NAGT will welcome its newest elected officers at the 2022 GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, from October 9-12, 2022. Congratulations to all the newly elected officers and thank you for your time and commitment to NAGT!
National Officers:
- Second Vice President: Rory McFadden
- Councilor-at-Large: Lynsey E. LeMay
- Councilor-at -Large: Michael Hubenthal
- Councilor-at-Large (1 Year Term): Ryan Hollister
TED Officers:
- President: Christopher Roemmele
- Vice President: Bridget Mulvey
- Past President: George Bartuska
- Secretary-Treasurer: Wendi Williams
- Media Director: Katina White
GER Officers:
- Past President: Leilani Arthurs
- President: Emily Scribner
- Vice President: Chris Mead
- Treasurer: Samuel Cornelius Nyarko
Geo2YC Officers:
- Vice President: Cheryl Resnick
- Secretary/Treasurer: Angela Daneshmand
Join the NAGT Development Committee
Do you want to help NAGT continue to offer successful and accessible programs? NAGT is seeking nominations for individuals who would like to serve on the Development Committee.This committee oversees and implements fundraising strategies to support NAGT's programs, scholarships and stipends, new initiatives, and general financial health. The Development Committee meets monthly and reports to the NAGT Executive Committee.
Self-nominations are encouraged.Nominate by September 12, 2022.
Rendezvous 2022 Recap
Thank you to everyone who attended the 8th annual Earth Educators' Rendezvous! We hope the event provided you with inspirational teaching ideas and creative ways to continue to build our community.
Sign up to receive updates about Rendezvous 2023!
Submit Article Suggestions to In the Trenches
Are you doing something creative, innovative, or inspiring in your geoscience teaching? In the Trenches (ITT) would like to spread the word! ITT articles are short (2500 words or so) pieces that describe what you're doing and how others can try your techniques. Submit ITT article suggestions here.
Our January 2023 issue of ITT will focus on using art to teach!

NAGT at GSA 2022
NAGT is pleased to sponsor a variety of symposia and sessions at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America held in Denver, Colorado, from October 9-12, 2022. The NAGT, GSA GED, and CUR Joint Awards Luncheon will be happening in person this year at GSA! We are excited to celebrate awardees and their accomplishments. Award luncheon tickets are available for purchase when registering for GSA.
The Annual NAGT Council and Business Meeting, typically held during GSA, will be held online this year. Stay tuned for more details.
NAGT at the AGU Fall Meeting 2022
NAGT is pleased to sponsor a variety of geoscience education sessions and activities planned for the Fall 2022 AGU meeting, held in Chicago, IL, and online from December 12-16, 2022. The meeting theme this year is Science Leads The Future.
Learn more on the AGU Information page.
Apply to the Fall 2022 Project EDDIE Faculty Mentoring Network
Are you looking to teach scientific concepts using data exploration and open inquiry? Are you interested in teaching quantitative reasoning in your classroom? Project EDDIE is excited to offer a suite of teaching modules that span the disciplines of biology, geology, climatology, oceanography, ecology, and sustainability.
Join the Fall 2022 Project EDDIE Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN), with the support of QUBES/BioQuest. This FMN will bring together instructors interested in implementing Project EDDIE teaching modules that address scientific concepts and quantitative reasoning using publicly available data. Project EDDIE modules address scientific topics spanning environmental disciplines with a flexible structure to fit all teaching situations. This Fall, the FMN will be working with six modules featuring sustainability and climate solutions that can be used in introductory ecology, biology, geology, sustainability, and climate change courses:
- Sustainability Metrics
- Green Infrastructure/Green Roofs
- Prairie Eco Services
- Paleoclimate & Ocean Biogeochemistry
- Phenology Trends & Climate Change in Minnesota
- Assessing the Risk of Invasive Species Using Community Science Data
Participants will focus on learning to adapt and implement one of the Project EDDIE modules above in their undergraduate courses by participating in bi-weekly virtual sessions throughout the semester (late Sept-December), including collaboration with and supporting others in the network and receiving mentoring. Participants will leave the FMN with experience using the modules available for implementation in multiple classroom settings, access to a network of peers, and an instructor story to share their experience about adapting and implementing a Project EDDIE module in their classroom.
The application deadline is September 1, 2022.
Apply for the AGU Bridge Program as a Partner Institution by 1 October
Applications are now open to partner with the AGU Bridge Program, which works with graduate geoscience departments across the U.S. to promote equitable practices in graduate education and to recruit and retain students from historically marginalized groups.
As a Partner department in the AGU Bridge Program, you will have:
- Access to resources for improving your department's equity practices and a connection to a community of peer departments.
- Access to the AGU Bridge Program student applicant database.
- Recognition by AGU of your department's commitment to diversity and inclusion in the Earth and space sciences.
- Recommendation of your department's educational environment to prospective AGU Bridge Program students.
You are invited to apply on behalf of your graduate department on our AGU Bridge Program website. Click on the "Partner Benefits & Applications" tab to get started. The deadline for partner applications is 11:59 p.m. ET on 1 October 2022.
Apply for a Traveling Workshop: Customized programming to strengthen your department or courses
The NAGT Traveling Workshops Program (TWP) brings national leaders in geoscience education to your campus or regional event to help you and your colleagues with strategic planning. Designed for departments, institutions, or groups of institutions with shared interests, TWP offers workshops on strengthening geoscience departments, fostering collaboration in the development of cross-campus environmental and sustainability programs, developing strategies for supporting the success of all students, and more. Apply to bring facilitators to you for a Spring/Summer 2023 workshop by October 15, 2022.
Apply for a Traveling Workshop

Congratulations to the June 2022 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award Winners!
NAGT recognizes outstanding teaching assistants in geoscience education with up to 30 awards annually. Both undergraduate and graduate teaching assistants are eligible for the award. Check out the June 2022 award winners!
Do you have good news related to your geoscience education work that you would like to share with the NAGT community? Submit it to NAGT's Community Kudos!

MATLAB Workshop: Teaching Computation Online with MATLAB - California
MathWorks California Team
Lisa Kempler, MathWorks Sponsor
Date: November 6-8, 2022
*specifically designed for California-based educators
Application deadline is September 1, 2022.
GETSI Short Course @ GSA: Teaching SfM and GNSS/GPS Methods to Undergraduates in the Field
Benjamin Crosby, Idaho State University
Bruce Douglas, Indiana University
Beth Pratt-Sitaula, UNAVCO
Dates: October 7-8, 2022
Location: Denver, CO (in conjunction with the annual GSA meeting)
Registerthrough GSA. Apply for travel support through GETSI.
IRIS Consortium for GSA Short Course #535: 'Using Geophysics to Address Societally Relevant, Urban and Environmental Real-World Questions in Introductory-Level Geoscience Courses'
Instructors: Andrew Parsekian; Sarah Kruse; Carol Ormand; and John Taber
Join us at the Geological Society of America Meeting on Saturday, October 8th, for a half day workshop on implementing IGUaNA (Introducing Geophysics for Urban and Near-surface Applications) modules in your undergraduate classroom. The cost is $10/person and registration is via the GSA meeting registration page.
Dates: October 8, 2022
Location: Denver, CO (in conjunction with the annual GSA meeting)
GEO2YC Division
Nominate an Outstanding Adjunct 2YC Faculty today!
The Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award (OAFA) is an opportunity to showcase the efforts of you or one of your adjunct colleagues who is doing great work in geoscience education. Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis. See the information page for more details about the award.
Teacher Education (TED) Division
Post to the TED Division Facebook Page
Members are invited to post time-critical information on the TED Division Facebook page.
EAPS Visiting Assistant Professor - Purdue University
Available Samples
- Donation of 1500 geological and fossil geolocated samples
- Ophiolite, Tertiary sedimentary, misc metamorphic