Web Resources
Geo2YC Division Fireside Chat highlights
These resource lists were generated from links shared by community members who participated in the Fireside Zoom sessions - these are items shared in the Zoom chat.
- OER Share-A-Thon (November 2024) (Acrobat (PDF) 62kB Dec18 24)
- Virtual samples and field trips (January 2025) (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 13kB Feb24 25)
- AI resources (February 2025) (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 14kB Feb25 25)
Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) 2YC Pod
The Unlearning Racism in Geoscience (URGE) program brought together 276 groups, or pods, of geoscience faculty review and discuss expert interviews and literature in an effort to deepen their knowledge of the effects of racism on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) students and faculty. A pod of 12 individuals comprised primarily of 2YC geoscientists developed a resource document including both suggestions for faculty to apply their own classrooms, and information to share with departmental and institutional administrators.
Supporting and Advancing Geoscience Education at Two-Year Colleges (SAGE 2YC) project
This multi-year project focused on bringing high-impact teaching strategies to introductory geoscience classrooms, broadening participation in the geosciences, and streamlining the process to encourage students into the geoscience workforce. Look at how Change Agent Teams from around the country made effective changes to their classrooms, institutions, and professional networks.
The Role of Two-Year Colleges in Geoscience Education and in Broadening Participation in the Geosciences
This project brought together 2YC faculty from across the country for a planning workshop in 2010 to discuss issues facing them and to propose strategies and mechanisms to strengthen the 2YC geoscience education community. The website hosts essays on the state of 2YC education, teaching activities, and course descriptions submitted by 2YC faculty as well as several discussion and networking venues.
AGU Unique Research Experiences for two-year College faculty and Students
This project brought together 2YC and 4YC faculty from across the country to discuss how to implement undergraduate research at the 2YC's. These are helpful resources to get started based on the discussions from this workshop.
AGU/AGI Heads and Chairs Webinars
Upcoming and recorded webinars related to geoscience workforce issues, program management, geo-ethics, and more. Though intended for program heads and chairs, these webinars have content valuable to any of us who teach geoscience.
On the Cutting Edge Faculty Professional Development Series
Over its decade of work, this NAGT-sponsored program has developed resources on topics of interest to 2YC faculty including: teaching introductory courses, the affective domain, teaching with data, metacognition, online courses, teaching about hazards, and many others. There are also extensive collections of teaching activities and visualizations. In addition, the program continues to hold face-to-face and virtual professional development workshops and webinars that are accessible to 2YC faculty and can help them feel less isolated.
Starting Point: Teaching Introductory Geoscience
This website is specifically aimed at all those teaching introductory classes, including two-year college faculty. This website includes information about a variety of teaching strategies (e.g., lecture tutorials, service learning, just-in-time teaching) and a set of geoscience teaching examples. This is valuable for faculty interested in new approaches to teaching or who want to see examples of activities they can adopt or adapt.
Two-Year College Outreach Across the Disciplines
This interdisciplinary project summarizes best practices in nine disciplines, including the geosciences. At a 2011 workshop, sponsored by Economics at Community Colleges, faculty compared notes on what has worked and what hasn't in terms of strengthening disciplinary and interdisciplinary education at 2YCs.
Teach the Earth SiteGuide: Two-Year College Faculty
This SiteGuide from the Teach the Earth portal provides links to many different collections of resources and teaching materials of particular interest to 2YC faculty from across all of the projects that disseminate their work through the portal.
Strategic Programs for Innovation in Undergraduate Physics at Two-Year Colleges (SPIN-UP/TYC)
SPIN-UP/TYC is a project to find exemplary physics programs at two-year colleges from which a large number of minorities and women enter science, technology, engineering or math programs at a four-year college or university. SPIN-UP/TYC also is documenting programs that encourage students to elect teacher preparation programs at four-year colleges or universities.
Geoscience in Two-Year Colleges
This website provides faculty and students with information about geoscience education at two-year colleges. Faculty can learn about teaching materials, find information about workforce development and geoscience careers, and learn about professional development opportunities. Students can find out about scholarships and educational opportunities.
Geo2YC Position Statement: Field-based education should be an integral part of geoscience curriculum at two-year colleges (Acrobat (PDF) 72kB Sep26 19)
NAGT Documents
- Prepared by: Eric Riggs, Purdue University; Heather Houlton, Purdue University; Frank Granshaw, Portland Community College: This is a summary report from focus groups held at Portland Community College in conjunction with the 2009 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Twenty-five community college educators from around the country gathered with university professors and representatives from the National Science Foundation Geoscience Directorate to participate in two concurrent, moderated focus groups.