Wasatch-Uinta Applied Digital Geosciences

Hosted by: University of Illinois

May 17, 2022 - June 12, 2022



Modern geology careers require a working knowledge of digital technology and techniques, from pre-fieldwork planning to digital data collection to mapping in GIS programs. These skills are typically not the focus of a field-based geology field camp nor are they commonly the focus of on-line versions of field camps. Our course in applied digital field methods provides students with opportunities to develop important skills and expertise in these techniques. This course is among the first ADA accessible geoscience capstones in the US, and provides a capstone experience for both students requiring accommodations and non-traditional geology students. This course also provides valuable expertise for traditional geology students seeking additional coursework.



Application Deadline



Tuition - $1248
Other course fees - campus fees = $678

Other Important Information

This course can be repeated in two successive summers to accumulate 6 credit hours of capstone geoscience credit (a.k.a. field camp). No prior experience with GIS applications is required.

Contact Info

For more information, contact Prof. Michael Stewart (stewart1@illinois.edu) or Prof. Kurtis Burmeister (k.burmeister@csus.edu)