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Theme: Teach the Earth
Virtual Geology Field Trips: Bringing the Story of Rock Outcrops to Today's Classroom
Why use this website?
Many teachers would love to take their Earth Science students into the field but can't because the nearest rock formation is hours away, time is lacking, or funding is tight. Now you can take these trips by using this free and innovative Geology website.
This still evolving website is a labor of love from a Ph.D. Geoscience teacher with over 35 years of teaching experience at both the high school and college levels who wanted to use his personal journey across the U.S. and Canada to bring outstanding outcrops to the classroom. More
Welcome to 2025!
Welcome to 2025! I hope everyone had a great holiday break. (Hopefully you got a break!)
I'm extremely happy to introduce the new format for ITT. ITT's first publication was in 2011 as a way to provide additional resources to earth educators. Members received a printed magazine quarterly. This was very successful, but there was a limit to how much information could be published. ITT then transitioned to a fully online publication in 2022. The online magazine format accommodated more articles, larger articles, and more pictures. We have taken the evolution of ITT one step further in 2025. More